WAC Links

Stephen BernhardtWelcome to the WAC Clearinghouse Links. These links pages point to useful, current online resources for designing, developing, and maintaining healthy writing initiatives in schools and colleges. The pages began with a listing of a few of the best links avaialable and the list has grown over time as members of the WAC community have recommened new links. I hope you will help us continue to develop this list of valuable resources.

To view links, click on the folders to the left. To add a new link or suggest a new category or subcategory, please contact Stephen Bernhardt, Links Editor, at sab@udel.edu.

A more complete list of Writing Fellows programs
We have a more complete list on the Clearinghouse. Follow the link!
Writing Fellows at Barnard
The Writing Fellows are specially trained peer tutors who work with writers in all disciplines. Writing Fellows staff the Writing Center (located on the second floor of Barnard Hall); they are also attached to various Barnard College courses.
Writing Fellows at Brown U
http://www.brown.edu/academics/college/support/writing-fello ...
One of many student-driven organizations at Brown, Writing Fellows work in a spirit of collegiality, helping to extend intellectual discourse beyond the classroom. Mutually engaged, Fellows and Fellowees ultimately do more than focus on writing; they shape their own and each other’s education, and in so doing they help to keep vibrant what is most unique and valuable about Brown.
Writing Fellows at BYU
The Writing Fellows Program is a peer tutoring, discipline-based program which encourages and supports the development of mature student writing across the disciplines and the curriculum. As trained and skilled undergraduate tutors, the Writing Fellows work with faculty and their students on two class-specific writing assignments. By reading, commenting and explicitly focusing on long-term writing development, Writing Fellows contribute to the development of careful student thinking and writing and, as a result, support the aims of an undergraduate education at BYU.
Writing Fellows at DePaul
http://condor.depaul.edu/writing/programs-writing-fellows.ht ...
Fellows will make thoughtful and extensive comments on draft papers and confer one-on-one with students in an effort to help them make significant revisions to their work. The Fellows are equipped to tutor writing across DePaul’s departments and colleges. Fellows have worked with students in courses in physics, theater, chemistry, religious studies, Honors, computers and digital media, anthropology, political science, English, journalism, and sophomore seminar. Fellows have received resounding praise from faculty and students alike.
Writing Fellows at Tufts
The Writing Fellows Program at Tufts University is designed to enrich the process of writing by making space and time for drafts, conversations and revisions... The opportunity to speak with someone about our writing is truly priceless. It can greatly improve the weakest paper and help even the strongest become more effective. As Writing Fellows, we have chosen to act as an essential medium in this process of growth, both for the students we work with and in our own evolution as writers and thinkers
Writing Fellows at U Delaware
Writing Fellows are a dedicated group of undergraduates who assist their peers with developing and improving their writing skills. Central to their mission is the belief that writing is a process. As such, Writing Fellows continually strive to learn new and creative ways of writing and tutoring, while also respecting the individual approaches students and professors employ in their own work. The Writing Fellows believe that the peer relationship creates an opportunity for strong improvements in writing. To establish this more personalized approach to conferencing, each Writing Fellow meets with students outside of the classroom on an individual basis.
Writing Fellows at Utah State U
Writing Fellows: Work with students to revise their papers and help improve their writing. Are assigned to work with specific classes each semester. They meet with the professor and discuss the expectations and requirements for each of the assigned papers. Meet with approximately 15 students in a class twice a semester and discuss ways to improve the paper and meet the professors' expectations.