International Exchanges: Latin America

Latin America Section Editors: Ana M. Cortés Lagos, Stony Brook University, and Soledad Montes Sanchez, Lancaster University.

Latin America Section Associate Editor: María de los Ángeles Chimenti, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Series Editors and Associate Editors: Steven Fraiberg, Michigan State University (Editor); Joan Mullin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Editor); Magnus Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology (Editor); Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University (Founding and Consulting Editor); Anna S. Habib, George Mason University (Editor); and Elitza Kotzeva, American University of Armenia (Associate Editor).

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The Latin America Section of the International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series publishes peer-reviewed books about writing, writers, teaching with writing, and scholarly writing practices from Latin American perspectives. It also offers re-editions of recognized peer-reviewed books originally published in the region. This first regional section of the International Exchanges series aims to account for the thriving scholarly production of Latin America and to build bridges for equal exchanges between this scholarship and other traditions worldwide.

Freely available on the web and in low-cost print editions, the LA Section furthers the goals of the International Exchanges series and the larger WAC Clearinghouse by making scholarship freely available in multiple languages. Publications include theoretical and empirical works that tackle regional challenges, expand local traditions, and engage with international discussions about writing. All texts go through a double peer-review process, having been recommended by both the Latin American Section Editorial Board and the International Exchanges series editors.

Original Books in the Series

Book CoverCentros y Programas de Escritura en América Latina: Opciones Teóricas y Pedagógicas para la Enseñanza de la Escritura Disciplinar

Edited by Estela Inés Moyano and Margarita Vidal Lizama

Emerging from more than two decades of work in Latin America, this edited collection explores the implementation of reading and writing programs and centers in Central and South America. Reflecting the multiplicity of theories and gazes that underlies research and practice in teaching and learning to read and write in academic contexts, the contributors to this volume consider how these theoretical and methodological alternatives have contributed to the design and implementation of teaching and learning strategies that address the needs of students, faculty, and institutions while also working with (and around) the resources available in each institutional setting. ... More

Book CoverMultilingual Contributions to Writing Research: Toward an Equal Academic Exchange

Edited by Natalia Ávila Reyes

This edited collection offers chapters based on presentations at the Second Latin American Association of Writing Studies in Higher Education and Professional Contexts International Congress (II ALES) held in Santiago, Chile, in 2018. Together, the contributors to the collection—drawn from nine countries and writing in three languages—highlight the many perspectives, resources, and traditions that enrich and expand international conversations about writing, writing instruction, and writing research. ... More

Re-editions LogoLatin American Section Re-editions

The following landmark books are offered in digital editions with the permission of their rights holders, typically the press that originally published them or the authors who have since gained rights to the works. These books represent a larger body of work produced by scholars in Latin America. We will add to this collection of re-editions over time.

Book CoverAlfabetización Académica y Profesional en el Siglo XXI: Leer y Escribir desde las Disciplinas

Edited by Giovanni Parodi

This edited collection includes the work of more than 30 renowned authors on academic literacy from Latin America and Spain. Organized in three sections—academic world, professional world, and academic and professional worlds in connection—the chapters are woven together by two fundamental beliefs about language and literacy education: first, that grammar is a central element in the teaching/learning processes of any language, and second, that writing and literacy research’s empirical contribution to pedagogy is the description of language use in different situations and in varied academic and professional contexts.... More

Book CoverLeer y Escribir en la Universidad

Edited by Paula Carlino

This edited collection brings together the work of several renowned Argentine authors who study writing at the university level. In the first chapter, Paula Carlino argues that the responsibility for higher education writing is shared between students, teachers, and institutions. She urges us to understand that, as complex phenomena, reading and writing should not be taken for granted, and she points out that understanding their peculiarities is critical for the development of comprehensive educational systems. The authors of the following five chapters theorize and reflect on different teaching practices from the perspective of reading and writing as situated social practices, learned in the context in which they take place. ... More

Book CoverLectura y Escritura para la Investigación

Edited by Adriana Bolívar and Rebecca Beke

Addressed to teachers and researchers of all disciplines with the purpose of helping higher education instructors become mediators of critical understanding and written academic communication, this edited collection is the product of the work of a team of researchers in the fields of linguistics, applied linguistics, literature, education, and psychology. It is composed of ten chapters focused on academic genres, especially the research article and the abstract. ... More

Book CoverLectura, Escritura y Matemáticas como Prácticas Sociales

Edited by Judith Kalman and Brian V. Street

This edited collection seeks to "disseminate the new directions taken by studies in this field by drawing on recent advances in the perspectives of social practices, New Literacy Studies (NLS) and sociolinguistics" (p.9). This volume and its English analogue, Literacy and Numeracy in Latin America: Local Perspectives and Beyond (published in 2013), speak to the editors' efforts to foster interregional dialogue, shining a spotlight on Latin American contributions to recent conversations in literacy and writing studies and bringing critical international work closer to Spanish-speaking audiences. ... More

Book CoverOs Significados do Letramento: Uma Nova Perspectiva Sobre a Prática Social da Escrita

Edited by Angela B. Kleiman

This edited collection brings together the work of nine Brazilian researchers on the subject of literacies. The authors explore the concept of literacies and its impact on the teaching of writing from a sociocultural paradigm. The work constitutes a milestone in Latin American literacy studies and remains relevant more than 25 years after its original publication. It covers a variety of debates that cross multiple disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches, including perspectives from sociolinguistics, critical discourse analysis, and ethnography. ... More

