Displaying: 111 - 120 of 140

Toward A Taxonomy of "Small" Genres
Tags: Genre, WAC, Pedagogy, Writing
A Writer's Guide to Mindful Reading
Tags: Metacognition, Transfer, Reading, Writing, Pedagogy
Invention in Rhetoric and Composition
Tags: rhetoric and composition, history of writing, Pedagogy, rhetorical theory
Reference Guide to Writing Across the Curriculum
Tags: WAC, writing to learn, writing program, scientific writing, higher education, K-12, Pedagogy, history of writing
Basic Writing
Tags: writing research, Pedagogy, culture, writing studies
Community Literacy and the Rhetoric of Local Publics
Tags: rhetorical theory, Literacy, Pedagogy, writing studies, higher education, Student Writing, community
Revision: History, Theory, and Practice
Tags: Teaching strategies, higher education, technical and professional communication, creative writing, second language-writers, Pedagogy, technology
Style: An Introduction to History, Theory, Research, and Pedagogy
Tags: feminist theory, Teaching strategies, Pedagogy, research, rhetorical theory, rhetoric and composition, history of writing
Genre: An Introduction to History, Theory, Research, and Pedagogy
Tags: writing studies, history of writing, Pedagogy, literary theory, genre studies
What Is College Reading?

Edited by Alice S. Horning, Deborah-Lee Gollnitz, and Cynthia R. Haller

Arguing that literacy instruction is the work of all teachers, K-12 and beyond, this collection offers replicable strategies to help educators think about how and when students learn the skills of reading, synthesizing information, and drawing inferences across multiple texts. What Is College Reading? will be of interest and practical use to any educator facing the need to offer more for students as they exit their high school career and begin the journey of post-secondary education.

Tags: writing strategies, secondary education, K-12, literary analysis, Pedagogy, postsecondary institution, postsecondary education

Displaying: 111 - 120 of 140