Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.
Category: Faculty Concerns
Your search found 40 citations.
1. Beall, Herbert; John Trimbur. (1993). Writing in chemistry: Keys to student underlife. College Teaching 41.2, 50-54.
Keywords: WAC, chemistry-course, in-class, impromptu, large-class, lecture, teacher-knowledge, student-resistance, teacher-resistance
2. Boice, Robert. (1990). Faculty resistance to writing-intensive courses. Teaching of Psychology 17.1, 13-17.
Keywords: WAC, faculty-resistance, write-to-learn, writing-intensive, teacher-opinion, survey, data
3. Buerk, Dorothy; Wellesley College Center for Research on Women. (1986). Carolyn Werbel's journal: Voicing the struggle to make meaning of mathematics (Working paper No. 160). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 297 977.
Keywords: WAC, mathematics-course, journal-writing, resistance, case-study, sample, data, write-to-learn, women, text-analysis
4. Chowenhill, Dennis Charles. (1996). Faculty resistance to writing across the curriculum training: A study of two two-year colleges [doctoral thesis]. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley.
Keywords: WAC, faculty-opinion, resistance, retraining, two-year
5. Condon, William; Fiona Glade; Richard H. Haswell; Lisa Johnson-Shull; Diane Kelly-Riley; Galen Leonhardy; Jennie Nelson; Susan McLeod; Susan Wyche. (2001). Whither? Some questions, some answers. In Haswell, Richard H. (Ed.), Beyond outcomes: Assessment and instruction within a university writing program; Westport, CT: Ablex (pp. 190-205).
Keywords: institutional, Washington State University, assessment, pedagogy, program-longevity, WAC, research-method, ecological, student-resistance, teacher-resistance, distance, eportfolio, electronic, directed self-placement
6. Couch, Ruth. (1989). Dealing with objections to writing across the curriculum. Teaching English in the Two-Year College 16.3, 193-196.
Keywords: WAC, debate, pro-con, faculty-resistance, two-year
7. D'Arcy, Pat. (1977). Going back inside. The London Times, Educational Supplement (January 28), 43.
Keywords: WAC, teacher-commitment, implementation, teacher-resistance
Keywords: WAC, program, history, faculty-resistance, change
9. Ede, Lisa S. (2004). Situating composition: Composition studies and the politics of location. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
Keywords: location, place, politics, pedagogy, process, English-profession, social process, postprocess, theory, FYC, WC, WAC, ESL, service-learning, literacy, community, technology, online, cultural studies, literacy, resistance, desire, CCCC, historical studies, case study, anecdote, language, semiotics, course-design
10. Elbow, Peter. (1997). High stakes and low stakes in assigning and responding to writing. In Sorcinelli, Mary Deane; Peter Elbow (Eds.), Writing to learn:Strategies for assigning and responding to writing across the disciplines (New directions for teaching and learning, No. 69); San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (pp. 5-14).
Annotation: Elbow claims that low-stakes writing assignments help to facilitate learning and yield clear, even lively writing from students. They are also a useful tool because they requires less time for teachers to respond to. After distinguishing between high- and low-stakes assignments, Elbow discusses the merits of an array of teacher responses, from minimal- and low-stakes responses (merely underlining effective elements of student writing) to the more critical responses that do not seem to be very helpful to students. Students often resist commentary on their writing, if they read it at all. Elbow recommends the use of more low-stakes response because it is overall more likely to be beneficial to students. He also describes some strategies for implementing low stakes writing and response. [Thomas Mock]
Keywords: write-to-learn, WAC, low-stakes, assignment, response, high-stakes, minimal-marking, pedgogy, commenting, student-resistance
11. Fishman, Stephen M.; Lucille McCarthy. (2002). Whose goals? Whose aspirations? Learning to teach underprepared writers across the curriculum. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Keywords: basic, pedagogy, pedagogy, underprepared, WAC, University of North Carolina Charlotte, philosophy-course, ESL, African-Am, social-class, class-conflict, community, John Dewey, evaluation, grading, gradualism, student-motivation, racism, student-resistance, change, transformative, student-story
12. Flanigan, Michael C. (1989). WAC: A point of departure to full literacy. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 313 717.
Keywords: WAC, program-design, program-sustainability, faculty-resistance, faculty-workshop, University of Oklahoma
13. Fulwiler, Toby. (1986). Reflections: How well does writing across the curriculum work?. In Young, Art; Toby Fulwiler (Eds.), Writing across the disciplines: Research into practice; Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 264 592] (pp. 235-246).
Keywords: WAC, objective, efficiency, curriculum-validation, needs-analysis, terminology, faculty-resistance, turf
14. Giraldo, Ricardo Ramírez, & Jiménez, Gladys Stella López. (2019). Recorrido en busca de la función epistémica de la lectura y la escritura en Ingeniería Estructural. In Charles Bazerman, Paula Carlino, Montserrat Castelló, Elizabeth Narváez, Mónica Tapia-Ladino, Blanca Yaneth González Pinzón, David Russell, Paul Rogers, & Luis Bernardo Peña (Eds.),
Conocer la Escritura: Investigación Más Allá de las Frontera | Knowing Writing: Writing Research across Borders.
Keywords: función epistémica, lectura y escritura, educación su- perior, ingeniería estructural, hormigón armado, resistencia de materiales, epistemic function, reading and writing, higher education, structural engineering, reinforced concrete, strength of materials
15. Halasz, Judith, Brincker, Maria, Gambs, Deborah, Geraci, Denise, Queeley, Andrea, & Solovyova, Sophia. (2006). Making It Your Own: Writing Fellows Re-evaluate Faculty "Resistance".
