IE Latin America Section Seeks Associate Editor

  • Jan 9, 2025

The Latin American Section of the WAC Clearinghouse's International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series is looking for one associate editor to collaborate with the section editors in organizing review processes, book launch events, and other activities for the section. This position offers the opportunity to participate in an exciting and supportive network of scholars committed to promoting transnational equity and high-quality scholarship in writing studies across borders.  Full details can be found below.

The International Exchanges on the Study of Writing ( book series is part of the WAC Clearinghouse. The series publishes books that address worldwide perspectives on writing, writers, teaching with writing, and scholarly writing practices, specifically those that draw on scholarship across national and disciplinary borders to challenge parochial understandings of all of the above. 

The Latin American Section of the International Exchanges on the Study of Writing (IE) book series ( publishes peer-reviewed books about writing, writers, teaching with writing, and scholarly writing practices from Latin American perspectives. It also offers re-editions of recognized peer-reviewed books originally published in the region. 

The  Associate Editor Role of the Latin American Section involves working with the section’s editors, collaborating on editorial oversight, coordinating communications with reviewers, managing the section’s web page, and participating in ongoing conversations about the section’s future directions. The section’s editors and associate editor meet virtually to discuss updates or issues with production and projects in process, to assign tasks on new and developing projects, and to plan online events. The incoming associate editor will benefit from mentorship from both of the section’s editors.

The time commitment will vary throughout the year, depending on the number of projects being led by the series editors. On average, the associate editors can expect to spend up to 4 hours a month over the course of a year. 

Required Application Materials

To apply for this role, please send a current CV and a one- to two-page letter of interest to María de los Ángeles Chimenti at In the letter of application, among other points, applicants should expand on

  • Why they want to collaborate with the Latin America Section of the WAC Clearinghouse’s International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series;
  • How they understand the relevance of  international exchanges, equity, and respect in Latin American research;
  • Their understanding of the ethics and challenges of international publishing; 
  • Their previous experience organizing or supporting peer review processes, academic events, academic publications, or similar activities/tasks; 
  • Their experience with digital platforms, social media and/or with webinars; 
  • Their command of English or Portuguese and their ability to hold multilingual conversations (English/Spanish/Portuguese). For this point, please be aware of the series’ language policy (found at 


The deadline for applications is March 7, 2025, with a Zoom interview to follow. A final announcement of the selected applicants will be made by late March 2025. 

* If you would like to learn more about the position from the previous associate editor, contact María de los Ángeles Chimenti at