Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.
Category: Writing Conventions
Your search found 65 citations.
1. [various]. (1988). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Sixth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April, 1988]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 08, 4-33.
Keywords: testing, K-12, mode, portfolio, WAC, rising-junior [Governors State University], revamping, exit-exam [Ball State University], proficiency, rising-junior [University of Massachusetts], WAC, program, campus-wide, universal, literacy, validity, direct, reliability, scale stability, rater-training, holistic, discrepant-essay, primary-trait, placement, rhetorical, rater-training, video, program-program-validation, longitudinal, growth, regression, mode, rhetorical-task, pedagogy, reader-response, holistic, self-assessment, computer, style-checker, legal, national, international, Written Composition Study [International Association for Educational Achievement], criteria, contrastive, topic, classroom-research, computer-analysis, feature
2. [various]. (1986). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Fourth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April, 1986]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 06, 3-25.
Keywords: testing, measurement, portfolio, reading, language-proficiency, placement, assessment, instrument, purpose, topic, holistic, revising, drafting, validity, administering, cost, data-analysis, minimum competency, competency, WAC, curriculum, peer-evaluation, self-assessment, K-12, CBest [teacher-certification, Oregon], school, computer, pre-writing software, WANDAH [Writer's Aid and Author's Helper], style-checker, EECAP [Early English Composition Assessment Program, Ohio], computer-analysis
3. Alderman, M. Kay; R. Klein; S. K. Seeley; M. Sanders. (1993). Metacognitive self-portraits: Preservice teachers as learners. Reading Research and Instruction 32.2, 38-54.
Keywords: journal-writing, learning-log, content-analysis, pre-service, education-course, WAC, strategy, data, learning-style, profiling, metacognition, self-portrait, self-knowledge
4. Allen, George J. (1984). Using a personalized system of instruction to improve the writing skills of undergraduates. Teaching of Psychology 11.2, 95-98.
Keywords: psychology-course, write-to-learn, WAC, style, clarity, drop-out, persistence, paper-load, improvement, undergraduate
5. Anonymous. (1961). Workshop reports of the 1961 Conference on College Composition and Communication. College Composition and Communication 12.3, 130-192.
Keywords: government, two-year, comskills, reading, FYC, paperbacks, textbooks, linguistics, training, articulation, honors, Rutgers, basic, ESL, WPA, techcom, placement, testing, standards, grammar, usage, rhetoric, term-paper, CAI, WAC, government, research
6. Anonymous. (1960). Workshop reports of the 1960 Conference on College Composition and Ccommunication. College Composition and Communication 11.3, 129-181.
Keywords: research, linguistics, media, comskills, WAC, pedagogy, personal, articulation, textbooks, techcom, communication, speech, grammar, semantics, two-year, training, large-university, WPA, honors, industry
7. Anonymous. (1955). Workshop and Panel-Discussion Reports of the 1955 Conference On College Composition and Communication. College Composition and Communication 06.3, 123-179.
Keywords: FYC, newspaper, pedagogy, wcenter, read-write, training, honors, basic, ESL, reading, citation, advanced, deterioration, WAC, articulation, listening, creativity, examination, techcom, WPA, comskills, spelling, program, grammar, major,
8. Bizzell, Patricia; Royce Singleton, Jr. (1988). What can we do about essay exams?. Teaching Sociology 16.2, 177-179.
Keywords: sociology-course, WAC, essay-exam, pedagogy, evaluation, criteria, style-content
9. Brown, Betsy E. (1982). Current trends in teaching written composition. Communication Quarterly 30.4, 296-303.
Keywords: pedagogy, history, process, rhetorical, invention, style, arrangement, WAC, problem-solving, pedagogy, resourcess, trend
10. Brown, Peggy Ann. (1984). Additional programs. The Forum for Liberal Education 07.1, 12-18.
Keywords: program, survey, Albright College, intensive, University of Chicago, style, Eastern Oregon State College, rising-junior, assessment, Kalamazoo University, Moravian College, Orange Coast College, interdisciplinary, Pima College, WAC, lay-reader; St. Mary's College, intensive, Southeastern Massachusetts University, gen-ed, University of Wisconsin, student-motivation, wcenter
11. Bunting, Ann. (1994). Writing to fluency: Stylistic variations across disciplines [doctoral thesis]. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida.
Keywords: interdisciplinary , fluency, WAC, pedagogy, Elaine Maimon, Art Young, Charles Bazerman, Toby Fulwiler, style, variation
12. Bushman, Donald; Elizabeth Ervin. (1995). Rhetorical contexts of grammar: Some views from writing-emphasis course instructors. In Hunter, Susan; Ray Wallace (Eds.), The place of grammar in writing instruction: Past, present, future; Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook (pp. 136-158).
Keywords: grammar, WAC, intensive, grammar
13. Bushman, John H. (1984). The teaching of writing: A practical program to the composing process that works. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Keywords: school, program, process, pre-writing, focused, revising, classroom, pedagogy, peer-evaluation, commenting, group, journal, grading, lay-reader, analytic-holistic, general impression, grammar, curriculum, sequence, development, emotion, computer, WAC, process
14. Cornacchia, Eugene J. (1989). Write on! Strategies for the overburdened instructor. Political Science Teacher 02.3, 15-16.
