The lists below contain writing studies research that was found using a handful of resources and databases. It is only the beginning of what will be developed into a more complete resource on writing studies research publications around the world not written in English. One of the goals of this bibliography is to show how scholars produce knowledge about writing as a field of study. It also affords opportunities to learn about writing studies through symbols different from those commonly used in any one home country. By searching for sources in multiple languages the bibliography can and will become a useful way to understand and collaborate with scholars in the field so that the knowledge produced about writing is constantly expanding. Also, the bibliography serves as a hub for all who are interested in doing writing studies research across disciplines and languages.
Thus far searches have been conducted online using Google Scholar, university library databases, and publication lists found on the web pages of some scholars in the field. The specifics of the search methods, including successes and/or failures, are at the beginning of each country's page. Click on the country of interest below to read the details and to see the bibliography.