Scholarly Journals

Welcome to the WAC Clearinghouse Journal Listings. These listings include journals that are available online and/or in print. Whenever possible, a link has been provided to a website associated with a journal. The majority of the descriptions provided through this site are based on information found in individual journals or on their associated websites. If you would like to add a journal to this list or if you find any of our descriptions inaccurate, please contact us.

Academic Labor: Research and Artistry

Academic Labor: Research and Artistry is a peer-reviewed open-access academic journal launched in 2016 by the Center for the Study of Academic Labor (CSAL) at Colorado State University. ALRA seeks to motivate ongoing research on matters relating to tenure and contingency in the academy. In particular, it serves as a venue for scholars working in areas broadly defined as tenure studies and contingency studies.


Across the Disciplines. Archives for Academic.Writing are available through the WAC Clearinghouse. The mission of the journal was to provide information for – and an opportunity for interaction among – scholars interested in writing, speaking, and otherwise communicating across the curriculum (CAC). A primary goal of the journal was to support individuals ranging from CAC researchers to CAC program designers to teachers interested in using communication assignments and activities in their courses. In January 2004, Academic.Writing merged with Language and Learning Across the Disciplines to form Across the Disciplines.

Across the Disciplines

Across the Disciplines, a refereed journal devoted to language, learning, and academic writing, publishes articles relevant to writing and writing pedagogy in all their intellectual, political, social, and technological complexity. Across the Disciplines shares the mission of the WAC Clearinghouse in making information about writing and writing instruction freely available to members of the CAC, WAC, and ECAC communities.  Across the Disciplines is the official journal of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC).

Asian Journal of English Language Studies

Asian Journal of English Language Studies is the official journal of the Department of English of the University of Santo Tomas (UST), the oldest university in Asia. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that aims to provide current literature to those concerned with research in the realm of English language studies and English language teaching and learning either as a second or a foreign language.

Assessing Writing

Assessing Writing is a refereed international journal providing a forum for ideas, research and practice on the assessment of written language. Assessing Writing publishes articles, book reviews, conference reports, and academic exchanges concerning writing assessments of all kinds, including traditional ('direct' and standardised forms of) testing of writing, alternative performance assessments (such as portfolios), workplace sampling and classroom assessment.

BWe: Basic Writing e-Journal

Basic Writing e-Journal is designed to be an electronic forum to help broaden conversations about Basic Writing. BWe also provides additional publication opportunities to scholars involved in BW; allows for publication of those pieces that perhaps don't fit, for whatever reason, the Journal of Basic Writing; provides a space for teachers to respond, to question, to further explore, etc. issues that appear in BWe, in JBW, and in other venues; provides a forum for review and discussion of books focusing on Basic Writing issues; continues to inform interested parties about what will happen at future 4Cs; and publishes the text and handouts workshop presenters provided at the most recent conference.

Business and Professional Communication Quarterly

BPCQ publishes scholarship that advances knowledge about business communication pedagogy in both academic and workplace settings. Articles in BPCQ present a variety of theoretical, applied, and practical approaches and perspectives, including program design and assessment, the impact of technology, global and multicultural issues, qualitative and quantitative research on classroom teaching, and case studies of best practices.

Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie

Formerly known as TechnostyleCanadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie (CJSDW/R) is the official journal of Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing. Since 1982, the journal has been publishing articles of interest to teachers of technical, professional, scientific and academic writing. The journal shifted to the open access format in 2011 with a broader focus on discourse and writing studies. Currently the journal is hosted by the Public Knowledge Project at the Bennett Library of Simon Fraser University.. 

Center Moves: A Peer-Reviewed Archive of Tutor Training Materials

Center Moves supports and facilitates communication and community among writing and learning center administrators and tutors by developing a peer-reviewed archive of materials, updated biannually, that new and continuing administrators can draw upon and contribute to as their tutor education and training programs develop and evolve.

College Composition and Communication (CCC)

College Composition and Communication is the journal of CCCC, the Conference on College Composition and Communication. CCC publishes research and scholarship in composition studies that support those who teach writing at the college level. The field of composition studies draws on research and theories from a broad range of humanistic disciplines while supporting a number of subfields of its own, such as technical communication, computers and composition, history of composition, writing center work, assessment, and others. Articles for CCC may stem from any of these fields, and are relevant to the work of college writing teachers and responsive to recent work in composition studies.

College English

College English is the official journal of the College Section of the National Council of Teachers of English. It has been published since 1939. College English publishes articles about literature, rhetoric-composition, critical theory, creative writing theory and pedagogy, linguistics, literacy, reading theory, pedagogy, and professional issues related to the teaching of English. Each issue also includes opinion pieces, review essays, and letters from readers. Contributions may work across traditional field boundaries; authors represent the full range of institutional types.

