The WAC Clearinghouse provides access to more than 225 books, and additional books are in production. All books are available for free viewing and/or download. Many are also available in low-cost print editions. You can view a complete listing of our books in our catalog. In addition to the book series listed below, we also provide access to open-access textbooks, teaching resources, and conference proceedings.
Principles for Open-Access Scholarly Publishing has been released by the WAC Clearinghouse. The statement was developed with contributions from 17 scholars in the writing studies community and is endorsed by more than 60 individuals, publications, and organizations. The statement web page provides options for endorsing or making further contributions to the document.
View our list of open-access textbooks—including those on the Clearinghouse and elsewhere. We also provide a list of books that address key teaching and learning issues.
View our list of Conference Proceedings, including the recently released proceedings for the Computers & Writing Conference and the conference archives for the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference.