Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.
Category: Writing Fellows Programs
Your search found 12 citations.
1. Halasz, Judith, Brincker, Maria, Gambs, Deborah, Geraci, Denise, Queeley, Andrea, & Solovyova, Sophia. (2006). Making It Your Own: Writing Fellows Re-evaluate Faculty "Resistance".
Across the Disciplines, 3(2), 1-13.
Annotation: Drawing on research and experience as doctoral Writing Fellows in the Borough of Manhattan Community College WAC Program, the authors explore faculty resistance through the lens of institutional, disciplinary, departmental, and personal constraints. The authors suggest that, if we listen and respond to faculty concerns, they become means to facilitate faculty engagement with and ownership of WAC. (Published August 24, 2006) [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, WID, fellows, data, resistance
2. Hall, Emily & Hughes, Bradley. (2011). Preparing Faculty, Professionalizing Fellows: Keys to Success with Undergraduate Writing Fellows in WAC.
The WAC Journal, 22(1), 21-40.
Keywords: teaching fellow, WAC, professionalization, advising, teacher-student, University of Wisconsin, program, history, guidelines
3. Haring-Smith, Tori. (1992). Changing students' attitudes: Writing fellows programs. In McLeod, Susan H.; Margot Soven (Eds.), Writing across the curriculum: A guide to developing programs; Newbury Park, CA: Sage [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 350 622] (pp. 175-188).
Annotation: A landmark article on Brown's WF program. Available now at Academic.Writing Landmark Publications in Writing Studies. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, program, change, Brown University, tutoring, peer, teaching fellow
4. Hughes, Brad; Emily B.Hall. (2008). Guest editors' introduction [to a special issue on Rewriting across the curriculum: Writing fellows as agents of change in WAC.
Across the Disciplines 05.
Keywords: teaching fellow, WAC, program, history, guest-editorial
5. Leahy, Richard. (1999). When a writing center undertakes a writing fellows program. In Barnett, Robert W.; Jacob S. Blummer; Writing centers and writing across the curriculum programs; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (pp. 71-88).
Keywords: WAC, wcenter, organizational
6. Leahy, Richard. (1999). When a writing center undertakes a writing fellows program. In Barnett, Robert W.; Jacob S. Blumner (Eds.), Writing centers and writing across the curriculum programs: Building interdisciplinary partnerships; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (pp. 71-89).
Keywords: WAC, wcenter, interdisciplinary, peer-evaluation, teaching-fellow, program, implementation
7. Margot, Soven. (2001). Curriculum-based peer tutors and WAC. In McLeod, Susan H.; Eric Miraglia; Margot Soven; Christopher Thaiss (Eds.), WAC for the new millennium: Strategies for continuing writing-across-the-curriculum programs; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English (pp. 200-232).
Annotation: Chapter includes samples of LaSalle's ""Program Fact Sheet,"" forms for faculty nominations, fellow-faculty agreement, letter to potential writing fellows, and program evaluation reports. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: LaSalle University, peer-tutor, tutor-training, WAC, fact-sheet, teaching fellow, materials, documentation, sample, tutoring
Annotation: This article examines the potential role of peer tutors and writing fellows in higher education in the United Kingdom. It argues that scepticism surrounding the use of peer tutors in writing is unfounded. In fact, the disciplinary nature of UK Higher Education suggests that undergraduate peer tutors and writing fellows may have an important role in helping other students to develop academic literacies and in promoting Writing-in-the-Disciplines initiatives among academic staff. It looks at recent initiatives in this area at London Metropolitan University
Keywords: teaching fellow, Britain, peer-tutor, United Kingdom, academic, literacy, WAC, WID, London Metropolitan University
Annotation: Drawing on bibliographies compiled by John Lauckner and Brad Hughes and Emily Hall and expanded by Jill Reglin, this list includes the most recent articles (as of May 2011) on writing fellows programs and writing centers with robust writing fellows programs.
Keywords: writing fellows, writing fellow, WAC, WiD, writing across the curriculum, writing in the disciplines, writing-to-learn, interdisciplinary, cross-campus, campus wide
Keywords: teaching fellow, WAC, University of Iowa, peer-tutor, theory, student-opinion, assignment, teacher-opinion, genre, generalist, gen-ed, inquiry, critical-analysis, sources, specialist, specialized
11. Soven, Margot. (1991). Writing Fellows Program: Peer tutors in the WAC class. Composition Chronicle Newsletter 04.8, 9-10.
Keywords: WAC, peer-tutor, Writing Fellows Program, teaching fellow, tutoring
12. Zawacki, Terry Myers., Antram, Alex, Price, Amaris, Ray, Katy, & Koucheravy, Theresa. (2008). Writing fellows as WAC Change Agents: Changing What? Changing Whom? Changing How?.
Across the Disciplines, 5(1), 1-13.
Keywords: teaching fellow, WAC, case-study, student-opinion, narrative, site-analysis, field-analysis, institutional, George Mason University