
Series Editors: Christopher D. M. Andrews, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi; Chen Chen, Utah State University; Lydia Wilkes, Auburn University

The #writing series publishes open-access and print books in digital rhetoric, new media studies, digital humanities, techno-pedagogy, and similar areas of interest in emerging technologies and rhetoric/writing. The editors seek single- or co-authored monographs of any length that address themes, methodologies, and/or pedagogies in these areas. This series aims to publish two books a year as open-access PDFs as well as ePUBs and short-run prints. The open-access publications can have interactive media elements, as needed, while the bound imprints will be designed with static screenshots that refer readers to interactive elements in the online version. We are interested in books that require a few examples of multimedia within an otherwise linear argument, not screen-based books. #writing does not currently accept edited collections.

Books in the Series

Book CoverTransient Literacies in Action: Composing with the Mobile Surround

By Stacey Pigg

Drawing on qualitative fieldwork across a coffeehouse and learning commons, Transient Literacies in Action traces how 22 writers practice transient literacies with their phones and laptops while engaging in composing activities that range from seminar papers to amateur video game production. Reading across these cases, the book offers a glimpse into how composers navigate complicated atmospheres of ambient sociability, in which they integrate multiple social channels simultaneously by monitoring, participating in, and disengaging from social contact. Their movements to navigate intersecting social resources, in turn, produce new models of attention that depart from linear, hierarchical models. ... More

Book CoverCruel Auteurism: Affective Digital Mediations toward Film-Composition

By Bonnie Lenore Kyburz

bonnie lenore kyburz' reflective and deeply felt sense of (her) place in Composition creates room to consider some of the rhetorical dimensions and pedagogical implications of film work in writing classrooms and as digital scholarship. Invoking affect theorist Lauren Berlant's concept of "cruel optimism" to articulate the findings of her archival, analytical, and experiential methods, Cruel Auteurism describes a cultural shift within the discipline, from the primacy of print-based arguments, through an evolving desire to generate cinematic rhetorics, toward increasingly visible forms of textual practice currently shaping composition classrooms and digital scholarship. ... More

Book CoverNetwork Sense: Methods for Visualizing a Discipline

By Derek N. Mueller

In this book, the first published in the #writing series, Derek N. Mueller offers a methodological response to recent efforts by scholars in rhetoric and composition/writing studies to account for patterns indicative of the discipline's maturation. Influenced by work on distant reading (Moretti, 2005) and thin description (Love, 2010 & 2013), this monograph attends to forms of knowledge newly available via computationally mined, aggregated data from large collections of texts, which is then used to build experimental models for discerning non-obvious relationships ... More

Queries and Submissions

Please direct queries to the series editors. Submissions will be reviewed using an open peer-review process by members of our proposal board and the community.

To learn more about submitting to the series, please see our detailed Submission Guidelines, our Invitation to ContributeDiversity Statement, our statement on publication ethics, and our Guide for Authors and Editors. Please note that our reviews are also guided by the statement on anti-racist scholarly reviewing practices, which can be found at https://tinyurl.com/reviewheuristic.

Like other book series published by the Clearinghouse, books in our series are released under Creative Commons licenses. These licenses allow authors to retain copyright to their work. To learn more about these licenses, please view the Clearinghouse's Creative Commons Licenses page.

About the Publishers

The WAC Clearinghouse supports teachers of writing across the disciplines. The site receives support from Colorado State University and from its editorial staff and editorial review board and its hundreds of members who, through their collaborative efforts, add to and update information on the site. For more information about the Clearinghouse, please see our site information page. University Press of Colorado is a nonprofit cooperative publishing enterprise supported by several Western universities. For more information, visit upcolorado.com

About Our Publication Process

The #writing series offers books in free digital editions and low-cost print editions. Books are offered through a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. Copyright is held by the author(s) or editor(s) of the books. The publishers cover the costs of reviewing, designing, producing, and distributing the books. Any proceeds from sales of print books in the series are used to support the publication of subsequent books. Our goal is to make work available to the widest possible audience while maintaining the highest standards in scholarly publishing. We welcome contributions to the series and to the larger goal of supporting open-access scholarly publishing. If you have questions about the goals of the larger WAC Clearinghouse project, please contact Mike Palmquist at Mike.Palmquist@ColoState.edu.