The Coronavirus Stories Archive

Like many throughout the world, teachers and students have found themselves in the midst of a dangerous pandemic. As we learned more about the COVID-19 virus and the statistics started trickling in, we collectively tensed in shock. Overnight, as teachers and students we've been tasked to move, teach, and learn online (or, as some have called it, to do so "remotely")—an environment with which teachers and students often have little or no experience. Teachers have turned to email lists, social media, and the web to develop their online pedagogies, and students have scrambled to find out what this new environment will require and what the technology changes associated with it will mean. We've developed this archive to collect our teaching, learning, and personal experiences, shared and individual, so that we can understand this important moment in history. We expand on our reasons for creating this archive on our background information page.

Share Your Stories

The Coronavirus Stories Archive allows you to share your experiences — anonymously or otherwise — so that we can understand how, as a community, we reacted, adapted, and came through the pandemic. The site also provides resources for teachers who wish to develop writing assignments around the pandemic.

Instructor Resources

  • Learning & Living in the Time of Coronavirus: Project Introduction and Sample Lesson Plan, provided by Lindsey Harding (PDF | Word/RTF)
  • Changes—Experiencing and Writing about Coronavirus: Writing Assignment, provided by John Scenters-Zapico (PDF | Word/RTF)

Do you have an assignment to contribute? Please send it to John Scenters-Zapico at

View the Stories

The following stories have been reviewed by the Archive editors and released for viewing.

New: You can also view stories that have been organized into collections.

Sort List By: Story Title | Story Author | Date (Most Recent First)

What It Was Like, by Anonymous
Covid entries , by Anonymous
Working during Covid, by Anonymous
My Experiences During Covid, by Esmeralda Vargas
Reflective Reality, by Anonymous
COVID-NineScreen, by Anonymous
Untitled, by Anonymous
COVID Experience, by Anonymous
Untitled, by Anonymous
Pictures of Our First Year, by Bethany Pelonis
The Inevitable , by Anonymous
selfish, by elizabeth nieto
My Covid Experince, by Nick Racowschi
Sitting Within the Noise , by Yvet J. Perez
The Cold Equation, by Emily Perez
The exposure of 2020, by Anonymous
Untitled, by Anonymous
Discovery and Protection , by Katin Catalina. Cedarholm
138 days, by Ariana Guido
My Corona Story, by natalie valentine
Unexpected TImes , by Anonymous
Untitled, by Anonymous
covid, by Anonymous
Who Knows What Day It Is, by Sabrina Gonzalez
The Unexpected Pandemic, by Lizeth Chavez
Just A Number, by Lana LL. Fitton
My experience with COVID-19, by Michelle Hoang
COVID-19 , by Anonymous
New Normal, by Anonymous
Letter to My Bestfriend, by Thao T. Phan
experience of covid19, by Anonymous
The COVID-19 Life Struggles, by Daisy Castaneda
COVID-19 , by Anonymous
My COVID-19 Memories , by Jose Dumm
My 2020 Playlist , by Anonymous
My Life Through this Pandemic, by Erica Mae Louise N. Binauhan
The Never-Ending Cycle, by Sina C. Madsen
A Letter to my Family, by Anonymous
The New Normal, by Riley Sellers
A Big Change , by Anonymous
Coronavirus Life, by Riley S. Day
Untitled, by Eli Matuszak
Dysmorphia, by Anonymous
My Life During the Coronavirus, by Charlie Shumway
The Spark Within the Dark, by Treyden Buder-Nakasone
Dancing in a Pandemic, by Grace Turner
My Corona Story, by Anonymous
Our lives in 2020, by Anonymous
Trust the Journey, by Anonymous
The Invisible Threat, by Anonymous
Untitled, by Matthew Rostomian
Social Media, by Sara Matul
Mother Nature, by Jefri Lindo
Coronavirus Setback, by Cesar Ibarra
The Coronavirus Pandemic, by Kimberly Gonzalez
Change of Routine, by Xitlalli Gomez
COVID-19 & Volunteer, by Briana Frias
My Subtle Thoughts, by Diana Farhat
My Coronavirus Story, by Ece Naz Ertunc
My Coronavirus Story, by Jason Diaz-Garcia
Life During Pandemic, by Daphne Cebreros
Coronavirus Story, by Juan Cardenas
The Result of COVID-19, by Michael Bautista
Untitled, by Maria Barrios
More Than Just a Virus, by Alyssa Barajas
Anonymous 1, by Anonymous
Untitled , by Anonymous
COVID-19 Chronicles , by Cristina Zirate
The Strike of the New Norm , by Briana Sontay-Perez
My Writing Journal , by Krystal Segura
Writing during the Epidemic , by Aisha Secundino
My New Life, by Erick Salazar
A Battle Far from Unique, by Caleb Rodriguez
Life in a Pandemic, by Yesenia Quezada
Life Between Four Walls, by Jesus Perez
Untitled, by Chaeyoon Oh
Quarantine Life , by Jesus Jack Nichol II
My Current Thought, by Jossely Narvaez
Living through this Pandemic , by Ashley McCormick
Inside of Pandemic, by Claudia Lara
Covid Chronicle , by Omar Joma
The COVID Chronicles , by Jacob Hertz
Life of a Journal, by Valerie Garcia
The Beauty of Our Mind , by Noel Garcia
Writing our Memories, by Diana Citalan
A Positive Outlook, by Luigi Ciccia
Through Writing, by Jeffrey Chan
Freedom Within a Quarantined Life, by Daniela Alvarez-Orozco
New Normal, by Mario Avila
Stuck Inside, by Jonathan Argueta-Cruz
My Thoughts During Quarantine, by Julia Blanchard
The Unexpected Virus, by Anonymous
WHAT A BOTHER, by Lisa Owusu Safo
Living Through the Pandemic, by Camila C. Vega Molina
You are Quarantined Here, by Brian Jauregui
Untitled, by Anonymous
Dear Future Generation , by Ester Serrano
Untitled, by Anonymous
New Perspective , by LESLEY HUIZAR
The Plan Untold, by Nyla Manuel
Untitled, by Anonymous
Writing to Santa, by Anonymous
Diary Entry #1: The Unexpected, by Melissa G. Cervantes-Anguas
Untitled, by Anonymous
Untitled, by Anonymous
Dear Professor,, by Patricia Navarra
Pandemic Concerns, by William (Bill) A. Younglove
Untitled, by Anonymous
Finding Blue Skies, by Riley Moon
Untitled, by Ron Scott
Engagement at distance, by Charles Bazerman
Virtually aware, by Geoff Clegg
We Could Just Be Kind, by Megan McIntyre
Fuck Academic Rigor, by Mara Lee Grayson
Corona-virus Diary, by Anonymous
Food Transports, by Nick Carbone
with covid-19, by Anonymous
Gut Feelings, by John T. Scenters-Zapico
What I know..., by Bernadette Stockwell
Untitled, by Sarah Moon
Untitled, by Aaron J. Barlow
Everything Was Happening Too Fast, by Emma Lee. Guthrie
Covid Entry, by Anonymous
Untitled, by Deborah Mutnick
Untitled, by Anonymous
Untitled, by Holly Gallagher