Communication Center Journal

The Communication Center Journal (CCJ) is a national, peer-reviewed journal that features research and perspectives relevant to communication centers in higher education.
Communication Design Quarterly
CDQ is the official of Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group (SIG) on the Design of Communication (DOC). The journal welcomes submissions of (1) articles that cross disciplinary boundaries as they focus on effective and efficient methods of designing and communicating information; (2) reports presenting project- or workplace-focused summaries of important technologies, techniques, methods, pedagogies, or product processes; and (3)reviews of books that may be of interest to the communication design field.

Communication Monographs

Communication Monographs reports original, theoretically grounded research dealing with human symbolic exchange across the broad spectrum of interpersonal, group, organizational, cultural and mediated contexts in which such activities occur. The scholarship reflects diverse modes of inquiry and methodologies that bear on the ways in which communication is shaped and functions in human interaction. Requires log in.

Community Literacy Journal

The Community Literacy Journal is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes both scholarly work that contributes to theories, methodologies, and research agendas and work by literacy workers, practitioners, and community literacy program staff. We are especially committed to presenting work done in collaboration between academics and community members, organizers, activists, teachers, and artists.

Composition Forum

Composition Forum is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars and teachers interested in the application of composition theory to the teaching of writing. The journal focuses on articles that explore the intersections of composition theory and pedagogy, including essays that examine specific pedagogical theories or describe classroom practices, methodology, and research. Also featured are articles on the application of interdisciplinary approaches to teaching writing, including issues of workplace, multiple, political, critical, and computer literacies; graduate and undergraduate education; literature and writing; and cultural studies. Composition Forum also publishes articles that describe specific and innovative writing program practices and writing courses, reviews of relevant books in composition studies, and interviews with notable scholars and teachers who can address issues germane to our theoretical approach. All articles published in Composition Forum are subject to rigorous peer review by at least two reviewers who are experts in the topical area.

Composition Studies

The oldest independent periodical in its field, Composition Studies is an academic journal dedicated to the range of professional practices associated with rhetoric and composition: teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing related programs; preparing the field's future teacher-scholars.

Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine

Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine provides insight into views and issues about the online world through its monthly magazine archive plus current news feeds.

Computers and Composition Online

Computers and Composition Online is the refereed online companion journal to Computers and Composition: An International Journal, now in its 23rd year and currently published by Elsevier. The goal of C&C Online is to be a significant online resource for scholar-teachers interested in the impact of new and emerging media upon the teaching of language and literacy in both virtual and face-to-face forums. Journal archives are available for print up to 1995 and for the online journal since its founding.

Computers and Composition: An International Journal

Computers and Composition: An International Journal is devoted to exploring the use of computers in writing classes, writing programs, and writing research. It provides a forum for discussing issues connected with writing and computer use. It also offers information about integrating computers into writing programs on the basis of sound theoretical and pedagogical decisions, and empirical evidence. It welcomes articles, reviews, and letters to the Editors that may be of interest to readers, including descriptions of computer-aided writing and/or reading instruction, discussions of topics related to computer use of software development; explorations of controversial ethical, legal, or social issues related to the use of computers in writing programs; and to discussions of how computers affect form and content for written discourse, the process by which this discourse is produced, or the impact this discourse has on an audience.

Computers and Texts

Computers & Texts was the journal/newsletter of the CTI Centre for Textual Studies. It was edited by Michael Fraser and published around March and August of each year. Issues 11 through 19 are available on its Web site.

Conference on Basic Writing Archives

The CBW archive contains The CBWS/CBW Newsletter from 1982-1998, as well as additional historical material, such as the original flyer Charles Guilford produced to advertise CBW or the call to convention of the 4th National Basic Writing Conference, sponsored by CBW.

connexions • international professional communication journal

Articles in connexions, which was published between 2013 and 2018, address communication practices, research, pedagogy, methodology, and technology as original research articles, reviews, focused commentary and industry perspectives, and teaching cases. 

constellations: a cultural rhetorics publishing space

constellations is an online double-blind peer review publishing space focused on cultural rhetorics scholarship, teaching, and practice. The editors of the journal observe, "The field of cultural rhetorics is anchored in the belief that all cultures are rhetorical and all rhetorics are cultural. This belief forms a set of constellating methodologies, theories, and practices that draw attention to the intricate ways meaning emerges in human practices." The journal invites submissions from scholars, teachers, artists, activists, and community members whose work is accessible in all media forms suitable for web-based publication and distribution.

Currents in Electronic Literacy

Currents in Electronic Literacy is an electronic journal published by the Computer Writing and Research Lab of the Division of Rhetoric and Composition at The University of Texas at Austin. Currents' purpose is to provide for the scholarly discussion of issues pertaining to electronic literacy, widely construed. In general, Currents seeks work addressing the use of electronic texts and technologies in reading, writing, teaching, and learning in fields including but not restricted to the following: literature (in English and in other languages), rhetoric and composition, languages (English, foreign, and ESL), communications, media studies, and education.

Dangling Modifier

Dangling Modifier is a peer tutor newsletter/e-journal written by and for peer tutors in writing. Founded by Ron Maxwell through NCPTW, the journal offers publication opportunities for tutors who work within our centers to share their experiences with others.

