Teaching Writing: Methods, Materials, and Measurement

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Teaching Writing: Methods, Materials, and Measurement was published by the Department of English at the University of Delaware from 1978 to 1987. It included articles from scholars such as Frank D'Angelo, Diane Balestri, James Berlin, Jeanne Fahnestock, Stephen North, and Margo Soven, among many others. 

Tables of Contents

Volume 1, Table of Contents (1978)
Volume 2, Table of Contents (1978)
Volume 3, Table of Contents (1979)
Volume 4, Table of Content (1980)
Volume 5 ,Table of Contents (1981)
Volume 6, Table of Contents (1982)
Volume 7, Table of Contents (1983)
Volume 8, Table of Contents (1986)
Volume 9, Table of Contents (1987)

Archived October 2003

  • Clyde Moneybun
  • Rich Haswell
  • Glenn Blalock
  • Krystal Cunningham

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