Displaying: 41 - 44 of 44

En Carrera: Escritura y Lectura de Textos Académicos y Profesionales
Tags: STEM, Pedagogy, WID, Writing
Lee y se Escribe en la Universidad Colombiana
Tags: Research, Pedagogy, Basic Writing, Writing
Emerging Writing Research from the Middle East-North Africa Region

Edited by Lisa R. Arnold, Anne Nebel, and Lynne Ronesi

The editors and contributors to this collection share scholarship that addresses how writing programs and writing-across-the-curriculum initiatives—in the Middle East-North Africa region and outside of it—are responding to the increasing globalization of higher education and contributing to international discussions about World Englishes and other language varieties as well as translingual approaches to writing and writing pedagogy.

Tags: multilingual, Rhetoric, Culture, TESL, Linguistics, Pedagogy, Writing
Research on Writing: Multiple Perspectives

Edited by Sylvie Plane, Charles Bazerman, Fabienne Rondelli, Christiane Donahue, Arthur N. Applebee, Catherine Boré, Paula Carlino, Martine Marquilló Larruy, Paul Rogers, and David Russell

In February 2014, 1200 researchers from 60 countries assembled in Paris for the third Writing Research Across Borders conference. Although this book cannot convey fully the rich diversity of the gathering, it attempts nonetheless to highlight key questions which are shaping the current state of research in the field of writing studies.

Tags: multilingual, Rhetoric, Culture, WID, technology, WTL, Linguistics, Pedagogy, Writing

Displaying: 41 - 44 of 44