URL: http://www.montgomerycollege.edu/Departments/WID/
Contact: Professor Christina Devlin at christina.devlin@montgomerycollege.edu or 240-567-6925.
Detailed Description: Our program, which first piloted in 2006-2007, is fairly new, although the college community is not new to WAC/WID. A WAC program in the late 80s-early 90s morphed into Critical Literacy before it fizzled out.
WID activities at Montgomery College, as well as release time of its coordinator, have been supported by two internal Make It Happen Innovation Grants and extensive collaboration and support from the Center for Teaching and Learning. The program had had its own budget line and full support since 2007--2008.
WID supports the work of faculty in Accounting by creating supplementary course webpages aimed at student writing. We also run a workshop for Health Sciences during their summer bootcamp.
Winner of the Diana Hacker Outstanding Program Award, NCTE/TYCA, 2009.