Welcome to the WAC Clearinghouse Email Discussion Lists page.
AILA Research Network: Publishing and Presenting Research in a Global Context
Description: A network of the International Association of Applied Linguistics, this is open Google Group fosters the exchange of information and ideas about academic publishing in a global context.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, visit the website and click on the "Join Group" button.
ATTW-L: Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
Description: ATTW-L allows you to communicate through email with other members of the association. You can post job vacancies at your school, announce professional meetings, issue calls for papers, ask for assistance in locating pertinent research on a topic, survey the membership, exchange ideas for teaching, and discuss academic and professional issues.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, view archives, or change your list settings, visit the ATTW-L mailing list server at https://attw.org/mailman/listinfo/attw-l_attw.org.
CBW-L: Council on Basic Writing
Description: CBW-L is a listserv focused on basic writing and related issues. To view the archives, visit https://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CBW-L. You will be asked to log in using your email address and password.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, visit https://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=CBW-L&A=1.
Community Writing Listserv
Description: The Community Writing Listserv is provided by the Coalition for Community Writing, a network of scholars, writers, teachers, students, activists, and community organizers who use writing to enact social change. You can view the Coalition website at https://communitywriting.org.
Subscription Information: To subscribe or manage your subscription, visit https://communitywriting.org/mobilize/.
CPTSC: Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication
Description: The CPTSC email list supports conversations and announcements among administrators and faculty of technical, professional, and scientific writing and communication programs. To learn more, visit http://cptsc.org/mailman/listinfo/cptsc_cptsc.org.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, view archives, or change your list settings, visit http://cptsc.org/mailman/listinfo/cptsc_cptsc.org.
EATAW Email List: European Association of Teachers of Academic Writing
Description: This email list supports communication among member of EATAW, a scholarly organization that seeks to bring together those involved or interested in the teaching, tutoring, research, administration and development of academic writing in higher education in Europe. EATAW membership is free and is open to individuals from all over the world. To learn more, visit https://www.eataw.eu/.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, view archives, or change your list settings, visit https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=EATAW.
FSHRC: Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition
Description: The FSHRC email list supports conversations and announcements relevant to the mission of the coalition. To learn more, visit https://cfshrc.org/about-us/#social-media--email. The list is currently transitioning to a new platform, but messages are being forward through a distribution list.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, view archives, or change your list settings, visit https://cfshrc.org/about-us/#social-media--email.
Description: As a part of the IWCA Graduate Organization’s mission to support the networking of graduate students across various institutions and organizations, it has created a listserv for students to build community, share experiences, and post information about upcoming events, workshops, opportunities, and more. While IWCA-GO may be a graduate organization, it encourages other students to join as discussions and opportunities posted on the listserv may also apply to them.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, complete this linked Google form.
Description: NextGEN provides graduate students with a space to network, collaborate, share knowledge, and engage in critical, supportive, and thought-provoking interdisciplinary writing and rhetoric studies conversations on both a national and international level. More specifically, nextGEN offers these conversations in a space that is moderated by, and produced for, graduate students.
Subscription Information: To subscribe:
- Go to the nextGEN listserv subscribe webpage (http://listserv.uta.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?SUBED1=NEXTGEN&A=1)
- Check your email for a confirmation message from listserv@uta.edu
- Copy-and-paste the emailed confirmation link into your browser WITHOUT the “http://” prefix.
RhetComp List
Description: The Rhetcomp list discusses teaching rhetoric and composition in higher ed—first-year composition (FYC), professional and technical writing (PTW), creative writing, and any other kind of writing you can come up with. This list promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.
Subscription Information: To join the list, visit https://groups.google.com/g/rhetcomp and use the Join the Group link.
SLR: Senior, Late-Career, and Retired Profs. in RCWS
Description: This list serves members of the CCCC Standing Group for Senior, Late-Career, and Retired Professionals in Rhet-Comp/Writing Studies. You can learn more about the Standing Group at https://sites.google.com/view/cs-standing-group-for-senior-l/home.
Subscription Information: To subscribe or manage an existing subscription, visit https://sgslr-lists.org/list/slr.sgslr-lists.org.
Description: TechRhet is an online discussion list, managed through Google Groups. It supports discussions about using digital technology to teach and research composition, rhetoric, literature, and other topics.
