WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Category: Literacy

Your search found 86 citations.

1. Anderson, JoAnn Romeo; Nora Eisenberg; Harvey S. Wiener. (1991). Literacy and learning: Integrated skills reinforcement. In Stanley, Linda C.; Joanna Ambron (Eds.), Writing across the curriculum in community colleges (New directions for community colleges, No. 73); San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass [ERIC Documentation Reproduction Services, ED 330 420] (pp. 79-84).
Keywords: WAC, two-year, literacy, communications, 'integrated skills', integrated, reinforcement
2. Bailey, George; Gregory Ross. (1983). Overcoming declining literacy with personalized, programmed instruction. Teaching Philosophy 06.2, 139-145.
Keywords: WAC, philosophy-course, basic, decline, personalization, interactive, pre-writing software, programmed
3. Bailey, Richard W.; Fosheim, Robin Melanie (Eds.). (1983). Literacy for life: The demand for reading and writing. New York: Modern Language Association of America [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 253 880].
Keywords: literacy, life-long, political, cultural, change, media, cognitive, WAC, assessment
4. Bannon, Jessica. (2016). EMERGING VOICES: Capitalizing on Adult Education: The Economic Imperative for Literacy in 1960s Federal Policy Discourse. College English 78.4, 314-339.
Annotation: This article reviews the history of federal adult education policy in order to draw composition scholars into broader educational policy discussions shaping literacy instruction at all educational levels.
Keywords: adult, literacy, advocacy
5. Barber, John F. (2000). All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: Promoting Cybernetic Ecology in Writing Classrooms. Academic.Writing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Communication Across the Curriculum, 1(4), 1-1. https://doi.org/10.37514/AWR-J.2000.1.4.11
Annotation: Howard Rheingold envisions 'cybernetic architectures' or worlds and ways to be in them (88). John Markoff writes about the creation of 'post-textual literacy' based on digital audio-visual rather than textual thinking that will offer us the opportunity to manipulate intertextuality in ways never before possible using only words and traditional face-to-face educational contexts (5). Building on these images, it is not a stretch to posit that computers and fiction and / or poetry classrooms can sustain each other in a 'cybernetic ecology' that might transcend the time, space, and place boundaries of the traditional classroom, provide access to far-flung resources, promote broader collaborative opportunities among colleagues, and orient such collaboration toward a broad spectrum of humanistic endeavor. The implications are not only interesting and challenging but necessary to address. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: cybernetic ecology, digital, new media, intertestuality, computer, literature, poetry, 'post-textual literacy', wac, wid, print-digital
6. Basile, Donald D. (1980). Education as literacy. Reading World 20.1, 71-75.
Keywords: literacy, national, USA, decline, WAC, philosophy-course, read-write, disciplinary, academic, accelerated, short-course
7. Bergman, Charles A. (1982). An inclusive literacy: U. S. schools are teaching and writing in all the subject disciplines. American Association of Higher Education Bulletin 35 (December), 3-5.
Keywords: WAC, school, pedagogy, inclusion
8. Bergmann, Linda S. (2008). Writing centers and cross-curricular literacy programs as models for faculty development [review essay]. Pedagogy 08.3, 523-536.
Keywords: wcenter, cross-curricular, literacy, WAC, teacher-growth, literacy program
9. Beyer, Catharine Hoffman; Gerald M. Gillmore; Andrew T. Fisher. (2007). Inside the undergraduate experience: The University of Washington's study of undergraduate learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Annotation: The University of Washington's Study of Undergraduate Learning (UW SOUL) tracked 304 entering freshmen and transfer students as they moved through their college experience from fall 1999 to spring 2003. Unparalleled in its scope, this longitudinal study focused on six areas of learning: writing, critical thinking/problem solving, quantitative reasoning, information literacy, understanding and appreciating diversity, and personal growth. This book provides faculty, staff, and administrators at two- and four-year institutions with a model of assessment that both captures the complexity of the undergraduate experience and offers practical information about how to improve teaching and learning. Data from surveys, open-ended email questions, interviews, focus groups, and portfolios make it possible for the authors to create case studies of individual learning paths over time, as well as to report the group s aggregate experience. Honoring the authenticity of student voices, this book illuminates the central roles played by the academic disciplines and by faculty in undergraduate learning, offering powerful evidence for the argument that assessment of student learning is most complete and most useful when conducted at the department level. [publisher's blurb]
Keywords: longitudinal, data, University of Washington, undergraduate, critical-thinking, problem-solving, quantitative reasoning, diversity, information literacy, personal growth, development, survey, focus group, case-study, portfolio, self-report, self-evaluation, argumentation, WAC, research-based, undergraduate
10. Brause, Rita S. (1992). Literacy: A learning source. In Hedley, Carolyn; Dorothy Feldman; Patricia Antonacci (Eds.), Literacy across the curriculum (pp. 15-22).
