
Welcome to the WAC Clearinghouse Podcast Listings. These listings include podcasts that have been announced on disciplinary email distributions lists, such as WPA-L and WCenter. If you would like to add a podcast to this list or if you find any of our descriptions inaccurate, please contact us.

Podcasts in Rhetoric and Composition https://www.facebook.com/rhetcompcast

Established in 2015, this Facebook group page provides a central source for new and established podcasts for the writing studies community.

10 Minute Tech Comm https://www.stitcher.com/show/10minute-tech-comm

Hosted by Ryan Weber, this podcast series offers 10-minute interviews with technical communication practitioners, scholars, and innovators.

The Big Rhetorical Podcast https://anchor.fm/the-big-rhetorical/

Hosted by Charles Woods, The Big Rhetorical Podcast was conceptualized in the spring of 2018 at Illinois State University. It provides a digital platform for scholars of rhetoric and composition, as well as other disciplines, to talk about relevant scholarship within the field while engaging in a lively, academic dialogue. Read more about this podcast on its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/thebigrhet/.

CCC Podcasts https://cccc.ncte.org/cccc/ccc/podcasts

Episodes in this podcast address the contexts of the authors’ research and pedagogy projects that resulted in articles published in the journal College Composition and Communication.

Creating Coalitional Gestures: A BIWOC Podcast by and for Black, Brown, and Indigenous Women of Color in Writing Studies https://sparkactivism.com/ccgpodcast/

This podcast is a collaboration between Spark, the Writing and Working for Change Series, and scholars in rhetoric and writing in an effort to create resilient strategies for surviving, changing, and thriving in academia.

Headagogy (see below for links)

Formerly the Critical Thinking Initiative Podcast, Headagogy is hosted by Steve Pearlman, It focuses on critical thinking in education. The podcast is available through the following links:

Global Rhetorics https://globalrhetorics.com/

The Global Rhetorics Podcast amplifies the scholarship and pedagogies of rhetoricians around the globe. Its episodes, which take a deliberately interdisciplinary and international perspective, present interviews with scholars working in a variety of countries, cultures, and disciplines about their rhetorically-oriented research and teaching.

How I Write https://www.buzzsprout.com/1494250

A podcast from the California State University, San Bernardino Writing Intensive Program, How I Write is hosted by Thomas Girshin. It features interviews with faculty, staff, students, and community members about writing and teaching writing.

KairosCast http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/kairoscast/

KairosCast, which ran from August 2014 to November 2016, promoted original and challenging work exploring the possibilities afforded by audio and video media. Nine podcasts are available.

On the Job https://anchor.fm/sweetlanddrc

This podcast is a limited series released by the Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. Hosts Nupoor Ranade and Wilfredo Flores examine the job market by talking with scholars who just went through the process.

Pedagogue https://www.pedagoguepodcast.com/

Hosted by Shane Wood, Pedagogue promotes diverse voices at various institutions and helps foster community and collaboration among teachers of writing. Each episode is a conversation with a teacher (or multiple teachers) about their experiences teaching writing, their work, inspirations, assignments, assessments, successes, and challenges.

Rhetorical Questions https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-rhetorical-questions-27778722/

This podcast, which run from 2015 to 2018, asks the question, "How do humans come to believe all the impossible things we believe?" The answers are provided one story at a time.

Rhetoricity https://rhetoricity.libsyn.com/

Hosted by Eric Detwiler, Rhetoricity draws on rhetoric, theory, weird sound effects, and the insights of a wide range of individuals. Most episodes feature interviews with rhetorically oriented rhetoric and writing scholars.

Scholarly Communication https://newbooksnetwork.com/category/academic-partners/scholarly-communications

Hosted by Daniel Shea, who has a strong focus on helping scientists communicate clearly, this podcast focuses on "how knowledge gets known."

Slow Agency Podcast https://www.wlnjournal.org/blog/slow-agency/

The goal of the Slow Agency Podcast is to open up time and space in our productivity-saturated culture. The episodes are designed to help us slow down and dialogue with leading thinkers and practitioners in writing studies worldwide. You can subscribe to Slow Agency on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcasts.

Teaching Writing in College (with Thomas Skeen)

Teaching Writing in College explores the connections between writing pedagogy and learning transfer. Episodes emphasize praxis--the relationship between the theoretical and practical--in an effort to understand how people learn to write and how educators might make the most of the time they have with their learners. The driving question is: How can instructors in higher education leverage theory, science, pedagogy, and craft most effectively to help their learners with writing? For more information, send email to teachingwritingincollege@gmail.com. The podcast is available through the following links:

Tell Me More! https://forms.gle/gNt2jAuKNrvACQ4n6

Tell Me More! is a conversational podcast where graduate students—MA or PhD and at any year—disucss a wide range of topics. To sign up, fill out this Google Form.

This Rhetorical Life https://thisrhetoricallife.syr.edu

This Rhetorical Life is a podcast created by graduate students in Syracuse University’s Composition and Cultural Rhetoric program. The project focuses on rhetorical analyses of contemporary public events and academic trends in the field of writing studies.

Turn Taking https://redcircle.com/shows/turn-taking

Sarah Snyder and Kevin Kato host Turn Taking, a podcast that seeks to make writing studies research accessible in the broadest sense of the term and highlights takeaways for people, including not only product but process. Turn Taking also brings to the forefront the personalities behind the writing studies research.

WriteCast: A Casual Conversation for Serious Writers https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/multimedia/podcast

Hosted by the writing center at Walden University, the intended audience is typically students, but some topics may be relevant for writing center tutors as well.