Edited by Barbara J. D'Angelo, Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, and Janice R. Walker
Copy edited by Brandy Bippes. Designed by Mike Palmquist.
This collection brings together scholarship and pedagogy from multiple perspectives and disciplines, offering nuanced and complex perspectives on Information Literacy in the second decade of the 21st century. Taking as a starting point the concerns that prompted the Association of Research Libraries (ACRL) to review the Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education and develop the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (2015), the chapters in this collection consider six frameworks that place students in the role of both consumer and producer of information within today's collaborative information environments. Contributors respond directly or indirectly to the work of the ACRL, providing a bridge between past/current knowledge and the future and advancing the notion that faculty, librarians, administrators, and external stakeholders share responsibility and accountability for the teaching, learning, and research of Information Literacy.
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Introduction, Barbara J. D'Angelo, Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, and Janice R. Walker
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.1.3
Part I. Situating Information Literacy
Chapter 1. Writing Information Literacy: A Retrospective and a Look Ahead, Rolf Norgaard and Caroline Sinkinson
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.01
Chapter 2. Threshold Concepts: Integrating and Applying Information Literacy and Writing Instruction, Barry Maid and Barbara D'Angelo
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.02
Chapter 3. Employer Expectations of Information Literacy: Identifying the Skills Gap, Dale Cyphert and Stanley P. Lyle
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.03
Chapter 4. Creating and Exploring New Worlds: Web 2.0, Information Literacy, and the Ways We Know, Kathleen Blake Yancey
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.04
Chapter 5. Information Literacy in Digital Environments: Construct Mediation, Construct Modeling, and Validation Processes, Irvin R. Katz and Norbert Elliot
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.05
Part II. Researching Information Literacy
Chapter 6. What the Citation Project Tells Us about Information Literacy in College Composition, Sandra Jamieson
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.06
Chapter 7. Preliminary Paths to Information Literacy: Introducing Research in Core Courses, Katt Blackwell-Starnes
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.07
Chapter 8. Approximating the University: The Information Literacy Practices of Novice Researchers, Karen Gocsik, Laura R. Braunstein, and Cynthia E. Tobery
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.08
Chapter 9. Understanding and Using Sources: Student Practices and Perceptions, Patti Wojahn, Theresa Westbrock, Rachel Milloy, Seth Myers, Matthew Moberly, and Lisa Ramirez
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.09
Chapter 10. Writing Information Literacy in First-Year Composition: A Collaboration among Faculty and Librarians, Donna Scheidt, William Carpenter, Robert Fitzgerald, Cara Kozma, Holly Middleton, and Kathy Shields
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.10
Part III. Incorporating and Evaluating Information Literacy in Specific Courses
Chapter 11. Up the Mountain without a Trail: Helping Students Use Source Networks to Find Their Way, Miriam Laskin and Cynthia R. Haller
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.11
Chapter 12. Ethics, Distribution, and Credibility: Using an Emerging Genre to Teach Information Literacy Concepts, Christopher Toth and Hazel McClure
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.12
Chapter 13. Information Literacy Preparation of Pre-Service and Graduate Educators, Susan Brown and Janice R. Walker
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.13
Chapter 14. Not Just for Citations: Assessing Zotero While Reassessing Research, Rachel Rains Winslow, Sarah L. Skripsky, and Savannah L. Kelly
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.14
Chapter 15. Quantitative Reasoning and Information Literacy in Economics, Diego Méndez-Carbajo
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.15
Part IV. Collaborating to Advance Programmatic Information Literacy
Chapter 16. Moving Ahead by Looking Back: Crafting a Framework for Sustainable, Institutional Information Literacy, Lori Baker and Pam Gladis
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.16
Chapter 17. Supporting Academics to Embed Information Literacy to Enhance Students' Research and Writing Process, Angela Feekery, Lisa Emerson, and Gillian Skyrme
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.17
Chapter 18. Building Critical Researchers and Writers Incrementally: Vital Partnerships Between Faculty and Librarians, Alison S. Gregory and Betty L. McCall
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.18
Chapter 19. Impacting Information Literacy through Alignment, Resources, and Assessment, Beth Bensen, Denise Woetzel, Hong Wu, and Ghazala Hashmi
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.19
Chapter 20. Bridging the Gaps: Collaboration in a Faculty and Librarian Community of Practice on Information Literacy, Francia Kissel, Melvin R. Wininger, Scott R. Weeden, Patricia A. Wittberg, Randall S. Halverson, Meagan Lacy, and Rhonda K. Huisman
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.2.20
Afterword, Trudi E. Jacobson
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834.3.2
Barbara J. D'Angelo is Clinical Associate Professor of Technical Communication at Arizona State University and Graduate Advisor for the MS in Technical Communication Program. She formerly served as Director of Assessment and Curriculum for the undergraduate technical communication degree program and coordinated a multi-section professional writing course for nurses. She has presented and published on topics related to information literacy, technical communication, writing assessment, and curriculum development at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, the Association for Business Communication annual convention, and the International Writing Across the Disciplines conference among others. She is the recipient of the 2011 Francis W. Weeks Award of Merit from the Association for Business Communication.
