Frequently Asked Questions

All information is up-to-date as of February 14, 2023. Please check back regularly for new and updated information.

Question: What time does the conference start on June 14?

Answer: June 14 will be pre-conference workshops. One workshop is included in your registration price, and an additional can be purchased for $50. The first session of workshops will begin at noon and the second at 3:30. You will be able to select which session you wish to attend at registration.

Question: What time does the conference end on June 17?

A: The conference will end with lunch and our final keynote address. We anticipate this concluding around 1:30 p.m.

Question: How do I know which day/time I’ll be presenting?

A: A finalized session schedule is now available on our website. Due to space limitations, we are not able to accommodate schedule changes. If there is a conflict, please email our team for assistance. If you are speaking in multiple sessions, please note the dates and times for all your presentations.

Question: How do I reserve a spot in the hotel block?

A: IWAC 2023 is offering six different lodging options for attendees, which can be found on our travel and lodging page. Depending on the hotel you wish to book, you should either follow the direct booking link provided on that page or call the hotel to let them know you are part of IWAC 2023.

Question: Are there discounts available for registration?

A: Yes! IWAC 2023 is offering 10% off registration for AWAC members, members of the 2023 advisory board, and Clemson faculty, staff and students. If you fall into one of those categories, you should have received an email with a promotional code. If you did not, please contact us at for assistance.