WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Category: Program Design

Your search found 183 citations.

1. [various]. (1990). [synopses of conference talks, Seventh National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Montreal, Canada, April, 1989]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 09, 2-48.
Keywords: testing, computer, process, large-scale, standards, WPA, international, contrastive, African-Am, NAEP, ESL, literacy, competency, holistic, University of Minnesota, validity, construct-validity, topic, assessment, Scotland, classroom, portfolio assessment, program, self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, self-validation, professional-school, veterinary, WAC, rater-training, program-validation, empowerment, rising-junior [East Texas State University], wcenter, transfer-student, James Britton, Peter Elbow, campus-wide, universal, computer, individual-differences, ESL, community, contrastive, City University of New York, disciplinary, rising-junior [University of Missouri-St. Louis], rising-junior [University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee], prompt, argumentation, validity, primary-trait, physics-department, feminist, pedagogy, placement, minimum competency, scale, score stability, response, local assessment, feature
2. Abrams, Lowell. (2017). Seeing the forest and the trees when writing a mathematical proof. Prompt 1.1, 19-28. http://thepromptjournal.com/index.php/prompt/article/view/11/7
Annotation: Abstract: One of the typical challenges facing a mathematics student when writing a proof is the need to understand the interplay of details and broader concepts. I describe a multi-step proof-writing assignment used in a mid-level course for mathematics majors that is designed to help with this challenge by forcing students to incrementally increase their engagement with the various conceptual levels of the material at hand.
Keywords: mathematics, proof-writing, WID, WAC, assignment-writing, assignment, pedagogy, reflective practice
3. Addison, Joanne; Sharon James McGee. (2010). Writing in high school/writing in college: Research trends and future directions. College Composition and Communication 62.1, 147-179.
Annotation: Outlines major large-scale writing research projects done within the ten years preceding article publication. Using student responses to the National Survey of Student Engagement’s (NSSE) 'writing-specific' questions, Addison and McGee identified five scales that 'describe the quality of undergraduate writing and establish that certain types of writing are substantially related to NSSE’s deep learning subscales, especially higherorder thinking and integrative learning,' through investigating: pre-writing activities, instructor articulation of clear expectations, the assignment of higher-order writing tasks, good instructor practices such as student collaboration, sample review and opportunities for writing practice, and evidence of student use of integrated media like the inclusion of visual content in their writing. Upon comparison of the aggregate data from the studies referenced above using these five scales, Addison and McGee found that college and high school faculty across the curriculum only diverged in their practices in terms of assigning higher-order writing tasks and using integrated media . Yet, college faculty tended to provide fewer opportunities for peer review and 'informal, exploratory' writing. Alternately, student and teacher as well as instructor-workplace perceptions and expectations about writing were far less congruent. In response, calls for the following future actions: the creation of 'WAC-centered vertical curriculum' between high schools and colleges that concretely emphasizes the transfer of skills related to not only essay but also narrative and critical research-based writing , including interdisciplinary rhetorical analysis and workplace genres; the establishment of future research partnerships between large organizations like NSSE and WPA jointly guided by the Committee on Research and Committee on Professional Visibility and Databases within CCCC; and the formation of an online repository by NCTE/CCCC to archive the raw data and tools used in writing studies as a resource for upcoming research and advocacy efforts [Rachel E. H. Edwards, Alignments and Alliences: Smoothing Students' Transitions from High School English to First-Year College Writing, WPA-CompPile Bibliographies, No. 20]
Keywords: writing-studies, school-college, articulation, literacy, WAC, scale, deep learning, curriculum, workplace, genre, best-practices, academic, research-method, future, trend, National Survey of Student Engagement’s (NSSE), WPA Committee on Research and Committee on Professional Visibility and Databases, CCCC, data repository, digital, rhetorical-analysis, interdisciplinary, trend
4. Ambron, Joanna Theresa. (1989). Implementing writing across the curriculum: Strategies in the biological sciences [doctoral thesis]. New York: Columbia University Teachers College.
Keywords: WAC, biology, journal-writing, freewriting, microtheme, clustering, implementation
5. Anonymous. (1961). Workshop reports of the 1961 Conference on College Composition and Communication. College Composition and Communication 12.3, 130-192.
