WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Category: Diversity

Your search found 64 citations.

1. [various]. (1987). [synopses of conference panels and talks, Fifth National Testing Network in Writing Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1987]. Notes from the National Testing Network in Writing 07, 3-20.
Keywords: testing, Writing Proficiency Examination [University of Massachusetts-Boston], rising-junior, standards, K-12, pedagogy, prompt, topic, assessment, holistic, rater-training, New Jersey College Basic Skills Placement Test, ESL, analytic, assessment profile, profiling, British Council Proficiency Test of the English Language, portfolio, computer, teacher-training, ESL, contrastive, African-Am, NAEP, New Jersey High School Proficiency Test, WAC, content-area, basic, program-validation, nonacademic, cultural, China, large-scale, college-span [Temple University], cross-sectional, longitudinal, error, regression, gender-difference, national, NAEPgender-difference, high-school
2. Adams, Pauline Gordon; Emma Shore Thornton. (1986). An inquiry into the process of collaboration. Language Arts of Michigan 02, 25-28.
Keywords: collaboration, questionnaire, teacher-opinion, WAC, data, discipline, gender, age, inquiry
3. Anderson, Larry; Patricia Teel Bates; Don Smith. (1994). Reader-response theory and instructors' holistic evaluating in and out of their fields. Teaching English in the Two-Year College 21.1, 53-62.
Keywords: data, experiment, evaluation, holistic, rating, contrast-group, academic, discipline, WAC, gender-difference, ethnicity, African-Am, anglo, prompt, assessment, topic
4. Anderson, S. J. (1986). Student essay assignment preferences: A study of sex, age and creativity variables. In O'Dowd, Kathleen; Earnest I. Nolan (Eds.), Learning to write/writing to learn; Livonia, MI: Madonna College, Humanities Writing Program (pp. 82-96).
Keywords: WAC, student-opinion, topic choice, student-preference, data, factorial, gender, age-correlation, creativity
5. Anson, Chris M. (2012). Black holes: Writing across the curriculum, assessment, and the gravitational invisibility of race. In Inoue, Asao B.; Mya Poe (Eds.), Race and writing assessment; New York: Peter Lang (pp. 15-28).
Keywords: assessment, WAC, race, suppression, invisibility
6. Babin, Jane E., & Moore, Daniel P. (1995). An Investigation of Gender Through Writing. Plymouth State College Journal on Writing Across the Curriculum, 6(1), 45-54. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.1995.6.1.04
Keywords: WAC, gender, topic, assignment, role-playing, memorandum-writing, case-method, pedagogy
7. Barber, John F. (2000). All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: Promoting Cybernetic Ecology in Writing Classrooms. Academic.Writing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Communication Across the Curriculum, 1(4), 1-1. https://doi.org/10.37514/AWR-J.2000.1.4.11
Annotation: Howard Rheingold envisions 'cybernetic architectures' or worlds and ways to be in them (88). John Markoff writes about the creation of 'post-textual literacy' based on digital audio-visual rather than textual thinking that will offer us the opportunity to manipulate intertextuality in ways never before possible using only words and traditional face-to-face educational contexts (5). Building on these images, it is not a stretch to posit that computers and fiction and / or poetry classrooms can sustain each other in a 'cybernetic ecology' that might transcend the time, space, and place boundaries of the traditional classroom, provide access to far-flung resources, promote broader collaborative opportunities among colleagues, and orient such collaboration toward a broad spectrum of humanistic endeavor. The implications are not only interesting and challenging but necessary to address. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: cybernetic ecology, digital, new media, intertestuality, computer, literature, poetry, 'post-textual literacy', wac, wid, print-digital
8. Batchelder, Susan (Ed.). (1992). Diversity and writing: Dialogue with a modern university: Proceedings, first annual conference, April 1990 / Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Writing (Monograph series No. 2). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 377 482].
Keywords: diversity, WAC, contemporary
9. Bazerman, Charles. (1988). Shaping written knowledge: The genre and activity of the experimental article in science. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Annotation: Traces the history and character of the experimental article in science, calling attention to the social and rhetorical forces that shaped its development. The book provides a broadly interdisciplinary exploration of an important genre and offers insights that extend far beyond its immediate focus of study. This book is available online as part of the Academic Writing series, Landmark Publications in Writing Studies. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: science-writing, genre, history, science, research-report, activity-theory, constructivist, knowledge-making, term-paper, experimental, WAC, academic, interdisciplinary
10. Beyer, Catharine Hoffman; Gerald M. Gillmore; Andrew T. Fisher. (2007). Inside the undergraduate experience: The University of Washington's study of undergraduate learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Annotation: The University of Washington's Study of Undergraduate Learning (UW SOUL) tracked 304 entering freshmen and transfer students as they moved through their college experience from fall 1999 to spring 2003. Unparalleled in its scope, this longitudinal study focused on six areas of learning: writing, critical thinking/problem solving, quantitative reasoning, information literacy, understanding and appreciating diversity, and personal growth. This book provides faculty, staff, and administrators at two- and four-year institutions with a model of assessment that both captures the complexity of the undergraduate experience and offers practical information about how to improve teaching and learning. Data from surveys, open-ended email questions, interviews, focus groups, and portfolios make it possible for the authors to create case studies of individual learning paths over time, as well as to report the group s aggregate experience. Honoring the authenticity of student voices, this book illuminates the central roles played by the academic disciplines and by faculty in undergraduate learning, offering powerful evidence for the argument that assessment of student learning is most complete and most useful when conducted at the department level. [publisher's blurb]
Keywords: longitudinal, data, University of Washington, undergraduate, critical-thinking, problem-solving, quantitative reasoning, diversity, information literacy, personal growth, development, survey, focus group, case-study, portfolio, self-report, self-evaluation, argumentation, WAC, research-based, undergraduate
