Adapting VALUEs: Tracing the Life of a Rubric through Institutional Ethnography

  • Sep 7, 2022

CoverAdapting VALUEs: Tracing the Life of a Rubric through Institutional Ethnography, by Jennifer Grouling, examines the use of the American Association of Colleges and Universities' VALUE rubric for written communication at two small universities.

Through the lens of institutional ethnography, Jennifer Grouling examines how faculty and administrators adapted the rubric for their own purposes and writing programs. Throughout the book, Grouling explores the ways in which faculty members' interactions on committees, views of the classroom, disciplinary affiliation, and racial privilege impacted their views of this national rubric.

Overall, Adapting VALUEs offers valuable insights into the power of the rubric as both a national and a local text that dictates pedagogical and administrative practices.

Adapting VALUEs appears  in the Perspectives on Writing book series, which is edited by Rich Rice, Heather Falconer, and J. Michael Rifenburg. This book, like other books published by the Clearinghouse, will be available in a print edition from University Press of Colorado in the coming months.