Subscription Information: Visit the Google Group page at https://groups.google.com/g/techrhet. Look for the Join Group button or link.
Description: This is a Facebook Group of the Transnational Composition group at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, USA. The group also supports an email list (TransNationalWriting).
Subscription Information: You can join and post on the Facebook Group page. To join the listserv, send an email message to Bruce Horner at horner.bruce@gmail.com.
Two-Year College English Association
Description: The Two-Year College English Association distribution list supports discussion among those who teach in or interested in the work of two-year college English.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, visit the Google Groups page at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tyca-listserv and follow the directions on the page.
WAC-L: Writing Across the Curriculum
Description: The leading list for discussion of writing across the curriculum. To subscribe or unsubscribe (or to do anything else related to managing your subscription to the list), please visit https://lists.illinois.edu/lists/subscribe/wac-l.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, send an email message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.ILLINOIS.EDU.
WACNews-L: WAC Clearinghouse Announcements List
Description: This moderated list provides announcements about new open-access books, new journal issues, and new resources for the writing studies community. It supports the WAC Clearinghouse, a major publisher in the field of writing studies.
Subscription Information: To subscribe or unsubscribe (or to do anything else related to managing your subscription to the list), please visit https://lists.colostate.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/wacnews-l.
WCENTER: Writing Centers' Online Discussion Community
Description: The Wcenter listserv, although not affiliated with the International Writing Centers Association, is used by numerous writing center professionals who ask for advice and post research queries and writing center-related announcements to the writing center community. To subscribe to WCENTER, contact Elizabeth Bowen elizabeth.bowen@ttu.edu. Archive are available at http://lyris.ttu.edu/read/?forum=wcenter.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, send an email message to elizabeth.bowen@ttu.edu.
WPA Announcements: Google Group
Description: This Google group provides announcements of calls, job listings, conferences, and other matters of interest to Writing Program Administrators and those who teach rhetoric and composition in higher ed. Appropriate posts can include announcements for new sites, new books/articles, new journal issues, and other new/updated things of interest to those teaching in or managing writing programs. All messages are reviewed before posting. Please note that this is not a discussion list. It focuses only on distributing relevant details on new, evolving, and in-progress work relevant to the scholarship of writing, composition, rhetoric and teaching (and all the intersections of those areas). For questions about the list or to request that something is forwarded to the list, please contact the list owner, Traci Gardner <tengrrl@gmail.com>.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, visit https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/wpa-announcements/join.
WPA-GO: Writing Program Administrators-Graduate Organization
Description: WPA-GO sends announcements about relevant events, committees, and opportunities to members of the group. Members need not be members of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. To join WPA-GO, complete the membership form at https://forms.gle/VYqbYfZ7UfchVbV76. To subscribe or unsubscribe, use the same form.
WPA-L: Writing Program Administration (Archives Only)
Description: This list, established in 1993, was retired in 2021 and succeeded by the WritingStudies-L list (see below). Its archives are available at Searchable archives are temporarily available at http://lists.asu.edu/archives/wpa-l.html. Complete archives of the list are available for download in three locations:
- Uncompressed: https://ndusbpos.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/MiSUWritingStudies/EhUFZ3RFrf1BioC__6KX0EQBlfUPn_qu7GdeSK6N9PSFxg?e=TXC62F
- Compressed (ZIP): https://ndusbpos.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/MiSUWritingStudies/El36VigttRtEtglHwNXQTikBY7q8W64oldbtdMa2CpQEkg?e=XlUuEQ
- Via Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/WPA-L-1993-2021-Complete-Uncompresse
WritingAnalytics-L: Writing Analytics Discussion List
Description: The WritingAnalytics-L distribution list supports discussion among those who share an interest in the use of writing analytics tools to study writing processes, products, and instruction.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, visit https://lists.colostate.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/writinganalytics-l and follow the directions on the page.
WritingStudies-L: Writing Studies Discussion List
Description: The WritingStudies-L distribution list supports discussion among members of the field of writing studies. It is currently functioning in announcements-only mode and all posts are moderated. Posters are asked to use hashtags at the beginning of a subject line.
Subscription Information: To subscribe, visit WS-L Info and follow the directions on the page. The site also provides information about the list archives, board, and FAQs.