Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.
Category: Writing Processes
Your search found 104 citations.
1. [various]. (1986). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Fourth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April, 1986]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 06, 3-25.
Keywords: testing, measurement, portfolio, reading, language-proficiency, placement, assessment, instrument, purpose, topic, holistic, revising, drafting, validity, administering, cost, data-analysis, minimum competency, competency, WAC, curriculum, peer-evaluation, self-assessment, K-12, CBest [teacher-certification, Oregon], school, computer, pre-writing software, WANDAH [Writer's Aid and Author's Helper], style-checker, EECAP [Early English Composition Assessment Program, Ohio], computer-analysis
2. Alaimo, Peter J., Bean, John C., Langenhan, Joseph M., & Nichols, Larry. (2009). Eliminating Lab Reports: A Rhetorical Approach for Teaching the Scientific Paper in Sophomore Organic Chemisty.
The WAC Journal, 20(1), 17-32.
Annotation: Considers how an interdisciplinary team of faculty is striving to improve student performance on senior chemistry theses at Seattle University through an alternative approach to teaching the discourse of the scientific community within the year-long sophomore chemistry lab course. Drops the notion of teaching new students in formulaic, academic-specific ways, through utilization of rudimentary lab reports. Stresses the need to make students immediately aware of the inquiry-based, persuasive context of actual professional work and writing through collaborative-based experimentation that stresses multiple replications and use of evidence for conclusions. Suggests teaching the scientific paper over a year early in students' science careers and prioritizing students' 'writing process knowledge' through explicit instruction in writing within science courses. [Jaclyn Rossi]
Keywords: Seattle University, WAC, science-writing, sophomore, organic chemistry-course, laboratory-report, assignment, grading, inquiry, rubric, evaluation, response, data, process,
3. Alber-Morgan, Sheila R.; Terri Hessler; Moira Konrad. (2007). Teaching writing for keeps. Education and Treatment of Children 30.3, 107-128.
Annotation: This article outlines difficulties with the implementation of writing across multiple disciplines, grade levels, and individual abilities of students in a time of increased high-stakes accountability. Alba-Morgan, et al. argue that teachers must teach for generalizable writing outcomes and focus on big ideas. Offers six strategies for teachers to use to promote writing, the writing process, and the development of students' writing skills. [JeanMarie Dimitratos]
Keywords: school, pedagogy, WAC, individual, high-stakes, assessment, content, teacher-strategy, process, improvement
4. Allen, J. C. (1991). Integrating undergraduate research with a writing program. Journal of Geological Education 39.3, 224-226.
Keywords: geology-course, advanced, intensive, linked, WAC, drafting, peer-evaluation, revising, Richard Lanham, paramedic method, Bucknell University, integrated, undergraduate
5. Allen, Sheilah. (1989). Writing for learning about the writing process. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 362 882.
Keywords: pedagogy, education-major, psycholinguistic, psycholinguistics-course, write-to-learn, journal-writing, WAC, assignment, learning-log, process
6. Andrews, J. Douglas; Betty P. Pytlik. (1983). Revision techniques for accountants: Means for more efficient written communication. Issues in Accounting Education, 152-163.
Keywords: WAC, bizcom, accounting-course, revising, efficiency
7. Andrews, Roy. (1997). Response [to William L. Taylor, 'Using drafts in History 231'].
Plymouth State College Journal on Writing Across the Curriculum 08, 12.
Keywords: WAC, history-course, USA economic, drafting
8. Balajthy, Ernest. (1989). Computers in curricula program for networked college level writing process instruction: A first year report. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 309 455.
Keywords: computer, ESL, mathematics-course, basic, WAC, tutorial, email, in-service, faculty-workshop, Curricula Network Project [New Jersey], two-year, process
9. Beason, Larry. (1993). Feedback and revision in writing across the curriculum classes. Research in the Teaching of English 27.4, 395-422.
Keywords: response, drafting, commenting, revising, coding, measurement, research-method, feedback, WAC, criteria, text-analysis, business-law-course, journalism, dental hygiene, psychology-course, praise, data, frequency, arrangement, focusing, MX, diction, error
10. Bedau, Hugo. (1996). Thinking and writing about philosophy. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's.
Keywords: WAC, philosophy, guidelines, composing, summary-writing, abstrqact-writing, thesis, outline, argument, disputation, persuasion, evaluation, essay-writing, sequence, drafting, revising, citation
11. Beiersdorfer, Raymond Emil; Jared Haynes. (1991). An integrated approach to geologic writing for non-science majors based on study of California river. Journal of Geological Education 39.3, 196-198.
