The WAC Repository offers both a collection of peer-reviewed articles pertaining to WAC administration and pedagogy and a set of resources for the wider writing studies community that have been assembled through curation and crowdsourcing. The Repository is a collaboration between the WAC Clearinghouse and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.
The WAC Repository’s mission is to support teachers of writing across the disciplines and writing program administrators by creating a digital collection of peer-reviewed articles pertaining to WAC administration and pedagogy, as well as by housing various curated lists, crowd-sourced materials, collections, and exhibits. Through exchanges about implementing WAC principles and best practices in local contexts, the WAC Repository will prompt cross-institutional conversations and make visible the work of WAC practitioners, administrators, and stakeholders.
The WAC Repository sees these organizing principles as informing submissions. Submitted materials are expected to reflect some—but not all—of these principles. These principles fall into the following categories: instruction and pedagogy; student engagement; culture/community; program development; and assessment.
View peer-reviewed articles pertaining to WAC administration and pedagogy.
View smaller, more focused sets of materials organized by individual authors or teams of authors to shed insight on a particular topic or issue.
View larger, broadly focused sets of materials organized by individual authors or teams of authors to shed insights on a particular topic or issue.
View projects that feature works solicited in open calls for contributions to address a particular topic or issue.
View resources that support our professional, teaching, and writing activities.
View related projects on other websites.
View documents that provide introductory and/or foundational information pertaining to WAC, the WAC Clearinghouse, and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.
View related professional organizations.
ISSN 2997-8955