IWAC 2018 Archives

Fourteenth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference Archives
Auburn University
June 4 to 6, 2018

"Making Connections"

To say that work in higher education too often happens in silos is to state the obvious. Recognizing that academic work is often isolated, we aim to continue IWAC's long tradition of bringing different kinds of people together and of valuing the wide range of important work that happens at all levels and in all disciplines. We especially want to foster curiosity and conversation about how the values of disciplinary faculty connect to the values of writing specialists, about how academic courses connect to learning that happens in co-curricular programs, about how art is related to written texts, and about how K-12 teachers and university teachers can learn from one another. We aim to create a conference experience where people with differing expertise can connect, learn from each other, and carry that learning back to their classrooms, labs, faculty meetings, extension offices, and learning centers.

The Fourteenth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference was held on the campus of Auburn University on June 4th through 6th, 2018. The conference was directe by Margaret Marshall and hosted by the Auburn Office of University Writing. The conference planning committee included Christopher Basgier, Tricia Dozier, Nicole Gamache, Heather Stuart, and James Truman.

Conference Materials