Keywords: government, two-year, comskills, reading, FYC, paperbacks, textbooks, linguistics, training, articulation, honors, Rutgers, basic, ESL, WPA, techcom, placement, testing, standards, grammar, usage, rhetoric, term-paper, CAI, WAC, government, research
6. Anonymous. (1960). Workshop reports of the 1960 Conference on College Composition and Ccommunication. College Composition and Communication 11.3, 129-181.
Keywords: research, linguistics, media, comskills, WAC, pedagogy, personal, articulation, textbooks, techcom, communication, speech, grammar, semantics, two-year, training, large-university, WPA, honors, industry
7. Anonymous. (1957). Workshop Reports of the 1957 Conference on College Composition and Communication. College Composition and Communication 08.3, 131-196.
Keywords: English-profession, ESL, WPA, testing, comskills, media, gen-ed, articulation, two-year, linguistics, WAC, class-size, population, research, basic, group, teacher-evaluation, reading, nonverbal symbolism, anthropology, classroom, discussion, standards, television, library, term-paper
8. Anonymous. (1956). Workshop Reports of the 1956 Conference On College Composition and Communication. College Composition and Communication 07.3, 120-172.
Keywords: English-profession, ESL, WPA, honors, testing, placement, comskills, media, training, gen-ed, wcenter, articulation, two-year, in-service, grading, spelling, linguistics, WAC, textbooks, listening, class-size
9. Anonymous. (1955). Workshop and Panel-Discussion Reports of the 1955 Conference On College Composition and Communication. College Composition and Communication 06.3, 123-179.
Keywords: FYC, newspaper, pedagogy, wcenter, read-write, training, honors, basic, ESL, reading, citation, advanced, deterioration, WAC, articulation, listening, creativity, examination, techcom, WPA, comskills, spelling, program, grammar, major,
10. Anson, Christopher M. (Ed.). (2002). The WAC casebook: Scenes for faculty reflection and program development. New York: Oxford University Press.
Annotation: The Oxford University Press Web site describes this book as ""an invaluable resource for instructors in any discipline who want to incorporate writing effectively into their courses and curriculums."" Oxford is right. This well written book, which provides 45 scenarios that represent situations faculty in WAC programs typically encounter, will serve as a useful resource for any WAC scholar -- new or experienced. 29 October 2002,from the publisher's Website: * Features fifty highly realistic scenarios that anticipate situations faculty confront in WAC programs * Narratives are readable and engaging * Focuses on problem-solving * Organized into eight chapters that address the primary concerns of faculty incorporating writing into their courses * Includes a list of web-based resources [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, scenario, pedagogy
11. Anstendig, Linda, Richie, Eugene, Young, Shannon, Mosley, Pauline, & Kirschtein, Bette. (2004). Architects of Change: Writing Enhanced Course Program Development and Core Reform. Across the Disciplines, 1(2), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.37514/ATD-J.2004.1.2.16
Annotation: Linda Anstendig and her colleagues report on the synergisms that developed as their university-wide Writing Enhanced Course Program was implemented in parallel with their university's new core curriculum. They evaluate their program and suggest the directions they plan to take now that it is firmly established within the core curriculum. (Published October 8, 2004) [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, WID, gen-ed, general education, assessment, core-curriculum
12. Babb, Jacob. (2014). [book review]. Journal of Teaching Writing 29.1, 107-114.
Keywords: A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators, by Rita Malenczyk (Ed.); WPA, Wcenter, FYC, WAC
13. Bakos, Jack D., Jr. (1986). A departmental policy for developing communication skills of undergraduate engineers. Engineering Education 77, 101-104.
Keywords: WAC, civil-engineering-course, implementation, policy, undergraduate
14. Barnes, Douglas; Lionel Wilson. (1980). Interview [with Douglas Barnes]: Problems in putting language across the curriculum into effect. English Quarterly 13.3, 21-25.
Keywords: WAC, implementation, needs-analysis, faculty, school
15. Barnett, Robert W.; Lois M. Rosen. (1999). The WAC/writing center partnership: Creating a campus-wide writing environment. In Barnett, Robert W.; Jacob S. Blumner (Eds.), Writing centers and writing across the curriculum programs: Building interdisciplinary partnerships; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (pp. 1-12).