Book CoverEscritura y Produccion de Conocimiento en las Carreras de Posgrado

Edited by Elvira Narvaja de Arnoux

This edited collection, directed by Elvira Narvaja de Arnoux, reflects the sustained work of Latin American writing scholars on the topic of post-graduate writing. The authors that this volume brings together are all regional referents and members of the Cátedra UNESCO for reading and writing in Argentina and Mexico. They write from their capacities as thesis directors, coordinators of seminars and thesis workshops in careers that cover a wide spectrum ... More

Book CoverLos Estudios del Discurso. Miradas Latinoamericanas I

By Oscar Iván Londoño Zapata

Oscar Iván Londoño Zapata offers an original introduction to discourse studies in general and to the development of discourse studies in Latin America in particular. Building on the work of the foundational authors from the region included in this volume, Londoño, through a series of interviews, maps out an overview of the variety of approaches to discourse studies that can be found across Latin America. ... More

Book CoverEscribir para Aprender: Disciplinas y Escritura en la Escuela Secundaria

By Federico Navarro and Andrea Revel Chion

This book addresses critical questions about literacy teaching and learing from an innovative institutional proposal, the School Writing Program, which adapts the approach to writing across the curriculum for the initial and advanced courses of a secondary school in the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina) since 2011. Both aspects common to school writing and disciplinary specific aspects are worked on from the creative and regulated rewriting of texts: basic literacy skills, meta-skills, school discursive genres, ICT and regulations. The authors discuss early results that showed a positive impact on both students and participating teachers. ... More

Book CoverDiscursos e Identidades en Contextos de Cambio Educativo

Edited by Guadalupe López Bonilla and Carmen Pérez Fragoso

The chapters in this edited collection advance the understanding of the challenges faced by diverse educational communities and contexts. Drawing on the concepts of discourse and identity, this work analyzes the problematic relationship between various educational actors immersed in contexts of change at the local, national and global levels. This book will be of particular interest to researchers, teachers, and those who are training in educational research. ... More

Lee y se Escribe en la Universidad Colombiana¿Para qué se Lee y se Escribe en la Universidad Colombiana?

Edited by Mauricio Pérez-Abril and Gloria Rincón Bonilla

This book presents the findings of the inter-institutional research project, "What are the purposes of reading and writing in Colombian Universities? A contribution to consolidating the national academic culture." Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and a variety of stakeholders (i.e., students, faculty members, and university administrators) participated in the project. The project has served as a preliminary step in formulating guidelines for public policy on higher education writing in Colombia. ... More

Book CoverEn Carrera: Escritura y Lectura de Textos Académicos y Profesionales

Edited by Edited by Lucía Natale

The collection offers a critical description of some of the genres involved in student’s academic and professional development in undergraduate higher education: academic review, essay, state of the art, case study, product evaluation, procedures manual, and social intervention project. The book also offers guides for understanding and quoting complex texts. In this sense, it can be useful for professionals, university students, and professors who are interested in including discipline-specific writing skills in their courses. More

Related Books in Other Clearinghouse Book Series

Book CoverConocer la Escritura: Investigación Más Allá de las Frontera | Knowing Writing: Writing Research across Borders

Edited by Charles Bazerman, Blanca Yaneth González Pinzón, David Russell, Paul Rogers, Luis Bernardo Peña, Elizabeth Narváez, Paula Carlino, Montserrat Castelló, and Mónica Tapia-Ladino

The chapters in this volume highlight the rapid growth of writing studies in Ibero-America, with its strong concern for critical thought, educational advance, and communal development, alongside new approaches to writing globally, with a focus on the relationship of writing and the growth of knowledge in individuals, professions, and societies.... More

Book CoverGenre in a Changing World

Edited by Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini, and Débora Figueiredo

The twenty-four chapters in Genre in a Changing World, reflecting the work of scholars in Europe, Australasia, and North and South America, were selected from the more than 400 presentations at SIGET IV (the Fourth International Symposium on Genre Studies) held on the campus of UNISUL in Tubarão, Santa Catarina, Brazil in August 2007—the largest gathering on genre to that date.... More

Book CoverEscribir a Través del Currículum. Una Guía de Referencia | Reference Guide to Writing Across the Curriculum

By Charles Bazerman, Joseph Little, Lisa Bethel, Teri Chavkin, Danielle Fouquette, and Janet Garufis

Reference Guide to Writing Across the Curriculum traces the Writing Across the Curriculum movement from its origins in British secondary education through its flourishing in American higher education and extension to American primary and secondary education. The authors follow their historical review of the literature by a review of research into primary, secondary, and higher education WAC teaching and learning. Subsequent chapters examine the relations of WAC to Writing to Learn theory, research, and pedagogy, as well as its interactions with the Rhetoric of Science and Writing in the Disciplines movements.... More

About the Publishers

The WAC Clearinghouse supports teachers of writing across the disciplines. The site receives support from Colorado State University and from its editorial staff and editorial review board and its hundreds of members who, through their collaborative efforts, add to and update information on the site. For more information about the Clearinghouse, please see our site information page. The University Press of Colorado is a nonprofit cooperative publishing enterprise supported, in part, by Adams State University, Colorado State University, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Colorado, University of Northern Colorado, University of Wyoming, Utah State University, and Western Colorado University. For more information, visit

About Our Publication Process

The International Exchanges on the Study of Writing series offers books in free digital editions and low-cost print editions. Books are offered through a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. Copyright is held by the author(s) or editor(s) of the books. The publishers cover the costs of reviewing, designing, producing, and distributing the books. Any proceeds from sales of print books in the series are used to support the publication of subsequent books. Our goal is to make work available to the widest possible audience while maintaining the highest standards in scholarly publishing. We welcome contributions to the series and to the larger goal of supporting open-access scholarly publishing. If you have questions about the goals of the larger WAC Clearinghouse project, please contact Mike Palmquist at