WAC Bibliography

Welcome to the WAC Bibliography. The bibliography, developed and presented in collaboration with CompPile, was developed to support teachers across the disciplines who are interested in using writing and speaking in their courses; scholars who are interested in WAC theory and research; and program administrators, designers, and developers who have interests in the latest work in faculty outreach, program design, and assessment.

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Category: WAC Practices

Your search found 114 citations.

1. Aarons, Victoria; Willis A. Salomon. (1989). The writing center and writing across the curriculum: Some observations on theory and practice. Focuses: A Journal Linking Composition Programs and Writing-Center Practice 02.2, 91-102.
Keywords: wcenter, WAC, theory, pedagogy
2. Abasi, Ali R.; Nahal Akbari; Barbara Graves. (2006). Discourse appropriation, construction of identities, and the complex issue of plagiarism: ESL students writing in graduate school. Journal of Second Language Writing 15.2, 102-117.
Annotation: Drawing on case studies of five L2 graduate students – two MA students in a Second Language Education program, a PhD student in Counseling, a PhD student in Educational Administration, and a PhD student in Education – the authors examine how L2 graduate students make choices about appropriating discourse when writing, how they identify their voices in source-based writing, and how choices of appropriation and voice relate to a student’s identities. They found that the less experienced graduate students were less likely to be aware of textual choices as rhetorical and as creating identity in writing in contrast to the more experienced graduate student writers. After analyzing participants’ writing, the authors discovered that the less experienced graduate students also plagiarized more and tied this practice to their educational histories and assumptions about their roles as writers. [Michelle Cox, WAC/WID and Second Language Writers (Part 3: Studies that Look at L2 Writer across Disciplines), WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 8]
Keywords: WAC, ESL, plagiarism, identity, constructivist, graduate, appropriation, case-study
3. Addison, Joanne; Sharon James McGee. (2010). Writing in high school/writing in college: Research trends and future directions. College Composition and Communication 62.1, 147-179.
Annotation: Outlines major large-scale writing research projects done within the ten years preceding article publication. Using student responses to the National Survey of Student Engagement’s (NSSE) 'writing-specific' questions, Addison and McGee identified five scales that 'describe the quality of undergraduate writing and establish that certain types of writing are substantially related to NSSE’s deep learning subscales, especially higherorder thinking and integrative learning,' through investigating: pre-writing activities, instructor articulation of clear expectations, the assignment of higher-order writing tasks, good instructor practices such as student collaboration, sample review and opportunities for writing practice, and evidence of student use of integrated media like the inclusion of visual content in their writing. Upon comparison of the aggregate data from the studies referenced above using these five scales, Addison and McGee found that college and high school faculty across the curriculum only diverged in their practices in terms of assigning higher-order writing tasks and using integrated media . Yet, college faculty tended to provide fewer opportunities for peer review and 'informal, exploratory' writing. Alternately, student and teacher as well as instructor-workplace perceptions and expectations about writing were far less congruent. In response, calls for the following future actions: the creation of 'WAC-centered vertical curriculum' between high schools and colleges that concretely emphasizes the transfer of skills related to not only essay but also narrative and critical research-based writing , including interdisciplinary rhetorical analysis and workplace genres; the establishment of future research partnerships between large organizations like NSSE and WPA jointly guided by the Committee on Research and Committee on Professional Visibility and Databases within CCCC; and the formation of an online repository by NCTE/CCCC to archive the raw data and tools used in writing studies as a resource for upcoming research and advocacy efforts [Rachel E. H. Edwards, Alignments and Alliences: Smoothing Students' Transitions from High School English to First-Year College Writing, WPA-CompPile Bibliographies, No. 20]
Keywords: writing-studies, school-college, articulation, literacy, WAC, scale, deep learning, curriculum, workplace, genre, best-practices, academic, research-method, future, trend, National Survey of Student Engagement’s (NSSE), WPA Committee on Research and Committee on Professional Visibility and Databases, CCCC, data repository, digital, rhetorical-analysis, interdisciplinary, trend
4. Alster, Kristine Beyerman. (2004). Writing in nursing education and nursing practice. In Zamel, Vivian; Ruth Spack (Ed.), Crossing the curriculum: Multilingual learners in college classrooms; Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum (pp. 163-180).