Keywords: political-science-course, WAC, paper-load, journal-writing, precis-writing, memorandum-writing, position-essay, profile-writing, content-style
15. Dowdey, Diane. (1992). Citation and documentation across the curriculum. In Secor, Marie; Davida Charney (Eds.), Constructing rhetorical education; Carbondale, Edwardsville, IL: Southern Illinois University Press (pp. 330-351).
Keywords: WAC, disciplinary, style, citation, documentation, convention
16. Eisenhart, Christopher. (2006). The humanist scholar as public expert. Written Communication 23.2, 150-172.
Keywords: scholar-as-writer, case-study, discourse-analysis, public, expertise, rhetorical, Waco conflict, debate, content-analysis, style-analysis, mixed-genre, argumentation, kairos, narrative, hybridity, interdisciplinary, extra-disciplinary, 'understanding', topic
17. Flower, Linda & Heath , Shirley Brice. (2000). Drawing on the Local: Collaboration and Community Expertise.
Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 4(3), 43-55.
Annotation: A short history of community/university collaboration is buried in the phrase .service learning.. In the grammar of its implied narrative, the agent, actor, and source of expertise--the server--is the academy not the community. And the act of learning is more often a personal reflection by students on a broadening experience than it is a public act of shared knowledge making. But what if we attempted to turn the tables: to transform service into a collaboration with communities and learning into a problem-driven practice of mutual inquiry and literate action? And what would it take to do so? Our reflection on this issue comes in part from watching these questions come to life in an unusual forum--a community problem-solving dialogue with 180 stakeholders, including leaders in the urban community, leaders and staff from city youth organizations, and university faculty and students.
Keywords: WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, collaboration, community service, service-learning, academy-community, academy-public, expertise
18. Franklin, Sharon (Ed.). (1988). Making the literature, writing, word processing connection: The best of The Writing Notebook. 2nd edition. Mendocino, CA: The Writing Notebook [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 312 644].
Keywords: pedagogy, word-processing, school, style-checker, keyboard, software, cooperative learning, process, retraining, student publishing, student anthology, WAC, syllabus, module, pen-pal, computer-analysis, the Writing Notebook, word-processing
19. Fulwiler, Toby. (1989). Writing workshops and the mechanics of change. Writing Program Administration 12.3, 7-20.
Keywords: WAC, faculty-workshop, faculty-growth
20. Goldbort, Robert Charles. (1989). Scientific writing and the college curriculum [doctoral thesis]. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Keywords: science-writing, WAC, curriculum, plain style, plain English, history, pedagogy
21. Gordon, Douglas K.; Judith D. Mercier. (1996). Attributional style and the freshman writer. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 397 444.
Keywords: pre-post, data, gain, quality, FYC, Martin Seligman, depression, psychology, personality style, Attributional Style Questionnaire, self-efficacy, hopefulness, predictive, causal attribution, style
22. Halpern, Sheldon; Elmer Spreitzer; Stuart Givens. (1978). Who can evaluate writing?. College Composition and Communication 29.4, 396-397.
Annotation: The authors compare essay evaluation by English and non-English faculty. Ten three-person teams were formed of faculty outside of English--in business, education, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. The teams rated exit essays from the 1977 winter quarter of first-year composition. The final decision of "pass" or "fail" went with the majority. The teams agreed with English faculty raters ninety-one percent of the time on passing papers, forty percent of the time on failing papers. The difference in the second seemed to be that non-English faculty were more willing to pass papers weak in mechanics but strong in content. The rating teams also rated the papers on a 9-point scale for two analytical criteria, "handling of information" and "handling of language." Results were mixed, but the non-English faculty seemed more willing to fail a paper on handling of information than did the English faculty. The authors conclude that the general faculty tended to give more weight to information than did the English faculty, and were "more tolerant of perceived language weaknesses in papers which they found relstively strong in content" (p. 397). Despite these differences, the authors finally deem that "the general faculty seem to be capable of making valid holistic judgments about the quality of student prose" (p. 397). RHH [Rich Haswell & Norbert Elliot, Holistic Scoring of Written Discourse to 1985, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 27]
Keywords: academic, English-nonEnglish, content-language, evaluation, assessment, commenting, holistic, content, reliability, proficiency, leniency, MX, teacher-rater, interrater-reliability, disciplinarity, not-English, WAC, faculty, data
23. Hansen, Kristine. (1987). Relationships between expert and novice performance in disciplinary writing and reading. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 283 220.
Keywords: WAC, multidisciplinary, novice-expert, discourse-community, FYC, convention, invention, arrangement, style, academic, sociological, evaluation, teacher-rater, cross-disciplinary, ranking, data, correlation
24. Harris, Barbara; Jan Newhouse. (1992). Meyers-Briggs and learning and writing styles. In Mahony, Elizabeth M. (Ed.); Saint Louis Community College at Meramec [Missouri]; Building community from diversity: Connecting students to their learning environments. An anthology of classroom projects undertaken for the Kellogg Beacon Grant: Final report; ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 349 064 (pp. 53-64).
Keywords: write-to-learn, WAC, learning-style, style, Myers-Briggs, two-year, style
25. Harris, John S.; Reed H. Blake,. (1976). Technical writing for social scientists. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 117 725.
Keywords: social-science-writing, guidelines, WAC, technical-communication, jargon, workplace, planning, sentence, paragraph, punctuation, hypothesis-formulation, proposal-writing, data-arrangement, outline, style, scientist, social