Keywords: literacy, WAC
11. Brent, Doug. (2005). Reinventing WAC (again): The first-year seminar and academic literacy. College Composition and Communication 57.2, 253-276.
Keywords: curriculum, WAC, first-year seminar, reconceptualization, data, curriculum, FYC, University of Calgary, reinvention
12. Bump, Jerome. (1995). Teaching emotional literacy. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 392 053.
Keywords: WAC, literature-course, Victorian novel, journal-writing, emotion, hemispheric
13. Burnham, Christopher C. (1981). Tapping non-English faculty resources in the literacy crusade. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 202 022.
Annotation: [Not seen]At Stockton State College (New Jersey), as part of training for faculty across the campus who volunteered for basic writing courses, teachers were taught holistic scoring. "Stockton's basic writing courses are staffed with volunteer faculty members from across the college. . . . They participate in a one-day workshop in which they complete a holistic exercise that involves reading papers and ranking them by the overall quality of writing. The holistic scoring used in the workshop session provides the 'rotating faculty' with an understanding of the elements of good writing. The third stage of training occurs in another one-day workshop the week before school begins, during which the faculty members must write under the same circumstances that students often must write under" [from the ERIC abstract]. [This is an early writing-across-the-campus initiative. The basic idea is that holistic scoring gives scorers experience with an even breadth of criteria by which student writing can be analyzed.] RHH [Rich Haswell & Norbert Elliot, Holistic Scoring of Written Discourse to 1985, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 27]
Keywords: WAC, Stockton State College (NJ), retraining, volunteer, not-English, faculty-workshop, holistic, teacher-training, criteria
14. Carroll, Lee Ann. (2002). Rehearsing new roles: How college students develop as writers (Studies in Writing and Rhetoric). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
Annotation: A brief review of this study of 20 writers over four years at Pepperdine is at: http://chronicle.com/teaching/books/2003030401b.htm 'Focusing on first-year writing courses as a point of transition, not a final destination or a detour to fix literacy problems before students begin their real journey, means that many types of courses can be effective as long as they truly challenge students to move beyond their comfort zones and solve problems that are just beyond their reach.' [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: development, case-study, data, role-playing, rehearsal, college-span, longitudinal, Pepperdine University, WAC, disciplinary, Bronfenbrenne, ecological, case-study, writer-role
15. Carroll, Lee Ann. (2002). Rehearsing new roles: How college students develop as writers (Studies in Writing and Rhetoric). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Annotation: Carroll followed 20 college students for four years, interviewing them about writing tasks, challenges, successes and failures, and reading (with a team of faculty researchers from various disciplines) the texts the students produced and the writing logs they kept. The pattern of development they note aligns with a ‘Cultural/Environmental View of Development’ based in the work of Jerome Bruner, Michael Cole, and Urie Bronfenbrenner. This view holds that development is uneven and that progress entails increasing ability to understand and respond to the environment in which one finds oneself. The most successful students were those most willing to take on take on new challenges and to work toward the meta-cognitive awareness needed to figure out what a new challenge required and what they needed to do to meet it. (Significantly, such students frequently said they were able to give the teacher ‘what s/he wanted.’) Carroll concludes by recommending that faculty ‘[t]ake seriously questions about ‘what the professor wants’ and provide clearly explained assignments, guidelines for performance, models, specific feedback, and opportunities for self-assessment and improvement’ (134). Faculty and WPAs should also work to: (a) think of student work as literacy challenges and not writing tasks; (b) help students focus on writing differently, not better; (c) learn from other faculty what demands they will be making and help students anticipate; provide more options in required literacy environments; (d) develop projects and assignments that will challenge all students—even if finished projects are less than great; (e) provide scaffolding to support development by directly teaching discipline specific research and writing skills, using grading strategically to reward improvement, scheduling interim deadlines for longer projects, and requiring classroom workshops, study groups, and teacher conferences; (f) reconsider with students, colleagues, and other professionals whether ‘what the professor wants’ is, in fact, what the discipline needs or should want. [A. Patricia Burnes, Supporting Undergraduate Writers Beyond the First Year, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 6]
Keywords: development, case-study, data, self-evaluation, teacher-expectation, teacher-student, WID, WAC, college-span, rehearsal, writer-role
16. Chew, Charles. (1992). Policies for literacy. In Hedley, Carolyn; Dorothy Feldman; Patricia Antonacci (Eds.), Literacy across the curriculum (pp. 3-14).
Keywords: literacy, WAC
17. Church, Kathleen; Arizona Board of Regents. (1988). Undergraduate literacy programs at Arizona universities. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 306 802.