Double Helix: A Journal of Critical Thinking and Writing

Double Helix publishes work addressing linkages between critical thinking and writing, in and across the disciplines, and it is especially interested in pieces that explore and report on connections between pedagogical theory and classroom practice. The journal also invites proposals from potential guest editors for specially themed volumes that fall within its focus and scope.

Electronic Book Review

Electronic Book Review promotes print/screen transformations and weaving new modes of critical writing into the Web.

enculturation | A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture

enculturation is an anonymously refereed journal devoted to contemporary theories of rhetoric, writing, and culture, and invites submissions on rhetoric, composition, technology, and education. Founded in 1996 at the University of Texas at Arlington by Byron Hawk and David Rieder, the journal offers traditional scholarly articles, reviews of academic books, and special themed and guest-edited issues devoted to timely topics, important figures, and particular subject areas that engage in intersectional approaches to disability, gender, sexuality, class, race, among others.

English Education

English Education, an official NCTE publication, is published by CEE, the Conference on English Education, and serves as a forum for discussion of issues related to (1) the nature of our discipline, especially as it spans all levels of instruction, and (2) the education and development of teachers of English at all levels.

English Journal

English Journal, an NCTE publication, is a journal of ideas for English language arts teachers in junior and senior high schools and middle schools. EJ presents information on the teaching of writing and reading, literature, and language. Each issue examines the relationship of theory and research to classroom practice and reviews current materials of interest to English teachers, including books and electronic media.

English Teaching: Practice and Critique 

English Teaching encourages critical reflective practice and classroom-based research. It seeks to promote theorizing about English/literacy that is grounded in a range of contexts: classrooms, schools and wider educational constituencies. It provides a place where authors from a range of backgrounds can identify matters of common concern and thereby foster professional communities and networks.

IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication

Readers and contributors represent engineers, scientists, writers, information designers, managers, and others, working as scholars, educators, and practitioners from across the globe, all of whom share an interest in the effective communication of technical and business information. The IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication is a refereed quarterly journal published since 1957 and sponsored by the Professional Communication Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning

IMEJ was an interactive multimedia electronic journal edited and produced at Wake Forest University. It published articles from 1999 to 2006. The goals of IMEJ wereto provide a peer-reviewed forum for innovations in computer-enhanced learning, to serve as a model and testbed for an electronic journal with a high level of multimedia and interactivity, and to advance the acceptance of electronic publication as a legitimate and valuable form of academic discourse.

International Journal of Business Communication

The International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) publishes manuscripts that contribute to knowledge and theory of business communication as a distinct, multifaceted field approached through the administrative disciplines, the liberal arts, and the social sciences.
International Journal of TESOL Studies
International Journal of TESOL Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published on behalf of the International TESOL Union. It publishes both original empirical research and systematic review studies on teaching and learning English as a second and foreign language at all education levels. 

Intraspection: A Journal of Rhetoric, Culture, and Style

Intraspection publishes academic work that exhibits compelling prose, captivating arguments, and rhetorical flair. While Intraspection ostensibly classifies itself as belonging to disciplines of Rhetoric, Cultural Studies, Communication, and English Studies generally, it welcomes radical connections, profound meanderings, and cross/trans/inter-disciplinary work, whether it be an experimental essay, creative non-fiction, long poetry, multimedia, performance art, or a traditional article. 

Issues in Writing

Issues in Writing is a semiannual, refereed journal devoted to the study of writing in science and technology, government, education, business and industry, the arts and humanities, and the professions. The journal seeks to provide insights for teachers in all disciplines who must prepare students to write effectively in their fields; to encourage discussion of writing in ways that cut across disciplines, definitions, and traditional boundaries; and to publish contributions by all members of the writing community, including those professionals who work in non-academic situations. Seventeen volumes were published, the last in 2008.

JoSch: Journal of Writing Scholarship

The Journal für Schreibwissenschaft (JoSch, formerly Journal der Schreibberatung) covers the entire spectrum of topics in writing didactics and research. While it focuses on the German-speaking higher education area, it is open to all (educational) institutions where writing and writing is reflected.

Journal of Academic Language and Learning

The Journal of Academic Language and Learning (JALL) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which is devoted to the interests of educators who provide academic language and learning development to students and staff in tertiary education settings.

Journal of Academic Writing

The Journal of Academic Writing is an international, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the teaching, tutoring, researching, administration and development of academic writing in higher education in Europe. It is published by the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW).

Journal of Advanced Composition

JAC was a forum for the interdisciplinary study of rhetoric, writing, culture, and politics. It published four book-length issues per year, featuring articles, interviews, book reviews, and essay responses to previously published articles. Its archives are available through the University of North Texas Library.

Journal of Basic Writing

JBW is a publication of the Conference on Basic Writing. The Clearinghouse hosts the archives.

