Talking, Sketching, Moving: Multiple Literacies in the Teaching of Writing

By Patricia A. Dunn

CoverIn Talking, Sketching, Moving, Patricia Dunn presents a writing pedagogy that draws upon multiple literacies and then offers numerous, detailed examples of how that theory can be translated into classroom practice. Challenging the assumption that written texts play an almost exclusive role in the production of knowledge in composition classrooms, her book foregrounds other, more intellectually diverse ways of knowing: oral, visual, kinesthetic, spatial, and social pathways. In this book, Dunn describes what she and her students learned when they experimented with Freire's “multiple channels of communication” and how it helped them gain the metacognitive distance they needed for writing and revision.

Dunn is not the first person to encourage writing instructors to explore multiple literacies. But, with too few exceptions, those calls have been ignored—due mostly to narrow assumptions about how people come to know, as well as a vested interest in promoting language-based epistemologies. Ultimately, Dunn urges compositionists to expect more of themselves and their students.

Table of Contents

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Front Matter

Foreword, Stephen M. North


1. Challenging Theories of Knowing

2. Paulo Freire's “Multiple Channels of Communication”

3. Strategies for Using Sketching, Speaking, Movement, and Metaphor to Generate and Organize Text

4. Revising and Editing: Myths, Metaphors, and Multisensory Strategies

5. Using Non-Writing to Analyze Reading

6. Handling Professional Issues

Works Cited


About Patricia A. Dunn

Before earning a doctorate from The University at Albany (SUNY) with a concentration in composition studies, Patricia Dunn taught English at the high school and two-year college levels. She is currently Professor of English at Stony Brook University, where she teaches composition and English education courses. Her publications explore the nexus of composition, rhetoric, English Education, and disability studies. She is especially interested in the role multiple literacies play in the teaching of writing.

Publication Information: Dunn, Patricia. (2022). Talking, Sketching, Moving: Multiple Literacies in the Teaching of Writing. The WAC Clearinghouse. (Originally published in 2001 by Boynton/Cook)

Publication Date: October 21, 2022

Practices & Possibilities

Series Editors: Aimee McClure, Clarke University; Mike Palmquist, Colorado State University; Aleashia Walton, University of Cincinnati
Associate Editor: Jagadish Paudel, University of Texas at El Paso

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Copyright © 2001/2022 Patricia A. Dunn. This book was originally published by Boynton/Cook Publishers. Available in digital format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website.