About the Journal

The Journal of Writing Analytics (JWA), published annually, invites manuscript submissions investigating communication processes and genres as they occur in digital educational environments. Writing analytics is broadly defined as the study of writing processes and written texts through the use of a wide range of analytical tools, including those drawn from writing studies, corpus linguistics, cognitive psychology, and learning analytics.

Focus and Scope

JWA publishes articles of up to 16,000 words, research notes of up to 10,000 words, and book reviews up to 2,000 words.

Submissions will follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) in manuscript structure, reporting of results, and crediting sources.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts will be reviewed by specialists in a variety of fields: cognitive psychology; digital humanities; educational data mining; educational measurement; electronic forecasting; ethics; intelligent tutoring systems; learning analytics; linguistics; large language models; rhetoric and composition/writing studies; writing analytics; writing assessment; and writing in the disciplines. Depending on emphasis, manuscripts will be matched with appropriate members of the editorial board.

Colleagues are encouraged to contact the editors in advance of submission to identify research directions and ensure alignment with the journal’s multidisciplinary and applied aims. This preliminary process is intended, for accepted manuscripts, to result in publication within 4 to 6 months of submission.

The review process occurs in four phases:

  • Phase 1: Desk Check. Upon submission, the Editor-in-Chief will consult with the Editors to ensure that the manuscript is aligned with the journal’s emphasis.
  • Phase 2. Board of Reviewers. Once approved by the Editor-in-Chief, the manuscript will be assigned to two members of the Board of Reviewers who are specialists in the submitted area of research. Manuscripts will be reviewed within four weeks and returned with one of four recommendations: publish as submitted; publish with minor changes; revise and resubmit for consideration; and reject.
  • Phase 3: Appropriate Placement. Upon recommendation of the Board of Reviewers, the Editors will suggest the next appropriate steps.
  • Phase 4: Publication.

Publication Frequency

JWA is published annually in regular and special issues.

Association with Annual Conference

In association with the WAC Clearinghouse and host institutions, JWA hosts and annual international conferences. These conferences are an integral part of the journal and serve as an incubator for many of the articles published in the journal. 


The WAC Clearinghouse

Principles for Open-Access Scholarly Publishing

JWA endorses the WAC Clearinghouse Principles for Open-Access Scholarly Publishing

Abstract and Database Citation

JWA is indexed in the Scopus database. 

Sources of Support

The Department of English at the University of South Florida

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Journal of Writing Analytics is published by the WAC Clearinghouse. Copyright © by the authors and editors of the publications in the journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 United States License. The Journal of Writing Analytics is housed at and supported by the Department of English at the University of South Florida. ISSN 2474-7491