WAC Links

Stephen BernhardtWelcome to the WAC Clearinghouse Links. These links pages point to useful, current online resources for designing, developing, and maintaining healthy writing initiatives in schools and colleges. The pages began with a listing of a few of the best links avaialable and the list has grown over time as members of the WAC community have recommened new links. I hope you will help us continue to develop this list of valuable resources.

To view links, click on the folders to the left. To add a new link or suggest a new category or subcategory, please contact Stephen Bernhardt, Links Editor, at sab@udel.edu.

National Survey of Student Engagement  Featured
Coordinating center for a large effort to document educational practices that encourage learning through student engagement. Centered at Indiana U. Broad survey results compare campuses on various factors that correlate with engagement.
WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition  Featured
http://wpacouncil.org/aws/CWPA/pt/sd/news_article/243055/_PA ...
Writing Program Administrators' jointly authored outcomes statement. Adopted July 2014. A version of this statement was published in WPA: Writing Program Administration 38.1 (Fall 2014): 129-143.
Writing: NCTE Position Statements  Featured
Filter by "writing." Statements on best practices in writing assessment, teaching, writing centers, and others.
Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment
An annotated list of links on outcomes assessment, provided by North Carolina State University.
National Center for Education Statistics
Site of primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. Includes National Assessment of Educational Progree results, among many other resources.
The Pennsylvania State University’s Center for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE)
From the Center's Mission and Goals: "The Center for the Study of Higher Education engages researchers, practitioners, and policy leaders alike in examining significant issues of practice and policy confronting higher education at the campus, state, national, and international levels. As a research center emphasizing externally-funded, policy-oriented research, the Center serves as a vital and productive magnet for research teams, individual faculty, visiting scholars, and graduate research assistants working to improve practice and policy-making in higher education."
The TLT (Teaching, Learning, and Technology) Group
Originally part of the American Association for Higher Education, the TLT Group consults with educational institutions to improve teaching and learning with technology. An offshoot of the TLT Group, the Flashlight Project, helps institutions develop instruments to assess the effectiveness of technology use in educational settings.