Journal of Business and Technical Communication

The Journal of Business and Technical Communication publishes research-based articles on problems and trends in written, oral and electronic communication in all areas of business, science and government. It was created in 1986 to meet the growing demand for research and analysis in issues such as: managerial communication, collaborative writing, ethics of business communication, technical writing pedagogy, gender differences in writing, international communication, graphic design, and ethnography of corporate culture.

Journal of Business Communication

Journal of Business Communication (JBC), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, provides rigorous original research that contributes to the knowledge and theory of business communication as a distinct, multifaceted field, approached through the administrative disciplines, the liberal arts, and the social sciences. JBC is the official publication of the Association for Business Communication.

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) is a web-based, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Its focus is social science research on computer-mediated communication via the Internet, the World Wide Web, and wireless technologies. Within that general purview, the journal is broadly interdisciplinary, publishing work by scholars in communication, business, education, political science, sociology, media studies, information science, and other disciplines. Acceptable formats for submission include original research articles, meta-analyses of prior research, synthesizing literature surveys, and proposals for special issues.

Journal of Creative Writing Studies

Journal of Creative Writing Studies is a peer reviewed, open access journal. It publishes research that examines the teaching, practice, theory, and history of creative writing. This scholarship makes use of theories and methodologies from a variety of disciplines. The journal editors believe knowledge is best constructed in an open conversation among diverse voices and multiple perspectives. With this in mind, they actively seek to include work from marginalized and underrepresented scholars. Journal of Creative Writing Studies is dedicated to the idea that humanities research ought to be accessible and available to all.

Journal for Expanded Perspectives on Learning

The Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (AEPL), an official assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English, provides a common ground for theorists, researchers, and practitioners to explore ideas on the subject; to participate in programs and projects on it; to integrate these efforts with others in related disciplines: to keep abreast of activities along these lines of inquiry; and to promote scholarship and publications of these activities. The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning, JAEPL, meets this need. It provides a forum to encourage research, theory, and classroom practice involving expanded concepts of language. It contributes to a sense of community in which scholars and educators from pre-school through the university exchange points of view and cutting-edge approaches to teaching and learning. JAEPL is especially interested in helping those teachers who experiment with new strategies of learning to share their practices and confirm their validity through publication in professional journals.

Journal of Global Literacies, Technology, and Emerging Pedagogies

JOGLTEP focuses on glocal (global + local) literacies, cross-cultural networked communities, digital global learning communities, trans-border and trans-national networked pedagogies, geopolitical dynamics of education, digital learning ecologies, and knowledge- and information-based societies.

Journal of Interactive Media in Education

The aims of JIME are, among others, to foster a multidisciplinary and intellectually rigorous debate on the theoretical and practical aspects of interactive media in education, to clarify the cognitive, social and cultural issues raised by the use of interactive media in education, to radically improve teaching and learning through better interactive media, and to publish leading international research on the theories, practices and experiences in the field.

Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy

The Journal, which is committed first and foremost to teaching and learning, is intended – both in process and in product – to provide opportunities to reveal, reflect on, and revise academic publication and classroom practice.

Journal of Literacy Innovation

The Journal of Literacy Innovation is a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to share ideas about innovative practices in literacy education with K-12 teachers and college-level teacher educators. It focuses on innovative, practical ideas that offer new insights to the field of literacy instruction and can be applied to the classroom.

Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, or JOMR, is a completely online, open-access journal featuring essays and other items that examine multimodality in all of its cultural, material, temporal, and pedagogical manifestations.

Journal of Pedagogic Development

The Journal of Pedagogic Development (JPD) is a publication of the University of Bedfordshire Centre for Learning Excellence. Its focus is on teaching, learning and assessment.

Journal of Response to Writing

The Journal of Response to Writing publishes papers based on research, theory, and/or practice that meaningfully contribute to an understanding of how response practices lead to better writing. Its purposes are to provide a venue for theorizing and reporting ground-breaking research on response to writing; invite writing theorists, researchers, and practitioners to a venue to share their work with one another and colleagues in adjacent fields; and provide new or inexperienced teachers with immediate suggestions for use in giving, encouraging, or managing responses to their students’ writing.

Journal of Rhetoric, Professional Communication, and Globalization

The Journal of Rhetoric, Professional Communication, and Globalization publishes articles on the theory, practice, and teaching of professional communication in critical global contexts.

Journal of Second Language Writing

The Journal of Second Language Writing, a refereed international journal appearing four times a year, features theoretically grounded reports of research and discussion of central issues in second language and foreign language writing and writing instruction.

Journal of Teaching Writing

JTW is a refereed journal for classroom teachers and researchers at all academic levels whose interest or emphasis is the teaching of writing. Appearing semi-annually, JTW publishes articles on the theory, practice, and teaching of writing throughout the curriculum. Each issue covers a range of topics from composition theory and discourse analysis to curriculum development and innovative teaching techniques.

Journal of Technical Writing and Communication

Published quarterly, JTWC publishes peer-reviewed research on communications-related issues, as well as relevant materials on the teaching of technical and professional writing and reviews of recently published books. For over forty years, the journal has served as a major professional and scholarly journal for practitioners and teachers of most functional forms of communication.

Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning

The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning, JAEPL, provides a forum to encourage research, theory, and classroom practice involving expanded concepts of language. It contributes to a sense of community in which scholars and educators from pre-school through the university exchange points of view and cutting-edge approaches to teaching and learning. JAEPL is especially interested in helping those teachers who experiment with new strategies of learning to share their practices and confirm their validity through publication in professional journals.

Journal of Writing Analytics

The Journal of Writing Analytics (Analytics) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the WAC Clearinghouse. Additional support for the journal is provided by Ohio State University. Conceptualized as a multidisciplinary field, Writing Analytics is defined as the study of communication processes and genres as they occur in digital educational environments. The journal operates at the intersection of educational measurement, massive data analysis, digital learning ecologies, and ethical philosophy. Intended to give voice to an emerging community, the journal is devoted to programs of research providing evidence of fair, reliable, and valid analytics. Dedicated to application, such multidisciplinary research will demonstrate its usefulness to educational stakeholders as they expand opportunities for diverse learners.

Journal of Writing Assessment

The Journal of Writing Assessment provides a forum for the publication of manuscripts from a variety of disciplines and perspectives that address topics in writing assessment. Articles address assessment-related topics including grading and response, program assessment, historical perspectives on assessment, assessment theory, and educational measurement as well as other relevant topics. Book reviews of recent publications related to writing assessment and annotated bibliographies of current issues in writing assessment also appear in the journal.

Journal of Writing Research

The Journal of Writing Research (JoWR) is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes papers that describe scientific study studies of the processes by which writing is produced and or by which it can be effectively taught.

Kairos: A Journal For Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments

Kairos is a refereed online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy. Each issue presents varied perspectives on special topics, typically in the form of "webtexts" -- texts authored specifically for publication on the World Wide Web. These webtexts include scholarly examinations of large-scale issues related to special topics, individual and collaborative reviews of books and media, news and announcements of interest, interactive exchanges about previous Kairos publications, and extended interviews with leading scholars.

KB: The Journal of the Kenneth Burke Society

KBJ publishes original scholarship that addresses, applies, extends, repurposes, or challenges the writings of Kenneth Burke, which include but are not limited to the major books and hundreds of articles by Burke, as well as the growing corpus of research material about Burke.

Language and Learning Across the Curriculum

In 2004, LLAD merged with the online journal Academic.Writing to form Across the Disciplines, published by the WAC Clearinghouse. The archives of LLAD are available at the Clearinghouse. LLAD published articles that make connections between the discourses, disciplines, and locations covered by the journal, general issues of language use, classroom practices, curricula, learning theory, critical thinking, composition theory, and educational technology from either a theoretical perspective or as it appears in single or multi-disciplinary programs at the undergraduate or graduate level. Writers were encouraged to address these topics from diverse critical stances including but not limited to: ethnographic research, cognitive approaches, feminist and gender-based perspectives, rhetorical theory, genre theory, and cultural and international studies.

Language Arts

Language Arts is the official journal of the Elementary Section of the National Council of Teachers of English. It has been published since 1924. Language Arts is a professional journal for elementary and middle school teachers and teacher educators. It provides a forum for discussions on all aspects of language arts learning and teaching, primarily as they relate to children in pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade. Issues discuss both theory and classroom practice, highlight current research, and review children's and young adolescent literature, as well as classroom and professional materials of interest to language arts educators.

Literacy in Composition Studies

Literacy in Composition Studies is a refereed open-access online journal sponsoring scholarly activity at the nexus of literacy and composition studies. The journal publishes work that analyzes the connections and disconnections among writing, reading, and interpretation, inviting examination of the ways in which literacy constitutes writer, context, and act. The journal publishes both long-form articles and book reviews and shorter essays as part of an on-going symposium.

Latinx Writing and Rhetoric Studies

Latinx Writing and Rhetoric Studies is the professional journal for the college scholar-teacher interested in both national and international literacy events dealing with Latinx Communities, Diaspora, and Identity and Cultural Practices. LWRS publishes articles about literature, rhetoric-composition, critical theory, creative writing theory and pedagogy, linguistics, literacy, reading theory, pedagogy, and professional issues related to the teaching and creation of Latinx epistemologies. Issues may also include review essays. 

MENA Writing Studies Journal

MENA Writing Studies is a refereed journal publishing research about the teaching of writing, composition, and rhetoric in the Middle East and North Africa. The journal's goal is to share the experiences and voices of instructors and scholars whose work and research is relevant to the region while also reflecting the diversity and complexity the region itself, as it traverses geographical, linguistic, and national borders. The journal provides a space for theoretical and pedagogical discussions among those teaching writing in the MENA, working with students from the MENA, or in some way associated with the MENA.

Northern California Writing Centers Association Newsletter

The Newsletter is published by the Northern California Writing Centers Association, a non-profit educational organization that provides support, encourages scholarship, and promotes community among writing center professionals.

The Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies

The Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (OJCMT) is an international, rigorously peer-reviewed journal in the field of Communication and its related fields. OJCMT is interested in research not only on Theory and Practice of Communication and Media Studies but also new trends and developments, Communication in Education, Visual Communication and Design, Integrated Marketing Communicationand Advertising. OJCMT is published four times a year in January, April, July and October. Each article is reviewed by two blind reviewers from an internationally recognized pool of reviewers.

Online Literacies Open Resource

The Online Literacies Open Resource is one of two publication venues sponsored by the Global Society for Online Literacy Educators.  The goal of this peer-reviewed journal is to publish relatively brief and practical pedagogical strategies. 

Open Words Journal

Open Words: Access and English Studies is a journal dedicated to publishing articles focusing on political, professional, and pedagogical issues related to teaching composition, reading, ESL, creative writing, and literature to open admissions and non-mainstream student populations.

Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture

Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture is an innovative journal that aims to build and sustain a vibrant discourse around teaching in English studies.

The Peer Review

The Peer Review is a fully online, open-access, multimodal scholarly journal that promotes the work of emerging writing center researchers. In particular, it targets graduate/undergraduate/high school researchers. While the journal welcomes writing center directors and administrators as co-authors, the journal’s overall purpose is to forward the work of new voices in the field.


Peitho is a peer-reviewed journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. The journal exists to support the Coalition’s mission as a “learned society composed of women scholars who are committed to research in the history of rhetoric and composition.” The journal, like the Coalition, promotes and fosters collaboration and communication in these areas of specialization. Peitho seeks to encourage, advance, and publish original research in the history of rhetoric and composition and thereby support scholars and students within our profession.

Philosophy & Rhetoric

Philosophy and Rhetoric focuses on relations between philosophy and rhetoric. Topics include the connections between logic and rhetoric, the philosophical aspects of argumentation (including argumentation in philosophy itself), philosophical views on the nature of rhetoric among historical figures and during historical periods, philosophical analyses of the relation to rhetoric of other areas of human culture and thought, and psychological and sociological studies of rhetoric with a strong philosophical emphasis.
Poroi, sponsored by the Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry, publishes articles on the rhetoric of knowledge production in and across academic disciplines; how knowledge flows between technical, public, and personal spheres of discourse; and how communication media affect argumentation, its dissemination, and reception.

Postmodern Culture Electronic Journal

Founded in 1990 as an experiment in scholarly publishing on the Internet, Postmodern Culture identifies itself as "the leading electronic journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures, publishing the work of such noted authors and critics as Kathy Acker, Charles Bernstein, Bruce Robbins, bell hooks, and Susan Howe."

Praxis: A Writing Center Journal

Praxis is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published triannually by the University Writing Center at the University of Texas at Austin. As a forum for writing-center practitioners, Praxis publishes articles from writing-center consultants, administrators, and others concerned with issues related to writing-center training, consulting, labor, administration, and initiatives.

Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society

Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society is a peer-reviewed, blind-refereed, online journal dedicated to exploring contemporary social, cultural, political and economic issues through a rhetorical lens.

Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory

On its Facebook group page, Pre/Text describes itself using a quote from the ADE Journal: ". . . the closest thing that the profession has to a John Waters' Film." Pre/Text has a long and storied history within the field, mixing cutting edge thinking with controversial forays into key issues. Learn more about the journal on Facebook.

Process: Journal of Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Scholarship

Process provides an online space for undergraduate writers across the disciplines to share their work outside of the context and constraints of the college classroom. Each issue of Process centers on a topic of contemporary interest to a global audience, fostering critical conversations that traverse disciplinary, cultural, and national borders.

Programmatic Perspectives

Programmatic Perspectives is the journal of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. It publishes articles related to programmatic issues in technical, professional, and/or scientific communication.

Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments

Prompt is a biannual, refereed online journal that publishes academic writing assignments. Prompt publishes assignments directed at both undergraduate and graduate students from all academic disciplines. Its mission is to disseminate a mode of intellectual work that is too rarely circulated in public venues, and it hopes to contribute to the scholarly study of writing assignments in the field of writing studies. The editors of Prompt also believe that by publishing excellent and innovative writing assignments, the journal can serves as both a resource and a site of engagement for faculty who incorporate writing in their teaching.

Queen City Writers

Established in 2012, Queen City Writers is a refereed journal that publishes essays and multimedia work by undergraduate students affiliated with any post-secondary institution. The journal also publishes reviews, snapshots of writers, and comments. Issues are published twice a year in fall and spring.

Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric 

Reflections, a peer reviewed journal, provides a forum for scholarship on writing, service-learning and community literacy. Originally founded as a venue for teachers, researchers, students and community partners to share research and discuss the theoretical, political and ethical implications of community-based writing and writing instruction, Reflections publishes a lively collection of essays, empirical studies, community writing, student work, interviews and reviews in a format that brings together emerging scholars and leaders in the fields of community-based writing and civic engagement.

