Escribir para Aprender: Disciplinas y Escritura en la Escuela Secundaria

  • WID, WAC, Basic Writing, Pedagogy, Writing Program, Writing

By Federico Navarro and Andrea Revel Chion

CoverEntering high school implies immersing oneself in communication and knowledge-building practices in the disciplinary areas. While the privileged medium for teaching, learning, studying and discussing them is undoubtedly writing, in secondary school writing tends to become invisible, to be taken for granted, to restrict itself to spontaneous literary creation, to take refuge in the language classroom, to become a mere instrument of evaluation. Given this, how can we integrate school writing into the programs of the different subjects? How can we take advantage of its power to access the epistemological frameworks of the disciplines? How can we explicitly teach the school texts and language resources that are needed in the classroom? How do we provide tools to teachers to incorporate school writing in their teaching practice? And how can we help students understand the impact that writing has or can have on their learning?

This book addresses these and other questions from an innovative institutional proposal, the School Writing Program, which critically adapts the approach to writing across the curriculum for the initial and advanced courses of a secondary school in the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina) since 2011. The space is run by an expert writing teacher who collaborates during each academic term with a different subject-area teacher in a two-way training process. Both aspects common to school writing and disciplinary specific aspects are worked on from the creative and regulated rewriting of texts: basic literacy skills, meta-skills, school discursive genres, ICT and regulations. The authors discuss early results that showed a positive impact on both students and participating teachers.

Table of Contents

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Front matter 

Palabras preliminares: gestión escolar y escritura, , Néstor Abramovich

Prólogo: escritura en la escuela, Constanza Padilla


1. Escritura, currículum y aprendizaje

2. Diseño de un programa de escritura en la escuela

3. Aula de Escritura

4. Escritura en el aula

Algunas conclusiones


About the Authors

Federico Navarro has a Ph.D. in Linguistics and is an associate professor at the Universidad de O’Higgins. He is the chair of the Latin American Association of Writing Studies in Higher Education. He has led 9 research projects, has had 150 presentations at conventions, and has published over 100 papers on writing education, pedagogy, and applied linguistics.

Andrea Revel Chion holds a Ph.D. in the Didactics of Natural Science and is a professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. She has been the chair of the Association of Biology Teachers of Argentina. She has led 8 research projects, has presented at 80 conventions, and has published over 150 papers on science education, and scientific narrative and argumentation in health education.  

Publication Information: Navarro, Federico & Andrea Revel Chion. (2021). Escribir para aprender: Disciplinas y escritura en la escuela secundaria. The WAC Clearinghouse. (Originally published in print in 2013 by Area Paidós)

Digital Publication Date: 2021
Print Publication Date: 2013

ISBN: 978-1-64215-117-6 (pdf)
DOI: 10.37514/INT-B.2021.1176

Contact Information:
Federico Navarro:
Andrea Revel Chion:

International Exchanges: Latin America

Latin America Section Editors: Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins, Chile (Editor in Chief); Violeta Molina-Natera, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia (Editor for texts in Spanish); Vera Cristovao, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil (Editor for texts in Portuguese); Ana M. Cortés Lagos, Syracuse University (Associate Editor).

International Exchanges Series Editors: Joan Mullin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Magnus Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology; Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University; and Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins.

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Copyright © 2021 by Federico Navarro and Andrea Revel Chion. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. 140 pages, with bibliography and illustrations. Available in digital format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website.