11. Butler, Susan. (1998). Race and gender in an internet-based history course. Works and Days 16.1-2, 193-216.
Keywords: internet, classroom, racial, gender, history-course, WAC
12. Caywood, Cynthia L.; Gilliam R. Overing. (1987). Writing across the curriculum: A model for a workshop and a call for change. In Caywood, Cynthia L.; Gillian R. Overing (Eds.), Teaching writing: Pedagogy, gender and equity; Albany, NY: State University of New York Press (pp. 185-200).
Keywords: gender, equity, WAC, workshop, change
13. Chapman, David W. (1991). Under the influence: Traces of WAC in nursing and allied health scholarship. Issues in Writing 03.2, 196-210.
Keywords: WAC, nursing, trace, health-services
14. D'Angelo, Barbara J.; Barry M. Maid. (2004). Moving beyond definitions: Implementing information literacy across the curriculum. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 30.3, 212-217.
Annotation: Describes collaboration between Arizona State University's library and its Multimedia Writing and Technical Communication Program, a partnership the authors posit lays the groundwork for expansion of information literacy instruction throughout the curriculum. Traces the commonalities between WAC and information literacy, particularly in that both ""teach skills that have their own disciplinary homes yet are used throughout the disciplines"" (213). Describes IL-related courses and projects that created increased interest in IL on ASU's campus. Posits that a successful IL program should resemble a successful WAC program in that responsibility for IL should be distributed across campus, but with the recognition that expertise lies with the library (216). [Gwendolynne Reid, Updating the FYC-Library Partnership: Recent Work on Information Literacy and Writing Classrooms, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 25]
Keywords: information literacy, information retrieval, library science, faculty-librarian, library, research instruction, WAC, technical writing
15. du Pre, Athena. (1997). Diversity in the classroom: A case study in gender awareness. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 411 552.
Keywords: gender, communications-course, classroom, discussion, WAC, assignment, diversity
16. Faery, Rebecca Blevins. (1987). Women and writing across the curriculum: Learning and liberation. In Caywood, Cynthia L.; Gillian R. Overing (Eds.), Teaching writing: Pedagogy, gender and equity; Albany, NY: State University of New York Press (pp. 201-212).
Keywords: women, gender, equity, WAC, liberatory, change
17. Fowler, Judy; Robert Ochsner. (2012). Evaluating essays across institutional boundaries. In Inoue, Asao B.; Mya Poe (Eds.), Race and writing assessment; New York: Peter Lang (pp. 111-126).
Keywords: WAC, disciplinary, evaluation, standards, race, essay-writing, assessment, interinstitutional
18. Freedman, Sarah Warshauer. (1983). Student characteristics and essay test writing performance. Research in the Teaching of English 17.4, 313-325.
Annotation: In this innovative study of student self-assessment and the quality of their essays, Freedman had college freshmen write on topics typical of those "found on proficiency and placement tests which call for expository/argumentative essays" (p. 315). Raters of the essays were graduate students at Stanford with at least three years' experience teaching, all of whom had had previous experience with holistic evaluation. The holistic procedure (used also in Freedman, 1977; Freedman, 1981; and Freedman and Calfee, 1983) pooled four raters' scores on a 4-point scale. The strongest predictor of the holistic score was the student's selection standards for schools attended. If students claimed to be better writers, they scored higher. But there was no correlation with student age, declared pleasure with writing, and believed difficulty of the topic. [For other early studies of writing assessment and student self-evaluation, or "self-efficacy," see Olson and Martin, 1980; McCarthy, Meier, and Rinderer, 1985.] RHH [Rich Haswell & Norbert Elliot, Holistic Scoring of Written Discourse to 1985, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 27]
Keywords: FYC, topic, student-opinion, student self-evaluation, evaluation, holistic, pooled-rater, teacher-student, prompt, readability, apprehension, gender, data, pleasure, age-correlation, topic difficulty, self-efficacy
19. Fulkerson, Richard. (1990). Composition theory in the eighties: Axiological consensus and paradigmatic diversity. College Composition and Communication 41.4, 409-429.
