Conference Collection

We are delighted to announce that an edited volume of selected papers presented at the 2018 EAC Conference has been provisionally accepted for publication in the International Exchanges book series by the WAC Clearinghouse and its print partner, the University Press of Colorado. The WAC Clearinghouse is the leading global resource for open access electronic publications in writing studies and writing across the curriculum.

Submissions for English Across the Curriculum: Voices from around the World should be revised versions of papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum on 3-5 December 2018. Inclusion in the collection will be determined through peer review by the editors. Presenters from across disciplines and institutions are particularly encouraged to submit. Collaborative submissions are welcome. In particular, we encourage contributions that focus on:

  1. Content and Language Integrated Learning
  2. Academic literacy in the discipline
  3. Writing and/or Speaking Across the Curriculum
  4. Assessment literacy for teachers across the disciplines
  5. Engaging staff and students in the discipline in improving language/literacy skills
  6. Evaluating the impact of any of the above

In addition to invited chapters by plenary speakers, the Volume will be divided into two sections - (a) for research-focused papers and (b) for papers relating to teaching practice/insights.

1st round of submissions: An extended abstract

By 28 February 2019, email an extended abstract of 1200 words (max) in APA style based on the paper/colloquium presented at the EAC conference to

Please indicate whether your paper belongs in the Research-focused Section or the Teaching Practice Section. Whether focused on research or teaching practice, a formal academic voice and structure are expected.

Your abstract should include

  1. brief introduction noting focus and/or central argument
  2. brief explanation of the literature informing your research/teaching
  3. brief description of your methods (for research section) or process (for teaching section)
  4. brief description of your findings for the Research section and structured pedagogic reflections on your practice for the Teaching section.
  5. conclusions and implications for research/teaching.practice

Please note the following:

  • The subject line of your email should read "EAC Conference Volume Submission".
  • The file should be in Microsoft Word format.
  • All presenters should have received an email from the editorial team with a template attached. Please use that template for your submission. If you do not have the submission template, email
  • Name your file with your first and last name and the first six words of the title of your presentation, e.g. "Jean Brown_Promoting academic skills in a physics".
  • The deadline for the 1st round of submissions is 28 February 2019.

Shortlisting and Notification

Shortlisting of the submissions will be determined through peer review by the editors. Writers will be notified of the results no later than 30 April 2019. Selected writers will be expected to submit a full paper of 4,000-6,000 words (all inclusive) by 31 July 2019.


Please email with any queries you may have about the Conference Volume.