Displaying: 11 - 20 of 25

Situating Writing Processes
Tags: history of writing, composition studies, reform, Teaching strategies, writing to engage, writing to learn, Pedagogy
Volume 36, Number 1 (Spring 2017)
Tags: antiracism, reform, writing studies, Writing Program, transcultural, translingualism, Basic Writing
Volume 4
Tags: writing to engage, Globalization, reform, postsecondary education, first-year composition, second-language writers, composition studies, Culture, Pedagogy, Teaching strategies
Composing Feminist Interventions: Activism, Engagement, Praxis

Edited by Kristine L. Blair and Lee Nickoson
Copy edited by Brandy Bippes. Designed by Mike Palmquist.

This edited collection offers self-reflexive, critical accounts of how feminist writing studies scholars variously situated within rhetoric, composition, and literacy studies plan, implement, examine, and represent community-based inquiry and pedagogy. Readers will gain insight into the hows and whys involved with this important disciplinary work. Sharing a commitment to social change, the twenty-one chapter discussions and five course designs complicate and continue to evolve possibilities for how we conceptualize writing research and teaching as deeply collaborative, inclusive, and reciprocal practices.

Tags: Pedagogy, rhetoric and composition, rhetorical theory, writing to engage, reform, community, social change, feminist theory
Volume 3, Number 1 (Fall/Winter 1980)
Tags: writing research, reform, Race, inclusivity, Culture
Volume 12, Number 1 (Spring 1993)
Tags: writing program administration, writing program, reform, antiracism, Basic Writing
Volume 14, Number 2 (Fall 1995)
Tags: reform, writing assessment, assessment, Discourse Studies, Basic Writing, performing arts
Volume 18, Number 2 (Fall 1999)
Tags: critical thinking, Discourse Studies, reform, Basic Writing, postsecondary institution, postsecondary education
Volume 19, Number 2 (Fall 2000)
Tags: Pedagogy, Teaching strategies, digital landscape, Digital Learning, social change, reform, Basic Writing, WAC, writing in the disciplines, antiracism
High School Writing Center
Tags: reform, writing center, secondary institution, postsecondary education, writing program, writing program administration

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 25