The following key words are used to organize and search the database.
+ Biology and Life Sciences
+ Chemistry
+ Engineering
+ Math, Computer Science, and Statistics
+ Physics and Earth Science
+ Introductory
+ Advanced
+ Capstone
Learning outcomes
+ Content knowledge
+ Conceptual understanding
+ Scientific method
+ Critical thinking
+ Communication
+ Metacognition
+ Professionalization (includes “Disciplinary ways of knowing”)
Research level
+ Descriptive
+ Analytic
+ Experimental
+ Meta-analysis
+ Review
Assignment type
# Grant proposals
# Group project
# In-class writing
# Journal articles (includes journal-style papers)
# Journaling
# Lab report
# Literature review
# Multi-media project
# Multiple assignments
# Op/ed (includes position papers)
# Peer review
# Reflective essay
# Research proposal
# Short paper
# Summary
# Synthesis
# Term paper
# Thesis
# Ungraded writing
# Writing for publication
Research methods
+ Assessment
+ Analysis of assignments
+ Comparison groups
+ Discourse analysis
+ Evaluations
+ Exams
+ Focus groups
+ Grounded analysis
+ Interviews
+ Qualitative
+ Quantitative analysis
+ Rubric
+ Survey
+ Think aloud protocols
+ ESL (English as a second language)
+ Faculty development
+ Engagement (includes motivation and civic engagement)
+ Misconceptions
+ Real world