Sandra Jamieson is Professor of English and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at Drew University, where she teaches first-year writing and writing studies and pedagogy courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. She is one of three principal researchers in the Citation Project, a multi-site quantitative and qualitative study of student source-use practices. Her publications include the co-edited collection Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum (with Shamoon, Howard, and Schwegler—winner of the Council of Writing Program Administrators Best Book of the Year Award, 2000-2001) and The Bedford Guide to Writing in the Disciplines: An Instructor's Desk Reference (with Rebecca Moore Howard). She has published articles and chapters on information literacy, research, plagiarism, reading, the writing major, writing across the curriculum, the vertical writing curriculum, textbooks, and multicultural education.
Barry Maid is Professor and Founding Head of the Technical Communication Program at Arizona State University. He was head of that program for ten years. Previously, he was Chair of English at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock where he helped lead the creation of the Department of Rhetoric and Writing. He is the author of numerous articles and chapters primarily focusing on technology, independent writing programs, and program administration including assessment. He and Barbara D'Angelo have written multiple articles on information literacy and writing. In addition, he is a co-author, with Duane Roen and Greg Glau, of The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life.
Janice R. Walker is Professor of Writing and Linguistics and Chair of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Georgia Southern University. She has published journal articles, book chapters, and books about online research, documentation, intellectual property, and information literacy, including The Columbia Guide to Online Style (with Todd Taylor); Bookmarks: A Guide to Writing and Research (with John Ruszkiewicz and Michael A. Pemberton); and TNT: Texts and Technology (with Ollie O. Oviedo). She is founder and coordinator of the Graduate Research Network at the annual Computers and Writing Conference and co-coordinator for the Georgia Conference on Information Literacy hosted annually by Georgia Southern University. Her current research includes serving as the Principal Investigator for the LILAC Project (Learning Information Literacy across the Curriculum), a multi-institutional study of students' online information-seeking behaviors.
Publication Information: D'Angelo, Barbara J., Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, & Janice R. Walker (Eds.). (2016). Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado. https://doi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834
Web Publication Date: September 29, 2016
Print Publication Date: March 1, 2017
ISBN: 978-1-64215-083-4 (pdf) | 978-1-64215-084-1 (epub) | 978-1-60732-657-1 (pbk.)
DOI: 10.37514/PER-B.2016.0834
Contact Information:
Barbara J. D'Angelo: bdangelo@asu.edu
Sandra Jamieson: sjamieso@drew.edu
Barry Maid: Barry.Maid@asu.edu
Janice R. Walker: jwalker@georgiasouthern.edu
Review by Carrie Forbes, in Communications in Information Literacy, July 12, 2017.
Series Editors: Susan H. McLeod, University of California, Santa Barbara, and Rich Rice, Texas Tech University
This book is available in whole and in part in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). It is also available in a low-cost print edition from our publishing partner, the University Press of Colorado.
Copyright © 2016 Barbara J. D'Angelo, Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, and Janice R. Walker. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. 464 pages, with notes, illustrations, and bibliographies. Available in print from University Press of Colorado as well as from any online or brick-and-mortar bookstore. Available in digital format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website.