Edited by Angela B. Kleiman
The meanings of Literacy: A New Perspective on the Social Practice of Writing brings together the work of nine Brazilian researchers on the subject of literacies. Their contributions explore the concept of literacies and its impact on the teaching of writing from a sociocultural paradigm. The work constitutes a milestone in Latin American literacy studies and remains relevant more than 25 years after its original publication. It covers a variety of debates that cross multiple disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches, including perspectives from sociolinguistics, critical discourse analysis, and ethnography.
The edited collection provides detailed explanations of the concepts of literacy and writing throughout the educational trajectory, aligning itself with "the path traced by Paulo Freire" (Kleiman, 1995, p. 8) and with international debates on a critical view of literacies by, for example, Brian Street and Shirley Brice Heath in the 1980s. The book is organized in three parts: the mode of participation of orality in literacy (with three chapters), the illiterate in literate societies (three chapters), and the verse and reverse of literacy (with two chapters). Written by well-known Brazilian researchers taking different theoretical perspectives, the chapters investigate a plurality of social practices and contexts (school, family, media) and include multiple voices, both of the schooled and the unschooled, bringing illuminating data for an unprejudiced view of the literacy practices of unschooled groups in parallel with a view of writing as a right of these communities. The historical importance of the book and the relevance of the studies on literacies and the accompanying pedagogical proposals make this collection an assuredly significant contribution to contemporary research.
Introdução: O que é Letramento? Modelos de Letramento e as Práticas De Alfabetização na Escola, Angela B. Kleiman
Parte l: Modo de Participação da Oralidade no Letramento
Concepções Não-Valorizadas De Escrita: A Escrita como "Um Outro Modo de Falar", Roxane Helena Rodrigues Rojo
A Oralidade e a Construção da Leitura por Crianças de Meios Iletrados, Sylvia Bueno Terzi
Variação Linguística e Atividade de Letramento em Sala de Aula, Stella Maris Bortoni
Parte II: 0 Não-Escolarizado na Sociedade Letrada
Letramento, Cultura e Modalidades de Pensamento, Marta Kohl de Oliveira
Letramento e (in)Flexibilidade Comunicativa, Ines Signorini
Práticas Discursivas de Letramento: A Construção da Identidade em Relatos de Mulheres, Izabel Magalhaes
Parte III: Verso e Reverso do Analfabetismo
Analfabetismo na Mídia: Conceitos e Imagens Sobre o Letramento, Maria de Lourdes Meirelles Matencio
Ação Politica: Fator de Constituição do Letramento do Analfabeto Adulto, Ivani Ratto
Angela Kleiman is a retired full professor from UNICAMP and retired senior researcher (1A) from CNPq. She holds a degree in English from Universidad de Chile and obtained her MA and PhD in Linguistics at the University of Illinois, USA. Kleiman has been a pioneer researcher in Brazilian literacy studies and recognized as one of the most influential scholars in this area in Brazil and in Latin America. She coordinated the establishment of the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Institute of Language Studies at Unicamp, in 1982, and the creation of the Department's Master's and Ph. She published books like Leitura: Ensino e Pesquisa (2001); Texto e Leitor. Aspectos Cognitivos da Leitura (2011); Leitura E Interdisciplinaridade. Tecendo Redes Nos Projetos Da Escola (1999).
Publication Information: Kleiman, Angela B. (Ed.). (2022). Os Significados do Letramento: Uma Nova Perspectiva Sobre a Prática Social da Escrita (2nd ed.). The WAC Clearinghouse. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2022.1527 (Originally published in print in 2012 by Mercado de Letras)
Digital Publication Date: 2022
Print Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 978-1-64215-209-8 (pdf)
DOI: 10.37514/INT-B.2022.1527
Contact Information:
Angela B. Kleiman: akleiman@mpc.com.br
Latin America Section Editors: Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins, Chile (Editor in Chief); Violeta Molina-Natera, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia (Editor for texts in Spanish); Vera Cristovao, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil (Editor for texts in Portuguese); Ana M. Cortés Lagos, Syracuse University (Associate Editor).
International Exchanges Series Editors: Joan Mullin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Magnus Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology; Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University; and Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins.
This book is available in whole and in part in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).
Copyright © 2022 by Angela B. Kleiman and the authors of individual parts of this work. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. 294 pages, with illustrations and bibliographies. Available in digital format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website. For permission requests and other questions, such as creating a translation, please contact the copyright holder.