Keywords: literacy, Arizona, program, FYC, survey, class-size, guidelines, change, WAC, literacy program, undergraduate
18. Comprone, Joseph J. (1989). Balancing the language arts in the cross-curricular writing course: An answer to E. D. Hirsch's 'Cultural Literacy'. Kentucky English Bulletin 38.2, 61-74.
Keywords: literacy, E. D. Hirsch, cultural, pedagogy, WAC, interdisciplinary, school, language-arts
19. D’Angelo, Barbara J.; Barry M. Maid. (2004). Moving beyond definitions: Implementing information literacy across the curriculum. Journal of Academic Librarianship 30.3, 212-217.
Annotation: Describes the integration of information literacy in courses in the Multimedia Writing and Technical Communication program at Arizona State East. Argues for developing library instruction modeled after writing across the curriculum programs. [Ruth Mirtz]
Keywords: program, WAC, library, information literacy, Arizona State, pedagogy, multimedia, technical-communication
20. Daisey, Peggy. (1996). Promoting literacy in secondary content area classrooms with biography projects. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 40.4, 270-278.
Keywords: school, WAC, assignment, biography-project, pre-service, literacy, equity, student-opinion
21. Daisey, Peggy. (1993). Three ways to promote the values and uses of literacy at any age. Journal of Reading 36.6, 436-440.
Keywords: literacy, journal-writing, read-aloud, bibliotherapy, reading-course, WAC, growth, emotion, social
22. Dallas, Susan; Center for the Study of Community Colleges [Los Angeles, CA]. (1982). The literacy crisis (CSCC Bulletin, Issue 5). ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 220 131.
Annotation: One of the most difficult problems facing colleges today is dealing with students whose basic skills are too low to allow them to benefit from college-level studies. While some institutions seem to have given up expectations for underprepared students' achievement, others have instituted massive programs of individualized counseling and tutoring as a supplement to remedial coursework. Evidence suggests that these compensatory programs are effective in increasing reading levels and lowering dropout rates; however, these programs also introduce a number of problems and questions of program design, costs, teacher morale, and selective admissions. Several options are available to colleges to reconcile the conflict between maintaining academic standards and open admissions. Most practical and desirable may be to allow any student to enroll in any course, but to limit the number of courses a poorly prepared student may take and mandate the use of support services. Poor writing ability may be improved by an approach called ""writing across the curriculum."" Based on the premise that writing can and should have an integral role in any course, the approach utilizes techniques including journals and notebooks, which can be extremely versatile teaching tools in many disciplines, and brief, in-class writing periods, which can stimulate discussion, clarify issues, and reinforce learning experiences. (Brief descriptions of remedial, English as a Second Language, and study skills programs at six multi-campus urban community college districts are included.) [ERIC]
Keywords: decline, underprepared, basic, open-admissions, WAC, needs-analysis, pedagogy, two-year
23. D'Angelo, Barbara J.; Barry M. Maid. (2004). Moving beyond definitions: Implementing information literacy across the curriculum. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 30.3, 212-217.
Annotation: Describes collaboration between Arizona State University's library and its Multimedia Writing and Technical Communication Program, a partnership the authors posit lays the groundwork for expansion of information literacy instruction throughout the curriculum. Traces the commonalities between WAC and information literacy, particularly in that both ""teach skills that have their own disciplinary homes yet are used throughout the disciplines"" (213). Describes IL-related courses and projects that created increased interest in IL on ASU's campus. Posits that a successful IL program should resemble a successful WAC program in that responsibility for IL should be distributed across campus, but with the recognition that expertise lies with the library (216). [Gwendolynne Reid, Updating the FYC-Library Partnership: Recent Work on Information Literacy and Writing Classrooms, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 25]
Keywords: information literacy, information retrieval, library science, faculty-librarian, library, research instruction, WAC, technical writing
24. Daro, Philip; Solomon Garfunkel (co-chairs, mathematics panel); Richard P. Duran; Sally Hampton; Catherine E. Snow (co-chairs, English panel). (2013). What does it really mean to be college and work ready? The mathematics and English literacy required of first year community college students. Washington, D. C.: National Center on Education and the Economy.
Keywords: readiness, school-college, two-year, mathematics, literacy, data, textbook-analysis, age-level, complexity, complexity, argumentation, reading level, WAC, assignment
25. DeVoss, Danielle; Dickie Selfe; Michael Moore. (2001). Project TELL: Technology in education through leadership and literacy. Academic Writing 02. https://wac.colostate.edu/aw/archives/v2.htm
Keywords: teacher-cooperation, school-college, CAC, high-school, TELL (technology in education through leadership and literacy), Michigan Technological University, networked, digital, computer
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