Keywords: WAC, wcenter, interdisciplinary, ecological, campus-environment, implementation
16. Bastian, Heather. (2014). Performing the groundwork: Building a WEC-WAC writing program at the College of St. Scholastica [program profile]. Composition Forum 29. https://compositionforum.com/issue/29/st-scholastica.php
Annotation: Abstract: This program profile describes the efforts needed to develop a new writing program at a small college. The author explores how she cultivated relations with disciplinary faculty to collaboratively redefine a problem into an opportunity by adopting Krista Ratcliffe's technique of rhetorical listening. She then outlines the Writing-Enriched Curriculum (WEC) and Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) components of the writing program. Additionally, the author offers lessons learned about writing program development and building productive college-wide relationships as well as some precautions. Overall, the profile contributes to existing scholarship on small college writing programs by addressing issues of program development and explores the possibilities of rhetorical listening for writing program administrators.
Keywords: Writing program, WAC, WPA, rhetorical listening
17. Bateman, David N. (1975). Corporate communications of advocacy: Practical perspectives and procedures. Journal of Business Communication 13.1, 3-11.
Keywords: business-communication, corporation, advocacy, workforce, public, best-practices, program, guidelines
18. Bertch, Julie. (1985). Writing for learning in the community college. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 256 458.
Keywords: WAC, program, two-year, South Mountain Community College [Phoenix, Arizona], implementation, faculty-workshop
19. Bertch, Julie. (1985). Writing for learning: Starting a writing across the curriculum program in the community college. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 256 387.
Keywords: two-year, implementation, program, WAC, write-to-learn
20. Billings, Andrew. (2005). New designs for communication across the curriculum. In McGee, Sharon James (Ed.), Discord and direction: The postmodern writing program administrator; Logan, UT: Utah State University Press (pp. 158-180).
Keywords: WPA, change, WAC, curriculum-design
21. Bird, Barbara. (2012). Rethinking our view of learning. Writing Lab Newsletter 36.5-6, 1-5.
Keywords: wcenter, theory-practice, evidence-based, deep learning, impressionistic thinking, self-efficacy, self-regulatory, assessment
22. Biswas, Ann E. (2016). Unbalancing acts: Plagiarism as catalyst for instructor emotion in the composition classroom [reflection] [Special Issue: Emotion]. Composition Forum 34. https://compositionforum.com/issue/34/unbalancing.php
Keywords: Emotion, emotion studies, plagiarism, WPA, WAC, WID, emotional labor
23. Blau, Sheridan. (2010). Academic writing as participation: Writing your way in. In Sullivan, Patrick; Tinberg, Howard; Blau, Sheridan (Eds.), What is “college-level” writing? Volume 2: Assignments, Readings and Student Writing Samples; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English (pp. 29-56).
Annotation: Blau describes and models his methodology and classroom practice of a genre-specific approach that purports to enable the transition of high school, community college and first-year college students into the university academic discourse community. Blau bases his claims of efficacy on anecdotal reports, observations done in New York City community colleges and high school classrooms as well as the application of research and theory. Blau suggests that students ought to write share and discuss literary commentary so they can concretely enact the formation of genuine academic discursive practices. These student commentaries are used for longer papers where students read, respond to and cite each other’s work. Blau contends that this 'genre-creating program' promotes the 'critical thinking' that is essential to the reading and writing involved in 'college-level discourse' because it lends students academic authority, in that they are originators and evaluators of a shared classroom disciplinary textual [Rachel E. H. Edwards, Alignments and Alliences: Smoothing Students' Transitions from High School English to First-Year College Writing, WPA-CompPile Bibliographies, No. 20]
Keywords: school-college, two-year, research-method, New York City, discourse-community, genre-specific, disciplinary, convention, WAC, critical-thinking, research-practice, theory-practice, discursive, praxis
24. Blumner, Jacob S. (2005). Outcomes from the Outcomes Books. The WAC Journal, 16(1), 114-117. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.2005.16.1.09
Keywords: The Outcomes Book: Debate and Consensus after the WPA Outcomes Statement, edited by Susanmarie Harrington, Keith Rhodes, Ruth Overman Fischer, & Rita Malenczyk, WPA Outcomes, policy, future, WAC, outcomes
25. Boland, Sally. (1997). How I Started Using WAC and Ended Up Taking Algebra Again: A Review of Useful Works on Writing Across the Curriculum (1989, reprint). Plymouth State College Journal on Writing Across the Curriculum, 8(1), 111-122. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.1997.8.1.12
Keywords: WAC, history, theory, theory-practice, teacher-story
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