Fifteenth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference Archives
Colorado State University | August 2-6, 2021

Celebrating Successes, Recognizing Challenges, Inviting Critique and Innovation

In their history of the Writing Across the Curriculum movement, Bazerman and his colleagues (2005) observe, “As far as has been documented, the earliest Writing Across the Curriculum faculty seminar was led by Barbara Walvoord in 1969-70 at Central College (a four-year liberal arts college in Pella, Iowa)” (p. 26). The Fifteenth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference marked the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. Walvoord’s seminar—and provided an opportunity to celebrate and reflect, individually and as a field, how our well-established educational movement has grown and continues to evolve.

All Presentations Available in Video

Because IWAC 2020 was presented virtually, all the plenary sessions and presentations as well as two of the pre-conference workshops were recorded and are available for viewing. To view them, open the conference program and look for the View the Presentation on YouTube boxes at the end of each session abstract. The videos are close captioned and have been reviewed for accuracy (for example, we routinely changed  whack to WAC), but we'd appreciate your help correcting any errors you find. If you see errors, please contact Mike Palmquist.

The Fifteenth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference was hosted by Colorado State University in a virtual format from August 2nd through 6th, 2021. It was originally scheduled for June 2020, but was postponed due to complications brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Because the conference was held virtually, all sessions were recorded. Session videos are available through this site. All videos include edited closed captions.

Links to the video for each presentation, including the plenary addresses, can be found in the program

Conference Materials

About the Conference Team: The conference was directed by Mike Palmquist and co-directed by Caleb González, Matthew Klingstedt, Madeline "Annie" Halseth, Jesse McLain, and Michael Todd. The conference planning committee included more than three dozen WAC scholars.

About the Conference Logo: The conference logo celebrates the long history of the conference, picking up on the logo developed for the 2006 conference held at Clemson University.