WLA Newsletter: Writing as a Liberating Activity

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Issue 1 (Oct. 1973)
Issue 2 (Mar. 1974)
Issue 3 (May 1974)
Issue 4 (Oct. 1974)
Special Issue (Feb. 1975)
Issue 5 (Mar. 1975)
Issue 6 (Oct. 1975)
Issue 7 (Mar. 1976)
Issue 8 (Fall 1976)
Issue 9 (Spring 1977)
Middle Grade Sampler (Summer 1977)
Issue 10 (Fall 1977)
Issue 11 (Spring 1978)
Issue 12 (Fall 1978)
Issue 13 (Spring 1979)
Issue 14 (Fall 1979)
Issue 15 (Spring 1980)
Issue 16 (Fall 1980)
Issue 17 (Spring 1981)
Issue 18 (Spring 1982)
Issue 19 (Spring 1983)
Issue 20 (Fall 1983)
Issue 21 (Spring 1984)
Issue 22 Missing
Issue 23 (Fall 1985)
Issue 24 (Fall 1986)

The first issue of Writing as a Liberating Activity Newsletter appeared in October of 1973. It was mimeographed and stapled in Lexington, Kentucky. The co-editors were Richard C. Gebhardt (Findlay College) and Barbara Genelle Smith (University of Kentucky). With the second issue production of the newsletter moved to Findlay College. The last issue, number 24, appeared in the fall of 1986.

The approach of the newsletter, the editors wrote in College Composition and Communication, is "that the discipline of writing is fundamental to . . . Writing as a Liberating Activity." The discipline of writing is a way "through which students can expand their opinions, increase their sensitivity to language, broaden their expository, fictional and poetic powers—and in short liberate themselves and the linguistic resources within themselves" ("'Liberation' is Not 'License,'" CCC 27.2, 1976, p. 24).

Thanks to Richard Gebhardt and Barbara Genelle Smith Gebhardt and their dry garage for saving a run of the WLA Newsletter and to James Schirmer for making us a good copy of it.

Our full-text pdf editions of the WLA Newsletter includes one special issue and a "sampler," but it lacks Issue 22. Anybody with a copy of that issue, please contact Glenn Blalock or Rich Haswell.

Note: The PDF documents available on this page were created by scanning print documents. As a result, they lack structure (headings and so on) and ALT tags for images. Screen readers will not be able to determine heading levels and other information that would ease the reading process.

CompPile is Copyright © 2004-2024 Rich Haswell & Glenn Blalock.