Keywords: ESL, WAC, academic, acculturation, nursing-course, teacher-opinion
5. Anderson, Janice Scott. (1981). The rhetorical theory and practice of Walter Lippmann: Advocacy journalism as rhetorical discourse [doctoral thesis]. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Keywords: journalism, advocacy, Walter Lippman, theory, discourse-analysis, rhetorical, rhetorical-theory
6. Andrievskikh, Natalia. (2024). Student-Created Tabletop Foresight Games as Advocacy: Exploring Alternatives to the Op-Ed Genre in First-Year Writing Courses. Prompt 8.1, 28-37. https://doi.org/10.31719/pjaw.v8i1.169
Annotation: This assignment asks first-year writing students to collaboratively create a tabletop game design that would expose players to possible future developments of climate change. The multimodal component is accompanied by a series of writing, research, and communication assignments that are scaffolded to guide students through the iterative process of composing. As students explore alternative formats to make a persuasive argument, they gain a more nuanced understanding of their topic, hone critical thinking skills, and practice addressing different audiences. The final project includes a research paper and a formal project proposal. The author argues in favor of the affordances of game-based pedagogies in a writing and technical communication classroom.
Keywords: technical communication, advocacy, persuasive arguments, first-year writing, project-based learning, procedural rhetoric, game-based pedagogy, multimodal composition
7. Andrievskikh, Natalia. (2024). Student-Created Tabletop Foresight Games as Advocacy: Exploring Alternatives to the Op-Ed Genre in First-Year Writing Courses. Prompt 8.1, 28-37. https://doi.org/10.31719/pjaw.v8i1.169
Annotation: This assignment asks first-year writing students to collaboratively create a tabletop game design that would expose players to possible future developments of climate change. The multimodal component is accompanied by a series of writing, research, and communication assignments that are scaffolded to guide students through the iterative process of composing. As students explore alternative formats to make a persuasive argument, they gain a more nuanced understanding of their topic, hone critical thinking skills, and practice addressing different audiences. The final project includes a research paper and a formal project proposal. The author argues in favor of the affordances of game-based pedagogies in a writing and technical communication classroom.
Keywords: technical communication, advocacy, persuasive arguments, first-year writing, project-based learning, procedural rhetoric, game-based pedagogy, multimodal composition
8. Andrievskikh, Natalia. (2024). Student-Created Tabletop Foresight Games as Advocacy: Exploring Alternatives to the Op-Ed Genre in First-Year Writing Courses. Prompt 8.1, 28-37. https://doi.org/10.31719/pjaw.v8i1.169
Annotation: This assignment asks first-year writing students to collaboratively create a tabletop game design that would expose players to possible future developments of climate change. The multimodal component is accompanied by a series of writing, research, and communication assignments that are scaffolded to guide students through the iterative process of composing. As students explore alternative formats to make a persuasive argument, they gain a more nuanced understanding of their topic, hone critical thinking skills, and practice addressing different audiences. The final project includes a research paper and a formal project proposal. The author argues in favor of the affordances of game-based pedagogies in a writing and technical communication classroom.
Keywords: technical communication, advocacy, persuasive arguments, first-year writing, project-based learning, procedural rhetoric, game-based pedagogy, multimodal composition
9. Artemeva, Natasha & Logie, Susan. (2003). Introducing Engineering Students to intellectual Teamwork: The Teaching and Practice of Peer Feedback in the Professional Communication Classroom. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 6(1), 62-85. https://doi.org/10.37514/LLD-J.2003.6.1.04
Annotation: In this paper we report on the preliminary stages of a longitudinal study of the role and place of peer feedback in the development of students' writing.
Keywords: WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, engineering, peer-response, peer-evaluation, data, longitudinal, teamwork
10. Bahls, Patrick. (2009). Math and Metaphor: Using Poetry to Teach College Mathematics. The WAC Journal, 20(1), 75-90. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.06
Annotation: Argues for interdisciplinary dialogue, particularly between poetry and mathematics, and describes the efficacy of integrating poetry exercises in a college mathematics class. Explores how poetry enhances students' discipline-specific comprehension and self-esteem in math. Posits that the study of mathematical nomenclature necessitates an aesthetic, linguistic practice: poetry. Examines what affects math performance; chronicles math students' discipline-specific writing developments; underscores the importance of poetry as an epistemological tool that yields a clearer conception of mathematical applications; and concludes that the inclusion of poetry is not incongruous to mathematics. [Blaise Bennardo]
Keywords: WAC, mathematics-course, poetry, creativity, pedagogy, poetry-writing, calculus, student-confidence, survey, student-opinion, metaphoric, disciplinary, epistemological, poetry
11. Baird, Neil, and Bradley Dilger. (2017). Metaphors for writing transfer in the writing lives and teaching practices of faculty in the discipline. WPA: Writing Program Administration 41.1, 102-124. https://wpacouncil.org/aws/CWPA/pt/sp/journal-archives
Keywords: writing transfer, metaphor, WAC, WID, cognitive transfer, professional development
12. Bergmann, Linda S. (2000). WAC Meets the Ethos of Engineering: Process, Collaboration, and Disciplinary Practices. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 4(1), 4-15. https://doi.org/10.37514/LLD-J.2000.4.1.02
Annotation: This paper considers some ways in which WAC theory can conflict with disciplinary practices in applied or technological fields like engineering, so that even though there is a significant demand in engineering education for improving students' communication skills, in many local institutional situations WAC theory and practices may have little actual effect on the kind of writing projects that are set up or on the ways in which students actually learn to write.
