Roger and Joyce Howe Center for Writing Excellence. Miami University.


Contact: Elizabeth Wardle at or 5135296210.

Detailed Description: he Roger and Joyce Howe Center for Writing Excellence (HCWE) was founded in 2005 through a gift of $10.4 million from Roger and Joyce Howe. The Center opened in 2007. It exists to ensure that Miami students excel as college writers and are prepared to excel as writers in their careers, roles as community and civic leaders, and personal lives. The Center stands as a demonstrated statement of Miami's strong institution-wide commitment to writing.

The Center achieves its objectives through two main program areas: student writing centers and writing across the curriculum training and support for faculty and teaching assistants. In our student writing centers, with five physical locations plus an online "site," both undergraduate and graduate students can receive feedback and support on any writing project from trained peer consultants. Through our writing across the curriculum programs, faculty and graduate teaching assistants can receive ongoing support for developing writing courses, embedding writing across courses within programs, teaching writing effectively, and designing research projects to study writing. We also strive to support an environment at Miami where writing is used for sharing and innovating ideas and making change in the world. To that end, we sponsor activities such as boot camps, writing groups, and dissertation completion groups for faculty and graduate students, as well as writing contests and events for students across campus.