Keywords: geology-course, WAC, nonscience, science-writing, composing, sequential, sequence, prospectus, outline, drafting, revising, integrated
12. Berger, J. (1984). Writing to learn in philosophy. Teaching Philosophy 7, 217-222.
Keywords: WAC, philosophy-course, pedagogy, revising, audience, write-talk, philosophy
13. Bloom, Lynn Z. (1997). Why I (used to) hate to give grades. College Composition and Communication 48.3, 360-371.
Keywords: assessment, cultural, bias, grader-bias, commenting, revising, grading, power, response, self-evaluations, WAC, cartoon
14. Bolt-Lee, Cynthia & Foster, Sheila D. (2000). Examination Retakes in Accounting: Increasing Learning by Writing After the Exam.
Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 4(2), 40-46.
Annotation: Bolt-Lee and Foster contend that examination retakes are beneficial because they offer students a maximum increase in knowledge and an opportunity to enhance written communication skills in exchange for a minimum increase in grades.
Keywords: WAC, WID, accounting, revising, test-retest, write-to-learn
15. Braine, George. (1990). Writing across the curriculum: A case study of faculty practices at a research university. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 324 680.
Keywords: WAC, survey, data, process, University of Texas at Austin, assignment, revising, sequence, journal-writing, peer-evaluation, volume-of-writing
16. Brand, Alice G. (1998). Writing in the majors: A guide for disciplinary faculty. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 421 723.
Keywords: WAC, WID, disciplinary, guidelines, pre-writing, invention, drafting, revising, editing, inquiry, researching, academic, genre, term-paper, assignment-design, assignment, sequence, response, collaboration, conferencing, computer
17. Brenner, Gerry. (1988). Does your curriculum need editing?. College Composition and Communication 39.2, 220-224.
Keywords: curriculum, change, WAC, editing
18. Brillhart, L. V.; M. B. Debs. (1981). Teaching writing--a scientist's responsibility. Journal of College Science Teaching 10.5, 303-304.
Keywords: WAC, science-course, laboratory-report, editing, response, pedagogy, scientist
19. Burkett, Allan R.; Susan B. Dunkle. (1983). Technical writing in the undergraduate curriculum. Journal of Chemical Education 60.6, 469-470.
Keywords: chemistry, curriculum, WAC, needs-analysis, techcom, referencing, plagiarism, arrangement, synthesis, revising, pedagogy, undergraduate
20. Bushman, John H. (1984). The teaching of writing: A practical program to the composing process that works. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Keywords: school, program, process, pre-writing, focused, revising, classroom, pedagogy, peer-evaluation, commenting, group, journal, grading, lay-reader, analytic-holistic, general impression, grammar, curriculum, sequence, development, emotion, computer, WAC, process
Keywords: WAC, wcenter, tutoring, case-study, content-course, art-course, art-history-course, drafting, process, tutoring, familiarity
22. Coffinberger, Richard. (1982). Aligning reading-writing group sessions to distinct stages of the writing process. In Gallehr, Donald; Robert Gilstrap; Marian Mohr; Anne Legge; Marie Wilson-Nelson (Eds.), Writing processes of college students: Working papers of the Writing Research Center at the Northern Virginia Writing Project (Volume I); Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, The Project (pp. 44-60).
Keywords: WAC, process, group, peer-evaluation, process, process
23. Cranfill, R. Caroline; Robert C. Wess. (1988). Using drafts in engineering report writing. Writing Across the Curriculum [Southern Technical Institute] 05.2, 4-7.
Keywords: engineering-course, report-writing, WAC, objective, drafting, laboratory-report, data, student-opinion, teacher-opinion, needs-analysis, revising
24. Crew, Keith. (1989). Writing processes and the sociological imagination. Crossover: A WAC Newsletter (fall), 3-6.
Keywords: WAC, sociology-course, process, imagination, process
25. Daugherty, Jack; Tennyson O'Donnell (Eds.). (2015). Web writing: Why and how for liberal arts teaching and learning. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Annotation: The essays in Web Writing respond to contemporary debates over the proper role of the Internet in higher education, steering a middle course between polarized attitudes that often dominate the conversation. The authors argue for the wise integration of web tools into what the liberal arts does best: writing across the curriculum. All academic disciplines value clear and compelling prose, whether that prose comes in the shape of a persuasive essay, scientific report, or creative expression. The act of writing visually demonstrates how we think in original and critical ways and in ways that are deeper than those that can be taught or assessed by a computer. Furthermore, learning to write well requires engaged readers who encourage and challenge us to revise our muddled first drafts and craft more distinctive and informed points of view. Indeed, a new generation of web-based tools for authoring, annotating, editing, and publishing can dramatically enrich the writing process, but doing so requires liberal arts educators to rethink why and how we teach this skill, and to question those who blindly call for embracing or rejecting technology. (from the back cover)
Keywords: web writing, liberal arts, WAC, digital humanities, media studies, digital publishing, media-study