Keywords: WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, engineering, process, collabortion, pedagogy, pedagogy, ethos
13. Blau, Sheridan. (2010). Academic writing as participation: Writing your way in. In Sullivan, Patrick; Tinberg, Howard; Blau, Sheridan (Eds.), What is “college-level” writing? Volume 2: Assignments, Readings and Student Writing Samples; Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English (pp. 29-56).
Annotation: Blau describes and models his methodology and classroom practice of a genre-specific approach that purports to enable the transition of high school, community college and first-year college students into the university academic discourse community. Blau bases his claims of efficacy on anecdotal reports, observations done in New York City community colleges and high school classrooms as well as the application of research and theory. Blau suggests that students ought to write share and discuss literary commentary so they can concretely enact the formation of genuine academic discursive practices. These student commentaries are used for longer papers where students read, respond to and cite each other’s work. Blau contends that this 'genre-creating program' promotes the 'critical thinking' that is essential to the reading and writing involved in 'college-level discourse' because it lends students academic authority, in that they are originators and evaluators of a shared classroom disciplinary textual [Rachel E. H. Edwards, Alignments and Alliences: Smoothing Students' Transitions from High School English to First-Year College Writing, WPA-CompPile Bibliographies, No. 20]
Keywords: school-college, two-year, research-method, New York City, discourse-community, genre-specific, disciplinary, convention, WAC, critical-thinking, research-practice, theory-practice, discursive, praxis
14. Bogad, Lesley; Jennifer S. Cook; Monica G. Darcy; Janet Donnell Johnson; Susan K. Patterson; Mary Ellen Tillotson. (2007). Finding our way as WAC-y women: Writing practice and other collegial endeavors. Across the Disciplines 04. https://wac.colostate.edu/atd/articles/bogadetal2007.cfm
Annotation: This article describes our experiences as six faculty members at a mid-sized state college whose collaboration grew into a substantive endeavor to improve writing pedagogy and practice across our disciplines of English, Educational Studies, Instructional Technology, Educational Psychology and Counseling. Within our practice, we approach writing in a variety of ways, including: letter writing; writing as an advanced organizer; online journal writing; rhetorical writing; and writing for critical inquiry. Also embedded within our practice is our creation of and participation in a professional community of learners. In our conclusion, we consider both the personal lessons we have learned through this collaboration and the institutional policies and practices that can support and sustain this kind of work.
Keywords: WAC, women, interdisciplinary, genre, activity-analysis, English-studies, Education, Instructional Psychology, Counseling, psychology
15. Bordwell, C. B. (1965). The writing tutorial across campus. College English 26.7, 562-564.
Annotation: Account in the Departmental Memo section of a program at the University of Oregon honors college in which students are enrolled in a tutorial as a supplement to the composition classroom. The program was also being expanded outside of comp to undergrads and grad students. The account of practice is quite contemporary. [Neal Lerner, Chronology of Published Descriptions of Writing Laboratories/Clinics, 1894-1977, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 9]
Keywords: University of Oregon, tutoring, wcenter, stretch, WAC, honors, ancillary, WAC, graduate, tutoring, tutorial
16. Bradford, Linda Burrell Henderson. (1991). Writing across the curriculum: A study of faculty practices at a Southern university [doctoral thesis]. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama.
Keywords: WAC, pedagogy, faculty, USA, South, process, volume-of-writing
17. Braine, George. (1990). Writing across the curriculum: A case study of faculty practices at a research university. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 324 680.
Keywords: WAC, survey, data, process, University of Texas at Austin, assignment, revising, sequence, journal-writing, peer-evaluation, volume-of-writing
18. Braine, George; Linda Bradford. (1993). Writing across the curriculum: A study of faculty practices at two universities. Issues in Writing 05.2, 157-186.
Keywords: WAC, faculty
19. Brauer, Gerd. (2002). Drawing connections across education: The Freiburg Writing Center model. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines 5.3. https://wac.colostate.edu/llad/v5n3/brauer.pdf
Annotation: Considering the increasingly rapid turnover of knowledge and the growing need for multi-functional writing skills for successful knowledge management, including reflective practice and lifelong self-directed learning, the attitude that writing is more of an innate than learned skill has started to change, albeit too slowly. In this article, I will analyze the preconditions for a faster change regarding the redefinition of writing in higher education, on the level of the individual learner and instructor as well as within the frameworks of curriculum and institution. Based on this analysis, I will suggest a model for how to adapt the basic ideas of U.S. writing across the curriculum (WAC) in Germany.
