News, Events, and Calls

Traci Gardner
- Traci Gardner, News Editor

We publish news from the WAC and writing communities. Visit to catch up on upcoming conferences, see calls for proposals, notices of newly published books and other scholarly projects, stories of WAC programs and practitioners in the news. If you have WAC news you want to share, please send a note to

February 25, 2022
Elementary Students Focus on WAC in Science

Elementary students complete quick writes and then a think-pair-share activity.

February 24, 2022
Long Branch Elementary Students Write about Weather

Long Branch Elementary students are writing across the curriculum as they learn about weather.

February 23, 2022
Collaborative Science Notes as Active Learning in WAC

Students examine evolution and natural selection as they write collaborative science notes.

February 22, 2022
AWAC Announces 2022 Research Initiative Grants

AWAC announced its Research Initiative Grants, which support graduate students, early career researchers, scholars working with underrepresented groups, and international collaborations in research of benefit to the WAC community. $1200 awards are being offered in four categories.

February 22, 2022
Teachers Focus on WAC Feedback and Assessment

Teachers examine how written feedback and active learning strategies work in the classroom.

February 21, 2022
The WAC Journal Seeks Proposals and Submissions

Have something to say about writing across the curriculum? Submit your work to The WAC Journal!

February 18, 2022
Teachers Explore Interactive Writing Across the Curriculum

Teachers examine taking risks and accepting failure as they explore WAC.

February 17, 2022
A Love Letter to Writing Offers WAC Strategies

The Georgia Department of Education and Georgia Public Broadcasting's Education Division offer a love letter to writing, which shares WAC tips and strategies.

February 16, 2022
Writing Black History at Wilkes University

Students at Wilkes University celebrate Douglass Day by writing Black history.

February 15, 2022
Writing Tasks in the Subject Areas

NAC Learning Academy session asks attendees, “Which writing tasks do pupils have to do in your subject area?” Check out their answers.