News, Events, and Calls

Traci Gardner
- Traci Gardner, News Editor

We publish news from the WAC and writing communities. Visit to catch up on upcoming conferences, see calls for proposals, notices of newly published books and other scholarly projects, stories of WAC programs and practitioners in the news. If you have WAC news you want to share, please send a note to

August 29, 2019
WAC Clearinghouse Seeks Associate Publishers and Director of Marketing

The WAC Clearinghouse seeks four new members of its editorial staff. These senior positions will play key leadership roles in the growth of the Clearinghouse and will serve, in addition, on the Clearinghouse editorial board.

July 26, 2019
Contingency, Exploitation, and Solidarity Wins CWPA Best Book Award

The Best Book Award from the Council of Writing Program Administrators was presented today to Contingency, Exploitation, and Solidarity: Labor and Action in English Composition (2017), edited by Seth Kahn, William B. Lalicker, and Amy Lynch-Biniek

July 1, 2019
ATD Associate Editor Search Begins

Across the Disciplines (ATD) invites applications for the position of Associate Editor. The journal seeks an individual with a demonstrated interest in WAC, WID, interdisciplinary communication, and other topics relevant to the mission of ATD. Review of applications begins on July 15, 2019. 

June 12, 2019
Hadleigh Junior Class 10 Assembly Features WAC

Singing, dancing, acting, history, and science—And writing across the curriculum!

May 29, 2019
Students Create Math Games for Summer Learning

Maria Perez Chavez shares photos of students busy with writing across the curriculum!

May 20, 2019
Creative Techniques Across the Curriculum

Details on a training session to the Jain Heritage School Teachers on Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

May 10, 2019
May 2019 WAC-GO Newsletter Released

WAC-GO Executive Committee  has released the May 2019 WAC-GO Newsletter. 

May 8, 2019
Writing Spaces Seeks Assistant Editors

Writing Spaces, an open textbook for college-level writing courses, is hiring several Assistant Editors (including Copyeditors, Social Media Manager, and a Web Editor) to help produce annual volumes of their open access textbook series.

May 8, 2019
Exploring Roman Culture Across the Curriculum

Elementary level students explore Roman culture with writing across the curriculum.

April 30, 2019
Proceedings of the 2018 Computers and Writing Annual Conference Published

The second edited proceedings of the annual Computers & Writing Conference includes presentations from the 2018 conference.