Edited by Susan H. McLeod and Margot Soven
Digitized by the Colorado State University Libraries. An earlier version, based on the manuscript alone, was created in 2000.
Addressing the design, funding, operation, and underlying pedagogical principles of WAC programs, this comprehensive collection of essays offers important advice to WAC program designers and teachers. In 12 chapters, the contributors to this important collection discuss issues including program design, writing in the disciplines, writing to learn, writing-intensive courses, and the relationships among WAC programs, first-year writing programs, general education, and writing centers. Please note that the edition created in 2000 has different pagination than the original Sage edition. This was the first out-of-print book re-issued by the Clearinghouse, and we worked from the word processing files provided by Sue McLeod to develop the open-access version.
Open the entire book | Open the 2000 edition
Chapter 1: Writing Across the Curriculum: An Introduction, by Susan H. McLeod | 2000 Edition
Chapter 2: Getting Started, by Barbara E. Walvoord | 2000 Edition
Chapter 3: Faculty Workshops,by Joyce Neff Magnotto and Barbara R. Stout | 2000 Edition
Chapter 4: Starting a WAC Program: Strategies for Administrators, by Karen Wiley Sandler | 2000 Edition
Chapter 5: Writing Across the Curriculum and/in the Freshman English Program, by Linda H. Peterson | 2000 Edition
Chapter 6: Writing-Intensive Courses: Tools for Curricular Change, by Christine Farris and Raymond Smith | 2000 Edition
Chapter 7: WAC and General Education Courses, by Christopher Thaiss | 2000 Edition
Chapter 8: Writing Components, Writing Adjuncts, Writing Links, by Joan Graham | 2000 Edition
Chapter 9: The Writing Consultant: Collaboration and Team Teaching, by Peshe C. Kuriloff | 2000 Edition
Chapter 10: The Writing Center and Tutoring in WAC Programs, by Muriel Harris | 2000 Edition
Chapter 11: Changing Students' Attitudes: Writing Fellows Programs, by Tori Haring-Smith | 2000 Edition
Chapter 12: Conclusion, by Margot Soven | 2000 Edition
Appendix: Starting a WAC Program: Recommended Reading | 2000 Edition
Publication Information: McLeod, Susan H., & Margot Soven (Eds.). (2000). Writing Across the Curriculum: A Guide to Developing Programs. The WAC Clearinghouse. https://wac.colostate.edu/books/landmarks/mcleod-soven/. (Originally published in 1992 by Sage)
Publication Date: August 23, 2000
Contact Information:
Susan H. McLeod: mcleod@writing.ucsb.edu
Margot Soven: soven@lasalle.edu
Series Editor: Mike Palmquist, Colorado State University
This book is available in whole and in part in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).
Copyright © 1992 / 2000 Susan H. McLeod and Margot Soven. Used with Permission. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website. For permission to use materials from this book in other publications, please contact Susan H. McLeod and Margot Soven.