Across the Disciplines, 3(2), 1-13.
Annotation: Drawing on research and experience as doctoral Writing Fellows in the Borough of Manhattan Community College WAC Program, the authors explore faculty resistance through the lens of institutional, disciplinary, departmental, and personal constraints. The authors suggest that, if we listen and respond to faculty concerns, they become means to facilitate faculty engagement with and ownership of WAC. (Published August 24, 2006) [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, WID, fellows, data, resistance
16. Hocks, Mary E.; Daniele Bascelli. (1998). Building a writing-intensive multimedia curriculum. In Reiss, Donna; Dickie Selfe; Art Young (Eds.), Electronic communication across the curriculum; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 416 561] (pp. 40-56).
Keywords: computer, WAC, Spelman College, faculty-resistance, faculty-workshop, pedagogy, multimedia project, writing-intensive, WAC
17. Hodne, Barbara D. (1997). Please speak up: Asian immigrant students in American college classrooms. In Sigsbee, David L.; Bruce W. Speck (Eds.), Approaches to teaching non-native English speakers across the curriculum (New directions for teaching and learning, Vol.70); San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (pp. 85-92).
Keywords: ESL, WAC, Asian, native-nonnative, discussion, classroom, resistance, immigration
18. Holdstein, Deborah H. ; Tim Redman. (1985). Empirical research in word-processing: Expectations vs. experience. Computers and Composition 03.1, 43-54.
Keywords: computer, word-processing, data, contrast-group, paper-screen, student-resistance, student-frustration, WAC, empirical, expectation, word-processing
19. Kells, Michelle Hall. (2007). Writing across communities: Deliberation and the discursive possibilities of WAC. Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy 6.1, 87-108.
Annotation: This article argues that traditional models of WAC too narrowly privilege academic discourse over other discourses and communities shaping the worlds in which our students live and work. Writing Across Communities
represents a shift in paradigm informed by Ecocomposition, New Literacy Studies, and Sociolinguistics. A Writing Across Communities
approach to writing program reform foregrounds dimensions of ethnolinguistic diversity and civic engagement in contrast to other models of WAC currently institutionalized across the nation. Writing Across Communities, as a resistance discourse, calls for transdisciplinary dialogue that demystifies the ways we make and use knowledge across communities of practice. [Reflections]
Keywords: service-learning, pedagogy, pedagogy, WAC, WID, writing-across-the-curriculum, diversity, literacy, ecocomposition, sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistic, civic, program-design
20. Kosow, Irving. (1986). Introducing writing in the engineering curriculum. Writing Across the Curriculum [Southern Technical Institute] 03.2, 10-11.
Keywords: WAC, engineering, faculty-resistance, laboratory-report, report-writing, journal-writing, objective
21. Mahala, Daniel & Swilky, Jody. (1994). Resistance and Reform: The Functions of Expertise in Writing Across the Curriculum.
Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 1(2), 35-62.
Annotation: We want to consider both the programmatic structure and research initiatives of WAC reform. We will consider how competing forms of expertise are currently affecting the practices of undergraduate education, at both the center and the margins of the curriculum, and how these competing forms enable and constrain WAC reform. Thus, we will discuss not only how WAC has been conceived in relation to dominant programs and structures, but how alliances among programs informed by emergent and residual forms of expertise present possibilities for WAC reform that have yet to be adequately explored. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, expertise, change, resistance, expertise
22. Marko, Tamera; Osorio, Mario; Ernesto; Sepenoski, Eric; Catalani, Ryan. (2015). Proyecto Carrito ? When the student receives an ?A? and the worker gets fired: Disrupting the unequal political economy of translingual rhetorical mobility.
Literacy in Composition Studies 03.1, 21-43.
Annotation: Article for LiCS special issue The New Activism: Composition, Literacy Studies, and Politics.
Keywords: Translingual, self-efficacy, international, globalization, ethnicity, transnational, resistance, protest
23. Martin, Eric V. (2001). WAC paradoxes revisited: A program director's response [to Deborah Holdstein]. Pedagogy 01.2, 275-286.
Annotation: Martin is responding to Deborah Holdstein’s article “”Writing Across the Curriculum” and the Paradoxes of Institutional Initiatives.” He agrees that WAC programs have become “top-down,” and that programs don’t always work. But he disagrees about the cause. WAC proponents are aware that they need to convince teachers from other disciplines that writing is worth the effort, he says. The real problem is resistance from these teachers, and the solution is to not impose WAC from above, but begin with dialog with faculty. Martin also disagrees that universities use WAC deceptively. In his experience, administrators feel real pressure from businesses and community members, and really want writing to improve. But WAC directors are often not given enough access to upper administration, and so don’t have enough input. With all the different faculty agendas, WAC gets lost in the absence of clear leadership. Martin also has seen no evidence that WI classes will replace composition classes. In his experience, administrators push for more writing classes, because they feel pressure to do so. Martin says there are no sinister motives behind WAC, although mistakes have been made in implementation. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, institutional, needs-analysis, faculty-resistance, teacher cooperation, hierarchy, intensive, program, implementation, paradox
24. McCartan-Welch, Kathleen Marie. (1997). Resistance and reflection: The humanities experience for medical students [doctoral thesis]. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri-Columbia.
Keywords: WAC, resistance, reflexivity, humanities, medical-major
25. Medway, Peter; Ivor Goodson. (1984). Cooperative learning. In Martin, Nancy (Ed.), Writing across the curriculum pamphlets; Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook (pp. 132-138).
Keywords: WAC, teacher-student, cooperative, resistance