The International WAC Network

The International Network of Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Programs was the predecessor to the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum. The following information provides information about the Network. 

The International Network of Writing-across-the Curriculum Programs (INWAC) was an informal community of teachers, researchers, and institutions. All of its members were involved in some way with the development of writing across the curriculum (WAC) and in disciplines (WID) locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally. In November 2006, INWAC entered a partnership with the WAC Clearinghouse to support individuals and programs around the world with the following:

  • an online forum for ideas, issues, and practices related to WAC and WID
  • access to new and previously-published books and articles
  • a database of member-authored information about WAC/WID activities, projects, and programs at sites around the world
  • annual meetings at which members can come together to discuss and share concerns and practices
  • a directory of consultants in WAC/WID

Annual meetings of INWAC (formerly the National Network of WAC Programs) were held beginning in 1981 at the annual conventions of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. These meetings were conducted by the INWAC consultants board. The meetings were issues-and-problems workshops, with the agenda set by the concerns of those present, each roundtable moderated by a member of the board.

Publications: During its 35-year history, INWAC co-sponsored three collections of essays for WAC/WID program developers:

In 2014, INWAC sponsored creation of the Statement of WAC Principles and Practices by a national team of WAC/WID directors; the document was vetted by the INWAC Board of Consultants and endorsed by the Executive Committee of CCCC.

Our partnership with the Clearinghouse made readily accessible to INWAC members a growing list of new and previously-published books in WAC/WID. Essentially, this partnership allowed the Clearinghouse to serve as the publishing arm of INWAC.