Keywords: discourse-theory, pedagogy, praxis, arrangement, MX, truth, WAC, paradigm, contextualism, audience, axiology, pedagogy, taxonomy, revisited, paradigm
20. Gallegos, Erin Penner. (2013). Mapping student literacies: Reimagining college writing instruction within the literacy landscape. Composition Forum 27 (Spring 2013). https://compositionforum.com/issue/27/literacies.php
Annotation: Abstract: Through an examination of four current trends in composition instruction, this article presents a new lens for envisioning composition instruction that integrates the best aspects of the writing across the curriculum, genre-based curriculum approach, ecocomposition, and writing across communities theories of writing instruction. The "literacy landscape" proposed herein explicitly values the integration of student learning "incomes" within the composition classroom and derives from the author’s experience teaching within a large composition program that employed aspects of the genre-based curriculum, and both WAC approaches. The literacy landscape is envisioned to act both as a lens for imagining a more comprehensive approach to administering composition programs, as well as to teaching composition.
Keywords: Writing across the curriculum, WAC, gender-based curriculum, literacy
21. Gottschalk, Katherine K. (2011). Writing from Experience: The Evolving Roles of Personal Writing in a Writing in the Disciplines Program. Across the Disciplines, 8(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.37514/ATD-J.2011.8.1.05
Annotation: Gottschalk, a professor in the English department at Cornell, traces the history of the English 135 course offered at that university. Initially called Writing from Experience, the course began in the sixties as a way for students to eliminate the inherent limitations of writing in a particular genre. Gottschalk discusses the pedagogical evolution of the course, focusing on the politics of the academy since the sixties. She details each stage of the course’s development, as the English department transitioned into a genre-specific Writing in the Disciplines program. The course is no longer offered as a separate entity, but instead has been incorporated into the WID program, and the latter half of her article is devoted to analyzing the intersection of WID courses and expressivist writing. She advocates for keeping the essence of the English 135 course in current introductory writing courses, and she defines this essence as a balance of the personal and the professional in academic writing. By presenting anecdotal examples of courses offered at Cornell that blend the personal and the academic, she demonstrates how professors can incorporate both aspects of writing in their classes.
Keywords: WAC, WID, Cornell University, history, 20th-century, 'Writing from Experience', first-year seminar, personal experience
22. Gottschalk, Katherine K. (1991). Training TAs across the curriculum to teaching writing: Embracing diversity. In Nyquist, Jody (Ed.), Preparing the professoriate to teach: Selected readings in TA training; Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt (pp. 168-174).
Keywords: TA-training, WAC, pedagogy, diversity
23. Graff, Gerald. (2009). It's time to end 'courseocentrism'. full text. Inside Higher Ed (January 13).
Annotation: Graff argues that instructors in the Humanities no longer have the luxury of the 'hermetically sealed classroom,' a condition that leads to 'corseocentrism,' which he defines as 'a kind of tunnel vision in which our little part of the world becomes the whole.' He argues that learning communities--particularly the pairing of first year composition and general education classes and/or humanities and science classes--work against the myopia of closed classrooms. Graff poses that the embrace of collaborative teaching and learning environments can help universities to work toward more coherent curricular experiences for students and support students in understanding the inherent connections in what may appear to be discreet fields of study. Graff ends by contending that learning communities are increasingly necessary to combat the ways disciplinary discourses compartmentalize intellectual life and isolate professionals from one another even within departments. [Michelle LaFrance, Linked Writing Courses; WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 14]
Keywords: courseocentrism, interdisciplinary, humanities, learning-community, culture wars, WAC
24. Graham, Joan. (1992). Writing components, writing adjuncts, writing links. In McLeod, Susan H.; Margot Soven (Eds.), Writing across the curriculum: A guide to developing programs; Newbury Park, CA: Sage [ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 350 622] (pp. 110-133).
Annotation: In this wide ranging chapter, Joan Graham discusses the pedagogical opportunities and practical considerations of linked (or 'integrated') writing courses. Graham describes the design 'components' of several programs, focusing on those at major institutions that link writing courses to large lectures. With these programs as a backdrop, she traces the 'assumptions and pitfalls of integrated writing programs,' summarizes the key features of programs flourishing at the time of her writing, and poses considerations for training teachers in these programs. Graham then turns to discussing scheduling and publicity concerns for the courses and reflects on the influences that writing links may have on disciplinary lectures, as well as the influence such programs and courses may have on traditional composition courses. Peppered with useful pedagogical and programmatic insights--for instance, 'what students learn in a given component, adjunct, or link is obviously in some ways context bound--one does not learn to write once and for all, and generic ‘good writing’ is a problematic concept' (126)--this chapter is useful for those interested in the pedagogical philosophies and models of linked courses that flourished in the late 80's and early 90's. Graham presents a picture of the linked writing course as a major contribution to the evolution of student-centered teaching and engaged learning in the large research university. [Michelle LaFrance, Linked Writing Course; WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 14]
Keywords: WAC, program, change, implementation, linked, interdisciplinary, teaching-assistant, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, San Diego, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of North Carolina, University of Washington
25. Greene, Gary Lynn. (1999). Writing self-efficacy, gender, aptitude, and writing achievement among freshman university students [doctoral thesis]. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama.
Keywords: gender-difference, University of Alabama, FYC, predictive, background, aptitude, self-efficacy, improvement, aptitude
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