Lectura, Escritura y Matemáticas como Prácticas Sociales: Diálogos con América Latina

Edited by Judith Kalman and Brian V. Street


Reading, Writing and Mathematics as Social Practices: Dialogues with Latin America seeks to "disseminate the new directions taken by studies in this field by drawing on recent advances in the perspectives of social practices, New Literacy Studies (NLS) and sociolinguistics" (p.9). This volume and its English analogue, Literacy and Numeracy in Latin America: Local Perspectives and Beyond (published in 2013), speak to the editors' efforts to foster interregional dialogue, shining a spotlight on Latin American contributions to recent conversations in literacy and writing studies and bringing critical international work closer to Spanish-speaking audiences.

The book is composed of three sections. The first section proposes the theoretical framing of the whole text from a group of recent studies on literacy and written cultures, covering topics such as bi-literacies and the revitalization of indigenous languages, the relationship between literacy and processes of inclusion and exclusion, multimodality and new literacies, and relations between literacy and power. The second section presents Latin American studies on literacy and numeracy practices in different contexts: rural and urban, oral and written culture, schooled and vernacular practices, and popular and official culture. The third section deals with writing and mathematics in educational contexts by bringing together the work of authors from different regions. It includes topics such as teacher training programs for the development of mathematics in Ethiopia and South Asia, literate uses and the sense of agency in Romani and traveling populations in the United Kingdom, the hegemony of written culture in schools in Paris, written language teaching programs in Mexico and the exclusion of written culture outside the classroom, biliteracy in Quechua and Spanish speaking students at a university in Peru, and what it means to situate literate practices in South Africa.

Beyond what this volume offers in terms of its contributions to the international and transnational discussion of writing, the work is valuable because it invites us to reflect on issues of literacy and numeracy concurrently. A discussion in which there is still much to be said from our field of studies.

Table of Contents

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Front matter


Introducción, Judith Kalman y Brian V. Street

Sección 1. Discusiones Teóricas Actuales

Voz y Biliteracidad en la Revitalización de Lenguas Indígenas: Prácticas Contenciosas en Contextos Quechua, Nancy H. Hornberger

Nuevas Alfabetizaciones en los Procesos Sociales de Inclusión y Exclusión, Marildes Marinho

Escribir en un Mundo de Representación Multimodal, Gunther Kress y Jeff Bezemer

Perspectivas Etnográficas y Políticas sobre Cultura Escrita: El Poder de Nombrar y Definir, Brian V. Street

Ideologías de la Alfabetización: Prácticas Locales y Definiciones Culturales, Marcia Farr

Sección 2. Cultura Escrita y Matemáticas Como Prácticas Sociales: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas

Prácticas Letradas Exuberantes en la Periferia de la República de las Letras, Mercedes Nino-Murcia

San Antonio ¡Me Urge! Preguntas sin Respuesta Acerca de la Especificidad de Dominio de los Géneros Textuales y las Prácticas Letradas, Judith Kalman

Condiciones Sociales para la Apropiación de la Cultura Escrita en Familias Campesinas, Elisa Cragnolino

¿Qué me Empide a Mí no Saber Leer y Escribir?! Prácticas de Cultura Escrita en Distintos Espacios Sociales, María Del Carmen Lorenzatti

Identidades Juveniles y Cultura Escrita, Gloria Hernández

Cultura Escrita Quechua en Bolivia: Contradicción en los Tiempos del Poder, Inge Sichra

¿Del Cálculo Oral al Cálculo Escrito? Constataciones a Partir de una Situación de Proporcionalidad, Alicia Ávila

Prácticas Matemáticas En Organizaciones Productivas De Mujeres Con Baja Escolaridad: Construir una Mirada que Cimiente Propuestas de Enseñanza, Irma Rosa Fuenlabrada Velázquez y María Fernanda Delprato

Sección 3. Cultura Escrita y Matemáticas en la Educación: Perspectivas Internacionales

Usar la Arena para Contar su Número: Desarrollar la Sensibilidad Cultural y Social de los Maestros, Dave Baker

Gitanos y Viajantes. Involucramiento con la Autoridad, Cultura Escrita, Discurso y Práctica Comunicativa, Juliet McCaffery

La Escolarización del Francés Escrito, Elsie Rockwell

Prácticas Alfabetizadoras, ¿Desde la Escuela?, Ileana Seda Santana

"Quién está Diciendo Eso?" Literacidad Académica, Identidad y Poder en la Educación Superior, Virginia Zavala

Situar las Prácticas: Nuevos Estudios de Cultura Escrita y Estudios Etnográficos de Sudáfrica, Catherine Kell

Epílogo. Escritura, Hegemonía y Subalternidad: De los New Literacy Studies (NLS) a los Latin American Literacy Studies (LALS), and Back, José Ramón Jouve-Martín

Lista de Autores

Índice Onomástico

Índice Temático

About the Editors

Judith Kalman has been a Research Professor at the Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del IPN, (CINVESTAV) since 1993. She has received several academic recognitions for her work on reading and writing in the social world including the Unesco International Literacy Research Award in 2002 and an Honorary Doctorate from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina in 2019 She has published numerous papers and books in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French on literacy, digital technologies, technologies in the classroom, adult education, and research methodology. Her current projects explore digital technologies, reading, and writing in everyday life, and literate play as a social practice.

Brian Street (1943-2017) was Professor Emeritus of Language and Literacy at King’s College London. He challenged establishment ideas of literacy and education and questioned the idea that people living in conditions of poverty are illiterate. His idea of literacy as a social practice is a critical key stone of the field of New Literacy Studies and has influenced policy approaches to education internationally. He worked with agencies like DFID and UNESCO, and supported grassroots organisations in India, Ethiopia, Uganda, and South Africa with the development of local literacy initiatives. Some of his publications include Literacy in Theory and Practice (1984), Cross-cultural approaches to literacy (1993), and Literacy and development: Ethnographic perspectives (2002).

Publication Information: Kalman, Judith, & Brian V. Street (Eds.). (2022). Lectura, Escritura y Matemáticas como Prácticas Sociales: Dialogos con América Latina. The WAC Clearinghouse. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2022.1503 (Originally published in print in 2009 by Siglo XXI Editores)

Digital Publication Date: 2022
Print Publication Date: 2009

ISBN: 978-1-64215-208-1 (pdf)
DOI: 10.37514/INT-B.2022.1503

Contact Information:
Judith Kalman: jkalman@cinvestav.mx

International Exchanges: Latin America

Latin America Section Editors: Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins, Chile (Editor in Chief); Violeta Molina-Natera, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia (Editor for texts in Spanish); Vera Cristovao, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil (Editor for texts in Portuguese); Ana M. Cortés Lagos, Syracuse University (Associate Editor).

International Exchanges Series Editors: Joan Mullin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Magnus Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology; Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University; and Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins.

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