Leer y Escribir en la Universidad

Edited by Paula Carlino


Reading and Writing in the University is edited by Paula Carlino, who is by now a frequently cited, canonical author in Latin American writing studies. The first to introduce the notion of academic literacy to the region, she coined the term alfabetización académica, opening paths for the exchange between Anglophone and Latin American writing studies.

This edited collection brings together the work of several renowned Argentine authors who study writing at the university level. In the first chapter, Carlino argues that the responsibility for higher education writing is shared between students, teachers, and institutions. She urges us to understand that, as complex phenomena, reading and writing should not be taken for granted, and she points out that understanding their peculiarities is critical for the development of comprehensive educational systems. The authors of the following five chapters theorize and reflect on different teaching practices from the perspective of reading and writing as situated social practices, learned in the context in which they take place. In keeping with this approach, four of the five chapters explore experiences of collaboration among academic literacy specialists and faculty across the disciplines. In this sense, this work was foundational in the advancement of WAC principles in the region, arguing that teaching academic literacy does not entail adding extraneous content to the curriculum, but rather constitutes an interdisciplinary pedagogical concern.


Table of Contents

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Front matter

Introducción: Escribir y Leer en la Universidad: Responsabilidad Compartida entre Alumnos, Docentes e Instituciones, Paula Carlino

La Enseñanza de la Lectura y la Escritura en el Nivel Superior: Procesos, Prácticas y Representaciones Sociales, Mariana di Stefano y María Cecilia Pereira

Las Prácticas de Lectura en Ia Universidad: Un Taller para Docentes, María Adelaida Benvegnú

Aprender a Enseñar a Escribir en la Universidad, Marta Marucco

La Tutoría de Pares: Un Espacio para Aprender a Ejercer el Derecho a Leer Textos Académicos, Ana Sola Villazón y Clotilde De Pauw

El Docente Universitario Frente al Desafío de Enseñar a Leer, Graciela M. E. Fernández, María Viviana Izuzquiza* e Irene Laxalt

* Erratum: Please note that in the volume published in 2004 by Lectura y Vida, author María Viviana Izuzquiza's name contains a typo (Uzuzquiza), which is reproduced in this PDF copy. For citation purposes, please use Professor Izuzquiza's correct last name, as spelled in this Index.  

About the Editor

Paula Carlino is Ph.D. in Psychology. She works as Research Professor with the CONICET at the University of Buenos Aires, where she leads the multidisciplinary team GICEOLEM (Group for an Inclusive and Quality Education by Taking Care of Reading and Writing in all Subjects). She teaches as Full Professor at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional since 2015. She is author, coauthor or editor of more than 50 refereed journal papers, 35 book chapters, and 13 books, accessible at https://www.aacademica.org/paula.carlino. She was recently named Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum at the 2021 International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference.

Publication Information: Carlino, Paula (Ed.). (2022). Leer y Escribir en la Universidad. Textos en Contexto 6. The WAC Clearinghouse. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2022.1282 (Originally published in print in 2004 by Asociación Internacional de Lectura / Lectura y Vida)

Digital Publication Date: 2022
Print Publication Date: 2004

ISBN: 978-1-64215-128-2 (pdf)
DOI: 10.37514/INT-B.2022.1282

Contact Information:
Paula Carlino: paulacarlino@yahoo.com   

International Exchanges: Latin America

Latin America Section Editors: Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins, Chile (Editor in Chief); Violeta Molina-Natera, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia (Editor for texts in Spanish); Vera Cristovao, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil (Editor for texts in Portuguese); Ana M. Cortés Lagos, Syracuse University (Associate Editor).

International Exchanges Series Editors: Joan Mullin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Magnus Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology; Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University; and Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins.

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Copyright © 2022 by Paula Carlino and the authors of individual parts of this work. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. 112 pages, with illustrations and bibliographies. Available in digital format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website.