Research in Online Literacy Education 

Research in Online Literacy Education (ROLE) is a peer-reviewed digital journal published by the Global Society of Online Literacy EducatorsROLE publishes original research and scholarship in literacy-based online education. The mission of ROLE is to promote diversity, inclusivity, and access in online literacy education; to build a platform for scholarly conversation that connects reading, writing, and digital composition; to support multimedia scholarship and publish work that includes multimodal forms of digital research and presentation; and to bring together researchers and practitioners across the disciplines to improve the teaching of disciplinary content using multiple literacies.

Research in the Teaching of English

Research in the Teaching of English is a multidisciplinary journal composed of original research and scholarly essays on the relationships between language teaching and learning at all levels, preschool through adult. Articles reflect a variety of methodologies and address issues of pedagogical relevance related to the content, context, process, and evaluation of language learning.

Rhetoric & Public Affairs

Rhetoric & Public Affairs is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the history, theory, and criticism of public discourse.

Rhetoric of Health & Medicine

Rhetoric of Health & Medicine brings together humanities and social scientific research traditions in a rhetorically focused journal to allow scholars to build new interdisciplinary theories, methodologies, and insights that can impact our understanding of health, illness, healing, and wellness.

Rhetnet: A Dialogic Publishing (ad)venture

RhetNet introduces itself as "a concerted effort to see what publishing on the net might be in its 'natural' form. Without leaving our print heritage behind entirely, we want to adapt to the net rather than only adapting net publishing to print-based convention." An archived version of this groundbreaking journal is housed in the Clearinghouse.

Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture

Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture embraces a pluralistic approach to rhetorical scholarship. The journal is open to a variety of methodological approaches, from close textual and/or historical analysis to critical/cultural, ethnographic, performative, artistic, and/or theoretical work. The journal invites scholarship on rhetorics of marginalization, structure, materiality, and power; politics, advocacy, and activism; and beyond. Foremost to its mission is featuring perspectives that question in/justice, in/equity, power, and democracy and that attend to interlocking structures of power within their geopolitical and historical contexts. This journal also invites rhetorical scholarship that archives, documents, theorizes, or participates in forms of individual and collective public interventions, advocacy, activism, and resistance to such structures.

Rhetoric Review

Rhetoric Review: A Journal of Rhetoric and Composition is a scholarly interdisciplinary journal publishing in all areas of rhetoric and writing and providing a professional forum for its readers to consider and discuss current topics and issues. The journal publishes manuscripts that explore the breadth and depth of the discipline, including history, theory, writing, praxis, technical/professional communication, philosophy, rhetorical criticism, cultural studies, multiple literacies, technology, literature, public address, graduate education, and professional issues.

Rhetoric Society Quarterly

Published by the Rhetoric Society of America, Rhetoric Society Quarterly publishes articles on all aspects of rhetoric, including theory, history, criticism, and pedagogy.


Rhetorica's articles, book reviews and bibliographies examine the theory and practice of rhetoric in all periods and languages and their relationship with poetics, philosophy, religion, and law.

RhetTech Journal

RhetTech showcases exemplary work being done in undergraduate writing, rhetoric, and technical communication courses around the country. This journal is run by young scholars in James Madison University’s School of Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication.

SDC: A Journal of Writing Center Studies

SDC is the official publication of the Southeastern Writing Center Association. Each issue includes peer-reviewed scholarly research articles, as well as shorter texts such as book reviews. It also includes special sections such as "Consultant Insight" and "Back to the Center," which showcase the reflections of writing center consultants and administrators.

Spark: A 4C4Equality Journal

Spark is an online-only, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published annually. It provides a forum for activist students, teachers, and researchers in writing, rhetoric, and literacy studies to articulate the public and disciplinary value of their social justice pursuits.

Sweetland Writing Center Newsletter

Published by the University of Michigan's Sweetland Writing Center, this electronic newsletter provides access to articles relevant to writing center and WAC practices.


Syllabus publishes original syllabi, assessment instruments, assignments and activities, and articles related to college teaching. The editors observe, "A good syllabus is a piece of original scholarship; a great one is also an art form. A research or theory paper go through peer review process to be recognized and validated; the same process should be available to course materials. This is a small step towards taking teaching as seriousely as we take research."

Teaching English in the Two-Year College

TETYC publishes articles for two-year college teachers and those teaching the first two years of English in four-year institutions. The journal seeks articles in all areas of composition (basic, first-year, and advanced); business, technical, and creative writing; and the teaching of literature in the first two college years. TETYC also publishes articles on topics such as staffing, assessment, technology, writing program administration, speech, journalism, reading, ESL, and other areas of professional concern.

Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education

Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education is a peer reviewed journal focusing on issues of writing teacher education – the development, education, and mentoring of prospective, new, and experienced teachers of writing at all levels. The journal draws from composition studies – writing program administrators, writing across-the-curriculum specialists, and other teaching mentors; English education – including voices from secondary and elementary teacher educators at both the graduate and undergraduate levels; and from teacher educators from K-12 settings - including leaders and mentors in the National Writing Project and those in high school, middle school, and elementary school English leadership positions.

