Guidelines for Book Reviews

Analytics accepts book review manuscripts that hold the potential to strengthen research in writing analytics.

Manuscripts calling attention to new books will situate the book within a particular field of research, establish the background of the author(s) or editor(s), establish the value of the contribution, and propose directions for further research along the trajectory suggested by the book.

Analytics publishes detailed book reviews of up to 1,500 words.

To propose a book review, contact the Editor-in-Chief. Working in developmental collaboration, the editor and the reviewer will ensure that the book is suited to the journal.

Formatting References

References should be formatted using APA style. For instructions on formatting references, see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.

Formatting Text

Please adhere to the following guidelines for formatting article text.

  • Upload article submissions in the Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Provide URLs for the references where available.
  • Double space text and use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses).
  • Place figures and tables at the end of the document. Use the phrase "Insert Table (or Figure) X here." to indicate their placement in the document.
  • Follow the instructions in Ensuring Anonymous Review for submissions to a peer-reviewed section of the journal.

The following titles should be used for the main section headings, and the issues below should be addressed for the corresponding sections.

Situating the Book

The section positions the book under examination and explains its significance.

This section includes information on

  • The origin and development of the book.
  • The intended audience for the book in terms of research specialization.
  • The research capability of the book to advance writing analytics.

Establishing Background

This section establishes the background of the author(s) or editor(s). If the review is of an edited collection, attention should also be paid to the research backgrounds of the chapter authors. Because writing analytics is a new area of research, especially important is the encouragement of early career authors and the identification of programs of research associated with the book.

Value Contribution

This section includes information that positions the book in terms of its contributions to writing analytics. The proposed value of the book should be very specific in terms of its potential to add to the expanding body of knowledge associated with new areas of research.

Directions for Further Research

Authors should conclude the manuscript with directions for further research identified in the book. Whether absent or present in the book, special attention should be paid to principles that will guide future research along the lines identified in the book.


Authors should cite relevant research related to the book under review. 

Reviewers' Expectations

See the Reviewer Guidelines for the review criteria used by reviewers of book review manuscripts.