Call for Proposals

Conference Theme and Sub-themes

We are now inviting proposals on topics that relate to English Across the Curriculum and the following themes:

  • a. Role of EAC/WAC/CLIL in learning and teaching
    An emphasis is placed on the role of these approaches as a high-impact practice, on its role in enhancing student learning and success, and on improving how instructors can use and foster critical and creative thinking through writing and speaking.
  • b. Pedagogy and practices<
    A highlight is put on the wide range of instructional practices that use writing and speaking to support learning and critical thinking in various disciplines across the curriculum, in first- and second-language contexts, and in all levels of mainstream education.
  • c. Programme design, collaboration and assessment
    The focus can be placed on the choices for course design and assessment, on challenges in collaboration with discipline teachers, and supporting students. Regional and global perspectives are valued.
  • d. Technology-enhanced language learning
    With Covid-19, the attention can be on the use of technology to facilitate such collaboration.
  • e. Impact of factors affecting any of the above

Presentation Formats:

The EAC 2021 Conference strongly encourages presenters to deliver their presentations and colloquia synchronously in real time. Those who are in very different time zones from Hong Kong may have the option of a pre-recorded presentation. Unless otherwise indicated in the abstract submission process, all accepted presentations will be scheduled for real-time synchronous delivery.

Formats Length Details
Colloquium 60 minutes (45 minutes maximum for presentation, with at least 15 minutes for discussion) A series of short presentations on a specific current topic with active discussion with the audience. Maximum of 6 presenters.
Paper Presentation 30 minutes (20 minutes maximum for presentation, with 10 minutes for Q & A) A formal presentation of an ongoing or completed pedagogical / theoretical research on up-to-date approaches EAC/WAC/CLIL learning and teaching

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Proposals must include the following:

  • a. 15-word (max) title
  • b. 50-word (max) summary
  • c. 200-word (max) abstract
  • d. 50-word (max) bio for each presenter
  • e. Citation style: APA (7th edition)

Please submit the abstract online [form link removede]. You will then be taken to a submission process that starts with setting up a conference account.

Each person can appear on a maximum of two abstracts (whether paper presentation or colloquium) and only once as the first author (whether paper presentation or colloquium).

Authors should observe that the same proposal should not have been presented in another conference.

Deadline for submission: 30 November 2020, 11:59PM (Hong Kong Time) Extended to 15 February 2021, 11:59PM (Hong Kong Time)

Selection Process

All submissions will undergo a double blind review and the first author of accepted submissions will be informed by 16 March 2021.

The EAC Conference Organising Committee reserves the right of editing submitted proposals.

Review Guidelines

Each submitted proposal will be evaluated by at least two reviewers using a blind review procedure. The following evaluation criteria will be applied:

  • Relevance: The content of the proposal is relevant to the main theme and sub-theme(s) of the conference.
  • Strength of research: The proposal demonstrates the use of robust research methods in investigating the issue(s) concerned, with clear evidence of grounding in the relevant literature and appropriate analysis.
  • Interest and significance: The proposal is original, and contributes to scholarship, theoretical understanding, or current development in EAC/EAC/CLIL. It should stimulate the interest of conference participants.
  • Clarity: The proposal is properly written, complying with the proposal submission requirements. It is clearly presented in the appropriate language and style.

Key Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline 30 November 2020 (Extended to 15 February 2021)
  • Notification of acceptance by 16 March 2021
  • Registration deadline for presenters 20 April 2021
  • Abstracts submitted by participants who have not registered by 20 April 2021 will be removed from the programme.

All times listed above are in Hong Kong time (UTC+8).