Keywords: WAC, WID, writing across the curriculum, global, international, wcenter, Freiburg, Germany
20. Burns, Deborah. (1998). Responsible practice in the writing center: Teaching and tutoring in the disciplines. Writing Lab Newsletter 22.6, 8-9. https://writinglabnewsletter.org/archives.php
Keywords: wcenter, WAC, tutoring
21. Childers, Pamela B.; Anne Ruggles Gere; Art Young. (1994). Programs and practices: Writing across the secondary school curriculum. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.
Keywords: WAC, program, school, pedagogy
22. Childers; Pamela; Cindy Johanek; Jon Leydens; Joan Mullin; Michael Pemberton; Rebecca Rickly; Mike Palmquist. (2002/2003). FORUM: Writing centers and WAC. Academic.Writing 03. https://wac.colostate.edu/aw/forums/spring2002/
Annotation: This Forum continues the practice of exploring fundamental relationships between key areas of writing studies. In this exchange, a group of scholars who have done substantial work with writing centers and writing-across-the-curriculum programs explore the relationships -- real and ideal -- between the two areas. The Forum opens with statements from each of the participants, and continues with responses to two follow-up and one closing question. In addition to responses to the formal questions, the participants also commented directly on each others' posts. Members of this Forum communicated with each other via electronic mail and the Web over a period of roughly one month. Their interactions are represented here using links among and beyond the texts that they produced. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: wcenter, WAC, writing-across-the-curriculum, WID
23. Cosgrove, Cornelius; Nancy Barta-Smith. (2004). In search of eloquence: Cross-disciplinary conversations on the role of writing in undergraduate education. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Annotation: Dialogically links scholarship in rhetoric, composition and English Studies to the perspectives of faculty outside of English, both challenging and expanding current thinking about writing pedagogy. Recognition of the centrality of writing in undergraduate education leads to extensive conversations with faculty from a variety of disciplines about writing's role in their own degree programs, scholarly disciplines, and professional practices. Explores how composition specialists might effectively talk writing with faculty across disciplines, leading to writing instruction integral to every program of study. A contemporary liberal arts quadrivium is recognized, as is the need for full involvement of faculty in every academic discipline to implement such a comprehensive rhetorical education. [WAC Clearinghouse]
Keywords: WAC, cross-disciplinary, faculty-opinion, eloquence, disciplinary, academy, undergraduate
24. Covill, Amy E. (2012). College students' use of a writing rubric: Effect on quality of writing, self-efficacy, and writing practices. Journal of Writing Assessment 05.1. http://www.journalofwritingassessment.org/article.php?article=60
Annotation: Fifty-six college students enrolled in two sections of a psychology class were randomly assigned to use one of three tools for assessing their own writing: a long rubric, a short rubric, or an open-ended assessment tool. Students used their assigned self-assessment tool to assess drafts of a course-required, five-page paper [author's abstract]
Keywords: rubric, self-efficacy, self-assessment, explicit, criteria, metacognition, working-memory, quality, belief, MANOVA, data, psychology-course
25. Cox, Michelle. (2010). WAC/WID and second language writers (WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 8). CompPile database [filed in the Annotation Field--enter: WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 8].
Annotation: In his 2009 article, 'WAC/WID in the Next America: Redefining Professional Identity in the Age of the Multilingual Majority,' Jonathon Hall argues for WAC/WID administrators to be inclusive of second language (L2) students in WAC/WID programs, research, and faculty development. This annotated bibliography takes up that call by providing WAC/WID administrators with reviews of 26 journal articles, book chapters, and monographs that together provide a range of resources useful for providing support for the L2 students writing across the curriculum, in the majors, and in graduate programs. This annotated bibliography is organized in three sections: WAC/WID administrative issues and L2 writers, studies focused on L2 writers in particular disciplines, and studies focused on L2 writers across disciplines. Many of the studies included are case studies tracking the experiences of undergraduate students writing in general education courses as well as courses in their majors, and graduate students writing across master and doctoral programs. What emerges from these studies is a picture of the complex linguistic, cultural, and identity transitions made by L2 students as they write across varying social, disciplinary, and rhetorical contexts. What also emerges is a map of the many opportunities available to WAC/WID professionals for advocating for L2 students. Positioned at the crossroads of teaching and learning as agents of institutional change, WAC/WID professionals are key to making our institutional landscapes, classrooms, and assessment practices more equitable for L2 students, a group not at the margins but at the center of US institutions of higher education. [Michelle Cox, WAC/WID and Second Language Writers, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 8]
Keywords: WAC, WID, ESL, WPA, administrating, needs-analysis
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