2018 CCCC Worshop
Welcome to The Transformative Laboring and Languaging of International Exchanges about Higher Education Writing Research

For all participants—both workshop leaders and CCCC participants signed up for the workshop—here are the contributions to read in advance of the workshop. They are organized by time slot [see below]. You can download each draft text by simply clicking on the author name(s). Note that a name not showing as linked represents a text not yet submitted. As soon as we have these texts we will upload them. You should read all of the texts once, to get a general sense of them.

Each text includes a description of the institutional context in which the work is occurring, a brief glossary, and a digest of key theorists or theoretical groundings framing the work. Please read these before reading the draft text—they are key to fruitful exchange! Sometimes they can be found at the *end* of the text rather than the beginning.

Once you have read all drafts, choose one from each grouping that most interests you for discussion and engagement in more detail: [A, B, C], [D, E, F], [G, H, I, J]. Your focused reading set, for example, might be B, F, H. You will then join these small groups at the workshop. There will be one text everyone will read, for full-group discussion near the end of the day.

At the workshop, you will join the group led by the author you chose in each grouping, for the 45-minute in-depth discussion segment in which it is placed. Of course, workshop leaders, do not choose another text in the time slot in which your own text is featured. In order to keep a balance of group size, we will send around a sign-up sheet by MARCH 8th asking you to give us your set of preferences: a first and a second choice in each cluster. We will then send you your personal workshop schedule so that you can review that set of papers again before the workshop day. We try hard to give everyone mostly first choices.

Keep in mind that many of these are works in progress—they vary a great deal in length and development. The idea is to share and further our work and thinking through this format. Remember that there will be no formal presentations in this workshop. The bulk of our time together is spent in actual discussion.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions: 

  • Cinthia Gannett  <cinthiagannett at gmail.com> 
  • Christiane Donahue  <christiane.donahue at dartmouth.edu>

Clusters and Strands for CCCC International Writing Studies Workshop March 14, 2018


9:00–9:30: Introduction

9:30–10:15: Small-group discussions, 1st cluster of texts

10:15–10:30: Coffee Break

10:30–11:15: Small-group discussions, 2nd cluster

11:15–12:00: Creating an international bibliography

12:00–1:30: Lunch break


1:30–2:15: Small-group discussions, 4th cluster

2:20–3:00: Whole-group shared discussion

3:00: Coffee Break

3:15-4:15: Planning publication

4:15 Final discussion: What’s at stake in this exchange?

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