Technical Communication & Social Justice

TCSJ, an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, focuses on considerations of social justice in the research, teaching, and practice of technical communication and professional communication. TCSJ publishes articles—empirical research, pedagogical approaches, case studies, integrative literature reviews, workplace studies, etc.—that advance themes (1) exploring the systems and structures that legitimize and sustain injustice and/or (2) redressing injustice and/or enacting social justice in spheres of technical communication work.

Technical Communication Quarterly

Technical Communication Quarterly is a scholarly journal devoted to the teaching, study, and practice of technical communication in academic, scientific, technical, governmental, and business/industrial fields. Access to the journal's Web site requires free registration.

Trace: A Journal of Writing, Media, and Ecology

Trace is an online, refereed, open-access journal that publishes interdisciplinary research at the intersections of writing studies, media studies, cultural studies, and ecocriticism. The journal considers the material and ethical impacts of media in all forms with specific interest in scholarship that theorizes the confluences of technology, culture, and life.

The WAC Journal

Published by Clemson University, Parlor Press, and the WAC Clearinghouse, The WAC Journal is an annual collection of articles by educators about their WAC ideas and WAC experiences. It is a journal of practical ideas and pertinent theory.

WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship

Across four issues per year and through numerous online resources WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship promotes exchanges on challenges in tutoring theory and methodology, handling ESL issues, directing a writing center, training tutors, designing and expanding centers, and using tutorial theory and pedagogy. It is available in open-access formats on the WAC Clearinghouse.

Works & Days

Works & Days provides a scholarly forum for the exploration of problems in cultural studies, pedagogy, and institutional critique, especially as they are impacted by the transition from print to electronic environments. Each issue of the journal is organized around specific inquiries conducted as shared disciplinary or post-disciplinary research projects.

WPA: Writing Program Administration

WPA is a publication of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. It publishes articles and essays concerning the organization, administration, practices, and aims of college and university writing programs.

Writers: Craft & Context

Writers: Craft & Context is an open-access interdisciplinary journal that publishes a wide array of material focused on writers: the work they do, the contexts in which they compose and circulate their work, how they are impacted by policies and pedagogies (broadly conceived) and how they develop across the lifespan. The editors invite contributions from a range of academic fields such as writing studies, cultural studies, education, psychology, sociology, literature and modern languages as well as from community experts outside academia, including program leaders, activists, volunteers, artists, and others who see, support, and do the work of writing in non-academic contexts.

Writing & Pedagogy

Writing & Pedagogy seeks to provide a broad-ranging, internationally oriented forum for discussion and dissemination of knowledge focused on the nature of writing and the teaching of writing. It is innovative in being both international in scope and in spanning across all levels of education, from K-12 through doctoral level.


Published intermittently between 1991 and 2016, the newsletter of George Mason University's WAC Program features articles describing "best practices" in courses across the university; tips on teaching with writing; discussions of issues related to responding to, evaluating, and assessing student writing; tutors' observations on sessions with their UWC clients; and summaries of brown bag discussions on WAC topics.

Writing Center Journal

The Writing Center Journal is an official publication of the International Writing Centers Association, which is an Affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English. WCJ is published twice a year, in the fall/winter and spring/summer. The journal's primary purpose is to publish articles, reviews, and announcements of interest to writing center professionals and to those forging connections between writing centers and the wider arenas of rhetoric and composition studies.

The Writing Instructor

The Writing Instructor is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing in print since 1981 and on the Internet since June, 2001. It focuses on issues related to writing pedagogy, research, and theory.

Writing on the Edge

Writing on the Edge, an interdisciplinary journal focusing on writing and the teaching of writing, is aimed primarily at college-level composition teachers and others interested in writing and writing instruction. It is published at the University of California at Davis and appears two times a year-in spring and fall.

Written Communication

Written Communication is an international multidisciplinary journal that publishes theory and research in writing from fields including anthropology, English, history, journalism, linguistics, psychology, and rhetoric.


Xchanges is an interdisciplinary Technical Communication, Writing/Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum journal, which publishes two issues annually from its home in the English Department at the University of New Mexico.  The fall issue each year features undergraduate research.  The spring issue features graduate-student research.  In each undergraduate issue, the journal publishes theses and research projects of upper-level undergraduate students.  The graduate-student issues features MA- and Ph.D.-level original research from emerging professionals in the journal's focal fields.  Xchanges receives submissions from students from a wide array of institutions across the country and abroad.  Its faculty review board, comprised of TC, Comp/Rhet, and WAC faculty from throughout the U.S., reviews these submissions on a blind basis. 

Young Scholars in Writing

Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, A Peer-Reviewed Journal for Undergraduates, "is dedicated to publishing research articles written by undergraduates in a wide variety of disciplines associated with rhetoric and writing. It is guided by these central beliefs: (1) that research can and should be a crucial component of rhetorical education and (2) that undergraduates engaged in research about writing and rhetoric should have opportunities to share their work with a broader audience of students, scholars, and teachers through national publication."