The WAC Repository offers both a collection of peer-reviewed articles pertaining to WAC administration and pedagogy and a set of resources for the wider writing studies community that have been assembled through curation and crowdsourcing. The Repository pursues its mission of prompting cross-institutional conversations and making visible the work of WAC practitioners, administrators, and stakeholders by encouraging and supporting exchanges about implementing WAC principles and best practices in local contexts.
The WAC Repository publishes a wide range of materials, including peer-reviewed articles, crowd-sourced collections, exhibit, and resources for the WAC and writing studies community. Follow the links to the right (on desktops and laptops) or at the bottom of this page (on mobile devices) or view our About page to learn more.
The WAC Repository is a collaboration between the WAC Clearinghouse and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum. ISSN 2997-8955
Principles for Open-Access Scholarly Publishing has been released by the WAC Clearinghouse. The statement was developed with contributions from 17 scholars in the writing studies community and is endorsed by more than 60 individuals, publications, and organizations. The statement web page provides options for endorsing or making further contributions to the document.
Peer-reviewed scholarly articles on issues related to writing and writing across the curriculum.
FAQs about Language and Linguistics in Writing
Exhibits shed insight on a particular topic, event, or issue. They are organized by a single author or team.
Collections shed insight on a particular topic/address a particular objective. They consist of sets of materials organized by a single author or team.
An Introduction to Writing Across the Curriculum
TextGenEd: Teaching with Text Generation Technologies
TextGenEd: Continuing Experiments
AI Text Generators and Teaching Writing: Starting Points for Inquiry
Conference Archives and Edited Collections
Crowdsourced initiatives provide access to resources that address a particular topic or area of interest. THey are solicited through an open call for contributions with the goal of collecting multiple perspectives.
Crowdsourcing WAC Scholarship and Research Opportunities
Statements provide introductory or foundational information about WAC and its pedagogies and practices.
Statement of WAC Principles and Practices
Principles for Open-Access Scholarly Publishing
WAC Clearinghouse/AWAC Joint Statement of Support for Ukraine
The Clearinghouse offers a number of resources for the writing studies and writing across the curriculum communities, including lists of scholarly journals, email distribution lists and groups, and podcasts as well as links to resources that support the teaching and learning of writing.
The Clearinghouse community offers several sets of resources to support teachers interested in using writing in their courses. These include a rich collection of teaching guides, the University of Delaware's Teaching tips, and a list of links to teaching resources elsewhere on the web.
Books for Teachers Who Assign Writing
WAC and Second-Language Writing
WAC/WID Writing Fellows Programs
Links for Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Writing in the STEM Disciplines
The WAC Clearinghouse provides a range of resources for writers. Many of these are adapted from the Writing@CSU website, which has supported writers and teachers since it was established in 1993 at Colorado State University.
These links take you to projects supported by the WAC Clearinghouse or directly related to our mission.
The First-Year Composition Archive
Bale: An Annotated Bibliograph of Narrative and Storywork
The National Census of Writing
The following organizations share common interests with the WAC Clearinghouse.