Studies in Writing and Rhetoric

Series Editor: Stephanie Kerschbaum, University of Washington
Associate Editor: Taiko Aoki-Marcial, University of Washington

The CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series, established in 1984, supports research that explores how writing and rhetoric are currently and have been historically taught, practiced, and circulated within communities, whether in colleges, workplaces, or neighborhoods, local, national, digital, or international contexts. The series also focuses on supporting a broad range of projects that accurately represent the multifarious identities of teachers, administrators, and researchers involved in writing and rhetoric, addressing the cultural, social, political, and material realities that define their work. SWR aspires to be global both in scope and reach, and is dedicated to the use of digital technologies that ensure its publications are accessible and available to a national and international audience.

In partnership with the WAC Clearinghouse, CCCC is making selected books from the series available in open-access formats. Each year, new open-access books will be published collaboratively and made available through the Clearinghouse. This project emerged from the CCCC Task Force on Open Access Publishing, whose members include Kurt Austin, Joyce Locke Carter, Danielle Devoss, Laura Gonzales, Neal Lerner, Mike Palmquist, Stephen Parks, and Kevin Smith.

For more information about the series, visit its page on the NCTE website.

Books in the Series

Book CoverTransnational Assemblages: Social Justice and Crisis Communication during Disaster

By Sweta Baniya

This book recognizes local knowledge and marginalized perspectives during disasters to create opportunities for tackling social injustices in post-disaster situations. With grounded case studies of the 2015 Nepal earthquake and 2017 Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Baniya showcases how locals in marginalized and colonized spaces overcome disaster-created complexities via coalitional and transnational engagements. ... More

Book CoverRecollections from an Uncommon Time: 4C20 Documentarian Tales

Edited by Julie Lindquist, Bree Straayer, and Bump Halbritter

This collection of original essays was occasioned first by the 2020 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Annual Convention, and then, later, by the cancellation of it. As originally planned, Documentarians (attendees in a newly created role) would share their experiences of the CCCC Convention. After the meeting was canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the collection became a means for the Documentarians to share a common experience in this uncommon time. ... More

Book CoverTeachers Talking Writing: Perspectives on Places, Pedagogies, and Programs

By Shane A. Wood

Teachers Talking Writing is a collection of conversations about the theory and teaching of writing in postsecondary contexts. It might also be considered a composition anthology focused on practices and pedagogies in the 21st century. Interconnected with Pedagogue, a podcast about teaching writing, the book offers 52 perspectives on composition and rhetoric across institutions and positions. ... More

About the Publishers

The National Council of Teachers of English is devoted to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education. It offers a wide range of resources for teachers and learners. The WAC Clearinghouse supports teachers of writing across the disciplines. The site receives support from Colorado State University and from its editorial staff and editorial review board and its hundreds of members who, through their collaborative efforts, add to and update information on the site. For more information about the Clearinghouse, please see our site information page. University Press of Colorado is a nonprofit cooperative publishing enterprise supported by several Western universities. For more information, visit