Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.
Category: Discourse Analysis
Your search found 25 citations.
1. Anderson, Janice Scott. (1981). The rhetorical theory and practice of Walter Lippmann: Advocacy journalism as rhetorical discourse [doctoral thesis]. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Keywords: journalism, advocacy, Walter Lippman, theory, discourse-analysis, rhetorical, rhetorical-theory
2. Anson, Chris M. (1988). Toward a multidimensional model of writing in the academic disciplines. In Jolliffe, David A. (Ed.), Writing in academic disciplines (Advances in writing research, Vol. 2); Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing (pp. 1-34).
Keywords: WAC, multidimensional, model, theory, contextual, discourse-analysis, academic, nonacademic, WID, research-method, survey, faculty, review-of-scholarship, ideology, curriculum, write-to-learn, development, interpretive, research-agenda
3. Condit, Celeste Michelle. (1989). Feminized power and adversarial advocacy: Leveling arguments or analyzing them?. Argumentation and Advocacy 25.4, 226-230.
Keywords: argumentation, advocacy, adversarial, feminization, power, discourse-analysis
4. Dunlap, Louise. (1992). Advocacy and neutrality: A contradiction in the discourse of urban planners. In Herrington, Anne; Charles Moran (Eds.), Writing, teaching and learning in the disciplines; New York, NY: Modern Language Associates (pp. 213-230).
Keywords: sociology-discipline, WAC, urban-planning, advocacy, neutrality, discourse-analysis, institutional, contradiction, workplace, academy-workplace, empowerment, urban
5. Eisenhart, Christopher. (2006). The humanist scholar as public expert. Written Communication 23.2, 150-172.
Keywords: scholar-as-writer, case-study, discourse-analysis, public, expertise, rhetorical, Waco conflict, debate, content-analysis, style-analysis, mixed-genre, argumentation, kairos, narrative, hybridity, interdisciplinary, extra-disciplinary, 'understanding', topic
6. Flowers, Katherine S. (2019). Resisting and Rewriting English-Only Policies: Navigating Multilingual, Raciolinguistic, and Translingual Approaches to Language Advocacy.
Literacy in Composition Studies 07.1, 67-89.
Annotation: The field of writing studies has highlighted the limitations of a monolingual orientation towards language, particularly in the context of English-only language policies, but there have been fewer accounts of how people actively navigate and advocate for alternatives. Drawing on a recent ethnographic, discourse analytic study of how writers reshaped a local language policy, I argue that there are advantages to cultivating and combining multilingual, raciolinguistic, and translingual approaches to language advocacy, yet at the same time, arguments for multilingualism risk eclipsing, and ultimately undermining, these other approaches.
Keywords: Language policy, writing-studies, advocacy, monolingualism, multilingual, economics/economist, racial, translingual, English only
7. Forman, Janis. (1993). Business communication and composition: The writing connection and beyond. Journal of Business Communication 30.3, 313-352.
Annotation: This article considers business communication's current and potential borrowing from composition studies as well as the constraints on such borrowing. It uses a citation analysis and a study of the arguments in business communication articles published in The Journal of Business Communication to identify the current state of composition's impact on research in business writing. After exploring the factors that may impede additional borrowing from composition, it discusses three major areas of composition studies that may profitably influence research in business communication: the historical and theoretical study of composition as a discipline, multicultural and literacy studies, and contemporary critical and social theory. [author's abstract]
Keywords: business-communication, WAC, cross-disciplinary, composition-studies, citation-analysis, discourse-analysis, argumentation, historiography, English-profession, multicultural, literacy-studies, critique, critical social-theory
8. Fulford, Carolyn J. (2009). Writing across the curriculum program development as ideological and rhetorical practice [doctoral thesis]. Amherst, MA. University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Keywords: WAC, program-implementation, liberal arts, WPA, rhetoric, critical discourse-analysis, rhetorical, ecological, ethnographic, curriculum-design, standards, accountability, gen-ed, history, institutional identity, ideological dialectics
9. Giaimo, Genie Nicole, and Samantha Jane Turner. (2019). Session notes as a professionalization tool for writing center staff: Conducting discourse analysis to determine training efficacy and tutor growth.
Journal of Writing Research 11.1, 131-162.
Keywords: discourse analysis, session notes, writing centers, assessment, training efficacy
10. Henry, Jim. (1994). A narratological analysis of WAC authorship. College English 56.7, 810-824.
Keywords: authorship, narratology, implied-author, WAC, discourse-analysis, assignment, pedagogy, personal,
11. Houtlosser, Peter. (2001). Points of view. In van Eemeren, Frans H. (Ed.), Crucial concepts in argumentation theory; Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (pp. 27-50).
Keywords: argumentation, theory, point-of-view, perspective, dialectic, pragma-dialectics, social, psychological, cognitive, discourse-analysis, structuralist, debate, advocacy, communicative action
12. Johnstone, Anne C.; Barbara Johnstone; Valerie M. Balester. (1994). Uses for journal keeping: An ethnography of writing in a university science class. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Keywords: journal-writing, science-course, WAC, ethnographic, data, reflexivity, teacher-research, University of Northern Iowa, sample, discourse-analysis, student-opinion, teacher-opinion
13. Lindsay, Stan A. (1999). Waco and Andover: An application of Kenneth Burke's concept of psychotic entelechy. Quarterly Journal of Speech 85.3, 268-284.
Keywords: Kenneth Burke, symbolic action, entelechy, disaster, Branch Davidian, Waco, psychotic entelechy, cults, cover-up, discourse-analysis, applied
14. Olinger, Andrea R. (2021). Self-Contradiction in Faculty's Talk about Writing: Making and Unmaking Autonomous Models of Literacy.
Literacy in Composition Studies 08.2, 1-38.
Annotation: In Writing Across the Curriculum/Writing in the Disciplines and Academic Literacies, researchers have produced compelling evidence of the disjunction between faculty members’ assertions that good writing is universal - i.e., the autonomous model of literacy - and faculty's own tacit practice of discipline-specific conventions. In studies of race and language in education, scholars have identified disconnections between what teachers profess to value - e.g., students' right to their own language - and how they actually grade. Contradictions are a natural part of any ideology, and these are commonly understood to demonstrate the resilience of the autonomous model. In this article, however, I introduce a set of theoretical tools from the sociology of scientific knowledge - namely, the concept of interpretative repertoires and of variability in participants' interpretations as an analytic resource - that can reveal cracks in the autonomous model. Although these tools are over thirty years old, they have not circulated widely in literacy and composition studies. I apply the tools to text-based interviews with two faculty writers who had espoused universal 'rules' for writing. After identifying apparent disconnections between the rules and their own practices or those of other writers with whom they worked, I present this evidence to them and analyze their explanations: They maintain that the rules still apply, but their accounts are complex, shifting, and self-contradictory. These case studies reveal, rather than its strength, the inherent instability of the autonomous model. Ultimately, I hope that these research tools can, in conjunction with systemic efforts, aid in dismantling the construct of 'good writing' and its inherent privileging of white language practices.
Keywords: autonomous, literacy, mode, academic-literacies, WAC, WID, disciplinary-writing, faculty, discourse-analysis
15. Olinger, Andrea R. (2021). Self-Contradiction in Faculty's Talk about Writing: Making and Unmaking Autonomous Models of Literacy.
Literacy in Composition Studies 08.2, 1-38.
Annotation: In Writing Across the Curriculum/Writing in the Disciplines and Academic Literacies, researchers have produced compelling evidence of the disjunction between faculty members’ assertions that good writing is universal - i.e., the autonomous model of literacy - and faculty's own tacit practice of discipline-specific conventions. In studies of race and language in education, scholars have identified disconnections between what teachers profess to value - e.g., students' right to their own language - and how they actually grade. Contradictions are a natural part of any ideology, and these are commonly understood to demonstrate the resilience of the autonomous model. In this article, however, I introduce a set of theoretical tools from the sociology of scientific knowledge - namely, the concept of interpretative repertoires and of variability in participants' interpretations as an analytic resource - that can reveal cracks in the autonomous model. Although these tools are over thirty years old, they have not circulated widely in literacy and composition studies. I apply the tools to text-based interviews with two faculty writers who had espoused universal 'rules' for writing. After identifying apparent disconnections between the rules and their own practices or those of other writers with whom they worked, I present this evidence to them and analyze their explanations: They maintain that the rules still apply, but their accounts are complex, shifting, and self-contradictory. These case studies reveal, rather than its strength, the inherent instability of the autonomous model. Ultimately, I hope that these research tools can, in conjunction with systemic efforts, aid in dismantling the construct of 'good writing' and its inherent privileging of white language practices.
Keywords: autonomous, literacy, mode, academic-literacies, WAC, WID, disciplinary-writing, faculty, discourse-analysis
16. Propen, Amy D.; Mary Lay Schuster. (2010). Understanding genre through the lens of advocacy: The rhetorical work of the victim impact statement. Written Communication 27.1, 3-35.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, genre-analysis, advocacy, victim impact statement, victim-rights, legal, interview, judge-opinion, courtroom, site-analysis, rhetorical-analysis, victim-opinion, data, appeal, emotion, personal, institutional
17. Ronald, Kate. (1988). On the outside looking in: Students' analyses of professional discourse communities. Rhetoric Review 07.1, 130-149.
Keywords: academy-workplace, academic, disciplinary, discourse-analysis, WAC, student-opinion, rhetorical-analysis, discourse-community, professional-discourse
18. Root, Robert L. (1987). The rhetorics of popular culture: Advertising, advocacy, and entertainment. New York: Greenwood.
Keywords: popular-culture, cultural, cultural, rhetorical-analysis, discourse-analysis, advertising, advocacy, entertainment
19. Rosow, La Vergne. (1990). Consumer advocacy, empowerment, and adult literacy. Journal of Reading 34.4, 258-262.
Keywords: discourse-analysis, text-analysis, junk mail, advertisement, multilingual, multicultural, consumer advocacy, civic, literacy, empowerment, student-centered
20. Russell, David R. (2010). Writing in multiple contexts: Vygotskian CHAT meets the phenomenology of genre [cultural-historical activity theory]. In Bazerman, Charles; et al. (Eds.), Traditions of writing research; London: Routledge (pp. 353-364).
Keywords: activity-theory, Vygotsky, CHAT (cultural-historical activity theory], phenomenology, genre, research-method, contextual, multiple, process, discourse-analysis, WAC, polycontextuality, genre-analysis, academic, historiography, multimodal, simulation
21. Savage, Gerald. (1992). Beyond evangelism: Ideology and social responsibility in WAC. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 346 478.
Keywords: WAC, ideology, interdisciplinary, review-of-scholarship, science, engineeering, professional-periodical, social, ethical, discourse-analysis, data, social
22. Schor, Sandra. (1987). Writing across the disciplines: Respecting the untranslatable. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 292 116.
Keywords: WAC, disciplinarity, interdisciplinary, reader-response, discourse-analysis, jargon, popularization, interpretive, difficulty, translating, incommensurability, respect
23. Suedfeld, Peter; Loraine Lavellee; Jennifer Brough. (1998). Political language in an environmental controversy: Integrative complexity and motive imagery in advocacy propaganda and the press. In Feldman, Ofer; Christ'l de Landtsheer (Eds.), Politically speaking: A worldwide examination of language used in the public sphere; Westport, CT: Praeger (pp. 170-183).
Keywords: discourse-analysis, public, political, controversy, environmental, imagery, advocacy, propaganda, journalism, integrative, motive
Annotation: In this article, I use textual discourse analysis to build a deeper understanding of the discursive spaces through which interdisciplinary collaboration takes place. Drawing on Norman Fairclough's (2001) framework for interactional analysis, I examine the linguistic features of a handout I composed to facilitate a WID meeting with biology faculty. Mapping links between discourse, language, and social interaction, I argue, allows writing specialists to critically examine our communicative strategies and their impact on the professional relationships we broker, empowering us to more creatively navigate the challenge of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Keywords: WAC, WID, discourse analysis, interdisciplinary, cooperation, teacher-cooperation, biology-course, hermeneutic, linguistic analysis
25. Wolfe, Christopher R. (2011). Argumentation across the curriculum. Written Communication 28.2, 193-219.
Annotation: This study explores how different kinds of arguments are situated in academic contexts and provides an analysis of undergraduate writing assignments. Assignments were collected from the schools of business, education, engineering, fine arts, and interdisciplinary studies as well as the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences in the College of Arts and Science. A total of 265 undergraduate writing assignments from 71 courses were analyzed. Assignments were reliably categorized into these major categories of argumentative writing: explicitly thesis-driven assignments, text analysis, empirical arguments, decision-based arguments, proposals, short answer arguments, and compound arguments. A majority of writing assignments (59%) required argumentation. All engineering writing assignments required argumentation, as did 90% in fine arts, 80% of interdisciplinary assignments, 72% of social science assignments, 60% of education assignments, 53% in natural science, 47% in the humanities, and 46% in business. Argumentation is valued across the curriculum, yet different academic contexts require different forms of argumentation.
Keywords: argumentation, WAC, cross-disciplinary, assignment-analysis, text-analysis, genre, taxonomy, undergraduate, data, frequency, engineering, fine arts, social-science, education, natural-science, humanities, business